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Army Thread 25 March 09

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    Army Thread 25 March 09

    A very good morning to everyone here in the uk and all around the world. You are all in my prayers this morning. Some of us are doing well, some struggle, but we all have one thing in common. Were alcoholics, and we are all trying or doing sobriety. As they say, 2 heads are better than 1, and so hundreds together can't be a bad thing! Hope everyone has a great day and keep fighting the fight. Together, we can do this.
    To Infinity And Beyond!!

    Army Thread 25 March 09

    Hiya Cyborg! Us early birds cross posted! Yours is a lovely way to start the day! I will delete mine
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Army Thread 25 March 09

      Good morning everyone.
      And what a blustery cold one it is here in the UK...
      Last night I had another drinking and using dream, not sure why, because I have no desire to do it. But in the dream there were lots of MWO peeps also having a wild time with the al I even woke with a hangover feeling...
      After a few moments and a coffee though, I felt ok and SO VERY GRATEFUL that it was just a dream. I never ever want to experience hangovers again.
      So maybe these dreams are acting as a reminder of where I dont want to be any more?
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Army Thread 25 March 09

        I had a drinking dream yesterday too. I dreamt that Wishy went out and got wrecked and had sex with someone!!! I found out, and went to this strange market in the middle of the country, and bought some really wierd cider in a place that was selling pigs heads with maggots on them. Everyone was buying booze, so I thought, 'why shouldnt I' Thats all I remember, but it was nice waking to find it was only a dream!!
        To Infinity And Beyond!!


          Army Thread 25 March 09

          Good morning Cym & Starty!
          So lovely to find you here.. I have a few mins inbetween dinner & putting kids in bed so shall try to make the most of it


            Army Thread 25 March 09

            Just wanted to say Cym that you have had an influence on me.. I found myself lately being able to say those words to myself that comprise step one. Now this is not a small thing. Considering how many years I've been turning it over.

            I hope you guys don't mind me hanging in here from time to time as I feel I've made a sincere connection with some of you and I've not really had time to get up to speed in other threads. 'Time poor' is me so I consider myself very fortunate to have found you guys.

            A special thanks goes out to Oney & Gyco also of course.


              Army Thread 25 March 09

              Um, just quickly before I have to go as you are all obviously elsewhere.. I've been doing great.. being AF day 6 and getting into my exercise (although AF days bring the old PK issue back) and got a second opinion on my injury so I'm up for a major op in about 4 mths.

              Scary, but that makes it all a lot more manageable to think the pain might be out of the equation within about 6 months? maybe a normal life again?

              Hope you are all going great too. The little that I've read with limited time shows me you are.
              Lots love & hope to catch you soon.


                Army Thread 25 March 09

                Hey Ficks. Great to hear from you. That first step is so hard to admit to ourselves sometimes. That we are powerless over alcohol. That we just cant do it on our own. Now, im not religious atall, but I truely believe in a power greater than my self can restore me to sanity and sobriety. Would never have said that 2 months ago, let alone admitted it to myself. Its working for me!
                Speak soon. xx
                To Infinity And Beyond!!


                  Army Thread 25 March 09

                  Morning Cym, Start & Fickle

                  Thanks for the first thought Cym - I'm getting to my usual slippage point - 27 days AF today. The anxiety is kicking in and for some reason I start getting tremors (left hand esp.). Anyway, abit of an ODAT period for me and trying to be fully aware and not run my self to the point of exhaustion, where there is nothing else to buffer me at the end of the day.

                  Also have a time shortage Fickle & have been away for a while so need to get back into a rhythm of reading.

                  Have a good one everyone!

                  Take care
                  The mind is in its own place, and in itself
                  Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.

                  John Milton


                    Army Thread 25 March 09

                    startingover;579391 wrote:
                    Last night I had another drinking and using dream, not sure why, because I have no desire to do it.
                    I think it's because it's just something that's been part of our lives. I still have dreams about a job I had on a farm when I was 15. I don't read into my drinking dreams too much these days. I had one last night, can't remember what it was though, I just can sense it was about drinking. And, it's been a while since I dreamt about giant bottles of vodka...

                    Oh, that's like something out of a cartoon.
                    Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                      Army Thread 25 March 09

                      Hiya Ficks Jinja and Vlad!
                      Ficks, I LOVE to see you on the thread when you can...and you know you are always welcome to pm whenever you want. Day 6 is great but I so understand where you are coming from with the PK issue. If you can get this sorted, well, that would be a dream come true..What does the op entail?

                      Jinja have you tried Gaba and True calm for the anxiety? I had terrible anxiety at the beginning, but for me it went away after a few weeks, but I did take the supps for months...making sure you dont get exhausted is great and exercise if you can manage? Also eating lots of protein I find....

                      I have to dash now...but will be back later...its great to see you all here x
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        Army Thread 25 March 09

                        hi everyone,cy ,starts fic, and jin,i didnt get a chance to write here yesterday,but is a nice thot i have a place to release my anxiety,cy the 2nd part of the 1st step is most interesting,it should of been 1st,unmanageable,i beleive in our hearts we no that 1st,that is why we try to find security,we find with all our power,the only way is in numbers,what i couldn't do,We could,then the hard part,for some,many,not drinking,all cont,just wanted to get this in b4 my poker game starts


                          Army Thread 25 March 09

                          hi vlad


                            Army Thread 25 March 09

                            Will you all be here to keep me in check on Monday? Hubby's going away to do some work down south. My instinctive thought always turns to buying vodka while he's away and drinking as much as I like. I must admit, the thought has popped into my head this time too but I think the desire not to do this is stronger on this occasion. I really don't think I will do this, but you never know. The thought that he and his co-workers might be having a drink Monday evening might get the better of me.
                            Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                              Army Thread 25 March 09

                              vlad youll be fine

