It is amazing how quickly your life can revert back to the same-ol'-same-ol' if you allow it. Someone smart said that..
I started drinking again early last summer and it didn't take long before I was back to my old drinking habits - drinking alone (which I promised myself I wouldn't do), drinking around my daughter (which I promised I wouldn't do), drinking and driving (which I promised I wouldn't do - and that was a big one), drinking only two glasses of wine (that went away the quickest), drinking only during the week (started finding way for my daughter to have play dates so I could drink - shame on me), etc., etc..
Two weeks ago I went on an overnight date (drank way too much, but so did he - not seeing him again), and got a call from my daughter, as she was staying at her Dad's. She called at 3AM!! They were both drunk and fighting. I was horrified as I was so far away and couldn't get her. I wouldn't have been able to anyway because I had been drinking. It makes me sick just to think about it - I couldn't have rescued her if she needed it! This drinking/fighting has been going on with them for the past year. Anyway, I told them they could not see her if they were drinking, they agreed and knew they both had to quit - which so far they have. But, I didn't - I kept drinking - what a hypocrite! Of the worst kind! So, two nights ago I got drunk.. not just a few glasses of wine, but drunk, and my daughter was home. I know what set it off, it was business, but no excuse! I drove to the store after drinking and then made her cry. I could not have felt more horrible. That was it for me. I couldn't believe I was doing this - again!. This is my daughter, my best friend. We have such an amazing relationship and I was blowing it - hard! This is NOT the example I want to give her. She looks up to me. She is proud of me, and now understands why I got a divorce. She admires my business and most of all she has become my friend. She tells me everything!! That won't last for long if I don't keep her respect - I know that. She is 12yrs old and starting to go through puberty. I have to be completely clear for this. There are times coming up (and I know it) that she will need to be rescued. We have talked about this. We have gone over all the scenarios of what she should do if she gets into to a peer-pressure situation, and how she can always call me for help without judgment. I will always be there to rescue her, I promised her. Well I certainly can't make that promise if I am drinking. I am her knight.. I'm all she has, damnit! I will NEVER be in a position of not being able to rescue her again!!!
But there is a second part to this story and that is me. I had been drinking to fit in. I really was surprised how welcome I was into some of the drinking-groups of people that I had always admired from afar. I didn't socialize with a lot of people except my ex-husband's friends and the few drinking friends I had when I was married and drinking. So, I took my new, thinner, blonde-self out into the social world and my ego was immediately puffed. Now, I know better than anyone how dangerous that can be - especially for me, but I went in full-force anyway. It felt good, but I can now say it never really fit. This was my false-self and I deep down knew it. But at the time it was a way for me not to feel lonely. I was not ready to be lonely yet. Then there is the whole dating thing.. dating, drinking and me do not mix! It is just too much pressure for me to watch my drinking under those stressful circumstances. I am seeing one man who doesn't drink and he is the only one that has made it to date two with me (in fact it has been 8 months). I don't like drinking and definately don't like drunk men. I left that for a reason. NOR, do I like myself drinking around men. I am not good at that and never will be - I know that!
Maybe it's spring, maybe it's just me finally saying it's OK, MM, you are OK. Not sure, but I know that I don't fit in that world (never did) and I am ready to find the one I do fit in. One without drinking.
So, on I surge.. Thank you all for being here for me. It was so nice to see you and the support has been very humbling. I hope I can give to you as much as I feel from you along this next leg of my journey.