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If you could change just one thing..

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    If you could change just one thing..

    Tonight, sitting here. not a drop of my old mate al. thinking, what if.

    what if you could go back in time and change one thing about your life. just one thing, what would that be. i could go back and finnish school. i could go back and change my teen years, from being stoned all the time and getting into trouble. i could go back and change that my mum and my step dad stayed together, and we all lived together. i could go back and change the relationship with my dad, maybe even hang out together a bit more. boy that would be nice.

    if i could go back and change just one thing... it would be, the disrespecting peice of shit i use to be to Soph my ex, when i was drinking. and then maybe i wouldnt have to go back and change all the things i mentioned, i could start my own family, all live together, keep my children safe and away from the path i chose. and better anothers life as well as my own.

    What would the one thing you change if you could go back in time and change just one thing...????


    an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do

    If you could change just one thing..

    I would have married Robert the Farmer.
    Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



      If you could change just one thing..

      I too would have stayed in college and gotten into a field I am both good AND interested in, instead of just good at.

      But if I had only one thing to change it would be that at 11 I would tell everyone that I was being molested by my uncle. Instead I waited until I was 19, after trying to commit suicide several times and being put in a psych ward.

      But, I didn't and we can't change the past. Who knows, maybe having gone thru that made me much more able to related to other victims, I think so. :l


        If you could change just one thing..

        No regrets!!
        I am who I am.
        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


          If you could change just one thing..

          Hart, I am so pleased you finally found help!!
          Men who do that should be castrated -- from the neck down!!!!
          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            If you could change just one thing..



              If you could change just one thing..

              Hart - :l

              I would have finished college and uni and got a career to be proud of. Instead I hung about in the wrong crowd and achieved nothing.

              I would have been a sober bride and remembered my wedding.
              AF since Sunday 27th June 2010
              One Day At A Time

              Trying to be the best mother, daughter and friend that I can be.


                If you could change just one thing..

                Hi Karlo, how goes it with you?
                The one thing I would probably change would be never to have started drinking in the first place but it has contributed to who I am, given me a greater insight into things and a better empathy for others. I am who I am as they say and I am far less worried now about what people think of me than I used to, I have stopped comparing myself to everyone else
                There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                  If you could change just one thing..

                  i fear i have a list...

                  kept playing the piano (can pick it up again!)
                  finished college sooner (doing it now)
                  had another baby sooner (too old now, could adopt)
                  been awake when my mom took her last breath (we were there, but all asleep at 5:30 am)
                  not drank while i breastfed my daughter (not alot, but enough to feel guilty about)
                  never smoked cigarettes
                  wish i hadn't hidden my drinking for so long

                  there are also alot of things i've done that i am so glad i did!

                  lived in a tent for 6 months in the teton mtns
                  lived on the green river in utah in a shack and whitewater rafted the whole summer
                  had a baby on my own and nursed her til she was 2
                  rode my bike for years instead of having a car
                  told my mom how much i love and admire her and showered her with affection and appreciation
                  raised a great kid
                  have always had dogs in my life
                  married a great man
                  am close to my family
                  am sober
                  didn't have a tv until my kid's 3rd year
                  learned different crafts that i carry on
                  helped my sister build her straw bale house
                  made ammends with my dad
                  lived all over and made lots of great friends


                    If you could change just one thing..

                    I wish I had been more patient w/ my children when they were little. I was young and also immature. Can't take it back now, can only be an awesome mother to my now grown children...
                    AF since 2/4/10
                    Nicotine free since 3/31/10
                    FINALLY FREE


                      If you could change just one thing..

                      I am trying to get myself to the point where I have no regrets, that I am just me. So, I guess I wouldn't want to change anything...well, maybe, that I had never started smoking!

                      Hart ~ here's a hug:l


                        If you could change just one thing..

                        I wish that
                        I'd never started smoking
                        ....................... drinking
                        I also wish that I'd have been less selfish and had more than one child..Poor kid was so lonely growing up..We relocated every couple of years and I'm sure this would have been easier for her with a brother or sister in tow!
                        I'm gonna give her a huge hug tonight..she will probably think I've gone nuts :0)

