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    I am a daily beer drinker. I'll go to happy hour and drink 4 pints of Coors Light then bring 4 16 ounce miller high life cans back to my place. I stopped last weekend and felt horrible. Just very weak and fatigued. I went on the internet and they said you could go into the DT's if you drink 6-8 pints of beer a day.That scared the shit out of me. I stopped a number of times and never had the DT's just felt horrible for weeks. Now I want to stop again but am scarred that I am going to have the DTs. Do not want to go to detox. Haven't drank so far today and feel ok. It is the second day of not drinking that all the withdrawal sets in. Anyone have any advice.


    Hi Jackson: I don't have advice about DTs but can I suggest you post this on the Need Help thread? You are likely to catch everyone's eye there. Go to MWO Forums and it will be in the list.

    I have seen people talk about tapering down for a few days before quitting completely too, but again, I'd want those who have experience to help you.

    DTs are not something to mess with.





      Jackson the link below is to an excellent thread about this topic:
      vegan zombies want your grains



        You OK?? Just checkin...Hoping so...!:goodjob:
        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:



          Hi JC
          I hope that you will let us know how it is going. I was a heavy beer drinker, almost daily. I experience horrible withdrawal and had to do it under medical supervision with benzodiazepines (ativan). I have never experienced DT's thank God. It would be best to withdraw with help from your doc if that is a possibility.
          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)




            I must admit that in my drinking days I went through the DT's many times. They are scary as hell. I never sought medical help for them, but thought I was about to die from them several times. It doesn't sound to me like you are close to DT's. Just withdrawl anxiety, etc. DT's make your heart race, your hands shake terribly, you can't think straight, you think you are dying.

            Stay off the beer and you should be fine. I don't think people usually get DT's from beer. Mostly from the hard stuff, which is what I used to do.

            No matter what you are giving up, it is hard and you will have some form of withdrawal symptoms. But they don't last very long. It is always worth it in the long run to stay away from the poison and continue to be strong.

            Good luck to you, my friend
            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.

