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When I Don't Drink

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    When I Don't Drink

    When I Don't Drink

    I wake up to the dishes done

    Pray for my children with a clear head each night

    Read interesting books

    Am available to loved ones

    Catch up on side projects

    Feel connected to my Creator

    Eat well

    Wash my face before bed

    Excersize more often

    Educate myself on new subjects

    Show up for my children's Specials

    Spread joy and positivity to my co-workers

    Enrich the lives of the children I work with

    Am a better lover, friend, mother and adult

    Dream and believe in a future of possibilities

    When I DO Drink:

    Well, you know

    How about you?

    When I Don't Drink

    When I Don't Drink

    When I don't drink:
    I remember the night before.

    I sleep better and wake up refreshed and peaceful.

    I have rational discussions with people and don't have to worry about what I may have said or if I made sense.

    I have a productive day and have graditude for the day.

    I am more patient.

    I see the beauty in things and people around me.

    I try new things and have less fear.

    I do things I enjoy like cooking and gardening, reading and learning new things.

    When I drink:

    I never know for sure who I will be or what I will do. :s


      When I Don't Drink



        When I Don't Drink

        When I dont drink I:-

        Dont serve pigslops for dinner
        Dont feel like spending time with people who are big drinkers and are probably a bad influence
        Dont spend heaps of money on plonk
        Dont have to hide bottles of wine when I am well in to the second
        Eat normal healthy meals
        Dont eat chips or junk food
        Dont splurge on sweet stuff because I am having a carb craving
        Can always get into the car and take the kids where they have to go
        "The lazy man always works the hardest"
        "Pride always comes before a fall"


          When I Don't Drink

          my turn

          When I dont drink I:
          Am more in touch with my feelings
          Am proud of myself
          Am a better role model for the darling children (teens)
          Can pick up the kids where ever and when ever. This came in especially handy when it was a party and they got a ticket for underage drinking. (ouch) eeks
          Exercise regularly
          Eat better and dont pig out (as much)
          Look better/lose weight
          Feel better/more engery
          Save money and gas (no trips to the liquor store)
          Dont have to ever worry about a DUI and my name in the newspaper
          I feel safer
          I am harder to fool/smarter/brain works better even with topa

          Lori.....I could go on and on here
          Gabby :flower:


            When I Don't Drink

            Just have a minute to post . . . what a cool topic. thanks Lorik!

            When I don't drink:

            Ditto to most sentiments in above postings
            That nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach goes away.
            I have nothing to feel guilty about! (love that one!)
            I have very few hot flashes - loving that one too!

            When I drink . . . I hide from myself and the world!



              When I Don't Drink

              Wow, this is cool~

              When I don't drink :
              I play more, worry less
              Don't start ridiculous fights ~ the ones that I forgot what I was fighting for
              Don't have to pick up the cans in the morning, each clink hurting my pounding head
              Don't have to worry about what my neighbors must think of us, with all the empty cases of beer piling up in the garage...that is soooo embarrassing.
              I want to grow, and experience life instead of numbing up to "survive" it

              When I do drink:
              Not really a very usefull or productive person.

              Great idea, Thanks Lorik ~That was fun, to put down all the positive things about this new lifestyle.


                When I Don't Drink

                When I don't drink

                When I don't drink I...

                Set a good example to my teenage daughters

                Speak softly and nicely (mostly)

                Have good thoughts

                Have more patience with life's irritations

                Show my loved one's love and gratidtue

                Actually do what I say I am going to do

                Wake up with hope

                Am fun to be around (my oldest told me that last night when she said she was proud of me for not drinking wine every day!!!)

                Want to do better and be better

                Thanks Lori for starting this. It will be great to add to as time goes by and to look back on in the future!!!




                  When I Don't Drink

                  Lori - for sure you have picked a bone here...

                  Ditto to all sentiments above...

                  When I don't drink

                  I can answer the phone

                  I can answer the door

                  I can drive - wahey

                  I can speak to people without worrying if I smell of wine

                  I can take my doggies for walks

                  I can step out of my front door without shame

                  I can wash my hair every day

                  and the most poignant is I can do what I said yesterday, and carry it through

                  I can be ... normal ... again

                  Thanks Lori for starting this - superb. xxx
                  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                  Bambs aka Hydrogen

                  :h XXX :h


                    When I Don't Drink

                    When I don't drink

                    I can actually go out with girlfriends at night and not feel like I'm hiding something.

                    I don't eat everything on my plate, hubby's plate and what's left on the platter.

                    I actually accomplish things.

                    I save money - lots of it.

                    I don't drop stitches in my knitting and totally screw up something I've been working hard on.

                    I can stay awake until 9:30 at least.

                    I can keep an eye on my teenager and let him know that, yes, there is supervision in this household.

                    I can lose weight.

                    I can be productive.

                    What fun that was!!



                      When I Don't Drink

                      This has been the most influential thread... Bullet points on how we feel... No need to say owt else...

                      Except for... I do have a problem with a certain person upon this site... constantly RUDE and completely the opposite from everyonr on here.. If you want a dating agency me dear - then there are plenty, however you have NOTHING positive to say so wynot keep ure trap shut ?
                      oh and guess whom that is to?
                      amd don't waste your time sending weird messages to me Kanga
                      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                      Bambs aka Hydrogen

                      :h XXX :h


                        When I Don't Drink

                        Running this to the top because told mods group to go check this out. Just a reminder why we are doing this and inspirational if someone is falling a bit short of their goals.
                        Thanks again Lorik! Hugs, Mary


                          When I Don't Drink

                          When i don't drink.

                          I can be the real me.

                          I can collect my children from their friends after 5pm.

                          I am honest to others and myself.

                          I can think clearly.

                          I can wake up feeling proud.

                          I can plan ahead.

                          I can look forward to tomorrow.

                          I am a better husband, father, friend.

                          When i do.......

                          I do just enough in life to get me by...And thats no way to live.

                          I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                          One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                            When I Don't Drink

                            When i dont drink....

                            I can allow myself to have dreams and aspirations...and know that i can acheive them

                            I have more energy and i really appreciate everything i have

                            I am able to read books, go the gym and be productive

                            I am able to take my elderly grandma shopping

                            Im able to get a shower/bath, wash my hair, do my nails, pluck my eyebrows etc more than once a fortnight

                            I want to meet up with friends

                            I am able to realise that i actualy dont miss my's just the booze

                            I save ?70 per week on booze

                            I am a better person

                            I feel strong and in control

                            I dont hate myself as a person

                            When i do drink...

                            I am weak

                            I lose control

                            I despise myself

                            I lose all self respect

                            I cut myself off from everyone and wallow in self pity and dwell to much on the past instead of focusing on what a brilliant future i have in front of me

                            In short i become a horrid person.

                            Brilliant idea for a thread, that has really helped...iv never actualy thought to write it down like that. Makes you even more determined.


                            Lou Lou x x
                            "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                              When I Don't Drink

                              When I don't drink:

                              :h GREAT THREAD!!!!

                              I sleep like a "log"!!!

                              My face clears up and I look so much better

                              My back doesn't hurt as bad

                              I don't wake up w/ bruises all over myself that I don't know where they came from

                              I am a much better parent

                              I enjoy riding the horses sooooooo much more!

                              I enjoy working out sooooo much more

                              I wake up feeling clear headed

                              I enjoy my job sooooo much more

                              Thanks for the great thread!!:good:

                              Mary Anne

