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The Next Day Thread Friday 20th March

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    The Next Day Thread Friday 20th March

    Morning all, well we are off to the Coromandel soon...pretty excited...I was feeling a bit flat when I went to bed last night. I think it was because I had 2 glasses of wine...I can feel it this morning. I definitely feel 100% better the morning after an AF day.
    Anyway, I'm off to pack the eski (chilly bin the Kiwis cal it...hehe...or "chully bun")will check in again before I go. If we take the 'puter we'll be on dial up UGH so I may be outa action util Sunday night.
    I said to Mr Cakes "I gotta say Bye to my friends online" otherwise they'll think I've gone on a 3 day bender!!! There'll be no bingeing...don't worry.


    The Next Day Thread Friday 20th March

    Morning - where is everyone?? I don't have much to say this morning, odd mood, hormones. Have a fab time Angel
    Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



      The Next Day Thread Friday 20th March

      Morning Betty and Angel,

      It is quiet in here today! What's up with that? Hope you guys are well. Enjoy your break Angel. Not much to report today. Been to the gym - pumped hard. All is going well. Had a glass and half of wine last night... ended up tipping the second half down the sink. Still bootcamping away. Hope that if anyone else drops in they have a good day too.

      Obstacles are those frightful things we see when we take our eyes of our goals - Henry Ford

      Will power, determination and friends can turn this :teeter: into this :wings:


        The Next Day Thread Friday 20th March

        Very quiet here today. My daughter was the perfect flamingo, nobody could see her on stage but she didn't care. Went to the gym, did 1 hour of fitball and 1 hour of a circuit class. Am very tired now and I still have housework to do before I collect the kids from school.


          The Next Day Thread Friday 20th March

          Very, very quiet here today. Has something happened? And why isn't it in the papers?

          I'm doing some 'close the house up for a couple of days' preparations because I'm off in the morning to enjoy the Melbourne Food Festival. I intend to eat out for brekky, lunch and dinner for two glorious days. Yummo!


            The Next Day Thread Friday 20th March

            Everyone enjoy their weekend breaks; suitably jealous here. Never managed to get up to the Coromandel, but enjoyed a few Marlborough Food and Wine Festivals...

            Thanks for chilli recipes the other day; I do add chilli to just about everything, was looking for more ways to preserve them (freeze, dry, sambals, in oil...)

            Anyway, I'm off to prepare for an extremely exciting weekend. Somewhere. Nothing to do with gardening. Honest.


              The Next Day Thread Friday 20th March

              Hi Guys,
              I'm abit late logging in today. Angel I hope you have a great time, I'm sure you will. Ezz I'm so pleased your little flamingo enjoyed herself. Esk well done on tipping out the rest of the wine (I need to do a little more of that myself).
              Tawny have fun tomorrow, I would love to go the Melbourne Food Festival (bit far to travel from QLD)
              Sweaty Betty I'm with ya on the hormones thing Hon (man they suck)
              Blondie big waves to you, have a great weekend.



                The Next Day Thread Friday 20th March

                Hello.... I thought I'd be reading through pages. I've been out shopping and the daily beach walk so only just turned the pute on.

                Angel, whatever the Coromandel is, have a ball. Tawns, enjoy the Melb F&W fest. Crystal enjoy voting. Ez, glad your daughter made such a great Flamingo.

                Everyone, have a lovely weekend whatever it is you may be doing.
                Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                AF May 23 09 to July 09
                AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                  The Next Day Thread Friday 20th March

                  Okay, I just read the rest of yesterday's thread. I know what the Coromandel is, sort of, Angel.
                  Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                  AF May 23 09 to July 09
                  AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                    The Next Day Thread Friday 20th March

                    Hi Pan,
                    Yes will be voting tomorrow.
                    Have a great weekend.


                      The Next Day Thread Friday 20th March

                      Yes, I will be voting too. Don't know who for yet. Like one candidate but not the party.
                      Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                      AF May 23 09 to July 09
                      AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                        The Next Day Thread Friday 20th March

                        Evening all! The weekend..yay!!

                        Have a safe, fun one, whatever you are doing..............G.

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

