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Buried my cat today

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    Buried my cat today

    My cat, Tashi, was dear to my heart and was put under today at the age of 17....I know some may say it's only a cat....but today was very hard. My daughter and I spent the afternoon digging a grave and brought home a beautiful purple willow tree to put over the grave....." it has catkin" the garden shop guy had to was meant to be.....

    anyway, i did not keep up my normal af weekday norm, and felt like i needed to come here for a confession.....i ????needed???? the red wine???? don't know if that is true, but the afternoon was as wonderful as possible, but this time of strife is not my best moment to excel in AF ways.....thank you for listening......very sad and want to know how to deal with these times of stress better in the future in af ways....very hard indeed.......

    Buried my cat today

    I am so sorry, Flyinhigh. Our pets are family. Even after 17yrs it is hard t say good bye. The tree will be a beautiful reminder..


    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


      Buried my cat today

      I'm so very sorry to hear about your sweet Tashi... I too have a cat and had one in the past that had to be put down... It's so sad as they are special little people that feel our lives with unconditional love..
      Please tell your daughter that a "far-away" lady is sorry to hear about her kitty and that her kitty was so very lucky to have a little girl to love.
      Hugs, xxx and be well for you.

      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


        Buried my cat today


        Only a cat????? The only people that would say that are certainly not pet owners. You lost 'one of your family' and I am so sorry for your loss. I'm a guy, and had never owned a cat until 8 years ago when I adopted 2 of them. I had to put one to sleep 4 months ago, at the age of 8...while not a very emotional guy, I WAS A MESS during that proccess....a blubbering fool.....and don't regret a moment of that as it just proved once again how much my cats mean to me. Be ever so grateful for 17 years as that is awesome. Again, very sorry for your loss.


          Buried my cat today

          Flying high....sometimes animals are much more trustworthy that people....I understand.....give yourself a break and start again tomorrow!
          Finally Free


            Buried my cat today

            I'm so sorry about your cat, Tashi. I don't know how much sober time you have, but I think it gets easier to deal with loss the longer that you've been AF unless you have a really strong support group.

            There is also a great website, The Original Rainbow Bridge On-Line Pet Memorial , where you can read about others' stories and post about your own if you'd like. It is free.

            I hope you can find other ways to feel your grief and let go of the alcohol. I know that you'll be surprised at your own strength.
            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              Buried my cat today

              Sorry to hear about Tashi. But gee, 17 years is an awful long time for a cat. She was a lucky little animal, being loved and cared for by you.


                Buried my cat today

                Flying, as I told Sportster the other day when this happened to her, I just went thru this too. I'm sorry you needed the wine, but tomorrow is a new day. Tashi is "Flying High" right now, and her spirit will stay with you, hopefully to help you be strong in your battle against your grief, and especially against AL. Hugs to you and your daughter.
                Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                  Buried my cat today

                  Fly(my dear friend)
                  I am so sorry for you. I know that pets are truly family members. I just want to tell you that I can relate. I also want to send you cyber hugs. That is such a long time to have a dear pet.


                    Buried my cat today

                    Flyin I so know your pain. Coming up on April 2nd will be the one year anniversary of when I had to put down my persian/himalayan who had been through everything with me....highschool, college, then a move out of state and then back to my home town. She was my girl. Sending your strength tonight.
                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                      Buried my cat today

                      :l Flying, I'm so sorry for your loss of Tashi. 17 years is a long time, enjoy those precious memories...:h I think I'm closer to my critters than anyone (in human form)

                      I lost my Sid doggy about 3 yrs ago. Had her for 15 yrs,... she's @ rest in our rose garden out back. I still miss her so much, and I talk to her sometimes when I'm out there working in the roses.

                      Kathy, I was going to post the Rainbow bridge site...
                      (we just lost Wiley dog recently too...)
                      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                        Buried my cat today

                        So very sorry Flyin. Are pets are part of our families, please remember all the fun times you shared. My dog sends you and your daughter a big cyber licky kiss and my fish just gave you a cyber "glub glub".
                        "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                          Buried my cat today

                          thank you guys....i luv you all!!!!!


                            Buried my cat today

                            My heart goes out to you..Our family pets are just that (family) We had to leave our elderly cat back in the U.K because the vet said he wouldn't survive the journey here (U.S) My heart literally broke in two when we had to leave him.
                            I agree with cmhguy3..try and remember the good times you had with Tashi..that's what I do when I miss my *Mork*
                            God Bless xx


                              Buried my cat today

                              oh wow, Flyin. Today (3/24) is the 3-year anniversary of when I had to put my purry sweetie down. He slipped on ice and fell from a balcony and broke his back. We spent a lot of money on surgery, etc., vainly trying to save him. He was only 8. I still miss him. So sorry for your loss.
                              :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!

