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Hello my long lost dear MYO friends.. it's me MM

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    Hello my long lost dear MYO friends.. it's me MM

    It was really nice to sit and read through some of the posts this morning. I have been thinking of you all and working my way back here.

    I did start drinking again last summer and tried to keep it under control (the big "control" word). For the most part I was quite sucessful, but it was always the monster hiding in the closet. I knew it, but ignored it. I wanted to have a normal social life after my divorce. As many of you know, I was sober for the first part of last year, right after the divorce, but as the summer came and social gatherings started, I wanted to be like everyone else and drink. It made it easier to blend in with everyone (especially with men - more on that later), as I had not been single for many, many years and I felt akward. Well as you can imagine, that little monster became stronger and stronger and harder for me to kept hidden. I did quit drinking for weeks at a time here and there over the past 6 months, but alas, I wanted to go out with my friends and be social, the only way I knew how and always went back.

    Well here comes the big surprise.. sitting down.. It didn't work! OMHELL, really?! What a HUGE surprise.. whatever.. Anyway, it is spring and I really want to get back to my goal of an alcohol-free life. I think I finally may be ready to do this life thing without alcohol. I'm not afraid of myself or being in public sober. Maybe I am finally ready to let the real MM come out. Even saying that used to frighten me, but now it doesn't feel so scary.

    There are a lot of lessons that came my way over the past few months, all I am now very grateful for, but I will share more later..

    The problem is that I now have jumped back into my old habits again and can't seem to break them by myself. I can't drink.. I know that. I don't even want to drink.. It's that frickin' HABIT crap! I can't and don't want this to escalate again, that is why I am back. I want to let the monster out of the closet and shooo him away. I want the little happy MM to be free. I hope that jumping back on board here will help me, and in return I hope I can help you with my journey..again... I must keep going. I am ready to start the gentle walk back on my path. I am glad you are still here..

    Thank you for listening.



    Day one...
    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

    Hello my long lost dear MYO friends.. it's me MM

    Welcome back MM. Good to see you. Were all still here, and were all still helping and being helped!
    God bless, and good luck on the sunny road to sobriety.
    To Infinity And Beyond!!


      Hello my long lost dear MYO friends.. it's me MM

      It is so good to see you back again.:l
      Of course the "why" you are back is not the best of circumstances, but you know we are here for you.
      I look forward to getting to know you again, reading about your journey, and sharing mine with you.
      Welcome back.
      I know you can do this, and you know you don't have to take the journey back to an AF life alone.

      Not to sound too cliche but this IS the first day of the rest of your (AF) life!

      hugs and stuff,
      Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


        Hello my long lost dear MYO friends.. it's me MM

        Thanks, Keeta! Very nice to see you again..


        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


          Hello my long lost dear MYO friends.. it's me MM

          MM!!! :l So good to hear from you! Looking forward to hearing more and always ready to lend an ear.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            Hello my long lost dear MYO friends.. it's me MM

            :yougo:WELCOME BACK!!!:yougo: I'm very sorry that the monster wouldn't just stay in the closet. Oh how nice that would be. But...such is life. I do think one has to be ready and it sounds as though you are. Tough. Beautiful. Strong. Sober.

            Can't wait to hear more about what you've been up to.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Hello my long lost dear MYO friends.. it's me MM

              A Big Old Warm Welcome Back MM !!!!
              It's so great to have you share this challenging long walk along side of us all here !!!
              Come here often... Again it great to "see" ya again !!
              Love and Hugs, xxx

              ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                Hello my long lost dear MYO friends.. it's me MM

                Hi there! I'm so happy you're back! You can do this--we can help! :h
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  Hello my long lost dear MYO friends.. it's me MM

                  WELCOME BACK GIRL
                  :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                  best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                    Hello my long lost dear MYO friends.. it's me MM

                    MM dear -- No doubt in my mind you will reach your goal. You SO have it in you! And you've freely shared your insight and support with so many of us. Thank you very much for that. :h


                      Hello my long lost dear MYO friends.. it's me MM

                      Hi MM

                      Welcome back.

                      You might want to check out the meds threads. There's a lot about the Sinclair method and maybe that is an option for you seeing as (if you are being honest!) your main difficulty lies in coping with social situations.

                      I am really so glad to have you back on the boards.



                        Hello my long lost dear MYO friends.. it's me MM

                        thanks, Nancy.. nice to see you, too. I will check it out!


                        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                          Hello my long lost dear MYO friends.. it's me MM

                          Welcome back MM
                          You just told my story. I was AF for ten years and poof. Divorce. What me, Date? Oh shit, need the social lubricant. Now I am so alone, it is not even funny. 2 of my 3 kids won't even talk to me.
                          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                            Hello my long lost dear MYO friends.. it's me MM

                            Hey welcome back MM,
                            I learn a great deal from everyone who is strong for so long and then can still be human and slip up.
                            It's happened for a few lately.. who knows, planets? Sheesh.
                            Anyhow, strong you have always been and strong you will be again.


                              Hello my long lost dear MYO friends.. it's me MM

                              Welcome back MM, I remember you from before. Lots of us oldies still around, still plugging away and fighting the good fight against Al. Best of luck and look forward to seeing you around.


