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    The stranges thing ever. I haven't started my program yet (waiting for supplies to arrive) my husband and I were out last night for my best friends 40th. During conversation, and to my horror , my husband mentions we bought a bottle of vodka to take to (another party) her house on Sunday.

    See she had just come to my house and brought a bottle of vodka while my husband was out of town two days ago. She said you mean you (she was thinking my husband and I had shared the bottle) already finished that bottle I just brought?!?
    My husband just smoothed that right over, let her go ahead and think we both drank it, knowing full well he didn't have a drop of it.

    I really appreciate that he didn't allow her to realize just how sick I am but I am just struck that he doesn't see how sick I am.......or maybe he does???????
    :h :h :h :h



    He knows you have a problem....if he didn't he wouldn't 'cover' for you.
    Kinda like if you don't address a problem then maybe it will just go away.
    Sounds like he cares about you a lot but he doesn't know how to help.

    Hope that didn't come out to strong....
    maybe you two can talk about it?



      Its moments like that that slap us in the face and wake us up. It is hard to believe that there are people out there that rarely drink, that save it for social occasions, or don't even think about alcohol in their day to day lives. I think your husband probably has a clue, but like mine, maybe he doesn't realize how much more serious it is. My hubby drinks every day, and more times than not, he's the one cracking me open my first beer, and on and on. But, my husband is still convinced that we (or at least I) don't have a problem, and we're just leading stressful lives and dealing with it.

      Maybe Lisa's right, you should talk to hubby about it.
      Hope you have a wonderful weekend~




        Thanks for the insight Lisa,

        I did tell him that I thought I had a problem a few weeks ago. He got really angry at first but then he cooled off the next day. He sees it as mind over matter and an issue of self control.

        He is very supportive however I have reason to believe he will see taking medication to help me as trading one bad habbit for another. So I haven't told him that I am going to start this program. I am easing him into it I suppose. I will tell him once I have started and see results.

        Kinda hard to believe that I have so many people in my life that care for me and yet I am spiraling out of control right in front of them and they don't seem to see it. I suppose the longer this goes on the better I get at hiding it.:s

        :h :h :h :h




          I'm very very good at hiding things too so I know what you mean about that.
          I think most people do have a resource or people who care about them. The hard part is putting your problem out there and asking for that help and support.
          I like denial- if you deny the issue you don't have to deal with it.
          Sounds like your husband my have a bit of a problem with denial too....getting angry is a pretty good sign of that.
          I think it is a long road but the more you get comfortable addressing the problem the better you are able to deal with it. Mind you, this is coming from the person who just posted 'and I was doing so well'
          I wish you the very best and I think you are going great. Coming here is a big step I think. You take care of yourself. Your husband will be there for you.



            i went to the liquor store to purchase my ususal case of wine and upon checking out the young guy - who always checks me out said ' "WHAT - NO GIN TODAY????" THAT MADE ME FEEL REALLY GREAT.



              He Does realize how sick you are and how much you drink. That was the universe speaking to you both. He is a very kind person. He doesn't know what to do YET.

