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Army Thread 27th March 2009

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    Army Thread 27th March 2009

    Lordy lordy.....soon to be ex....aka stbx is coming over to talk about finances and our daughter...I am scared....the way he has been acting lately I dont know if he will sweet talk me into the bedroom or shoot me......wish me luck!
    Finally Free


      Army Thread 27th March 2009

      Pardon me.....TRY to sweet talk me into the bedroom cause I'm not falling for that shit anymore
      Finally Free


        Army Thread 27th March 2009

        my gosh oney.....I am in no mood but I am rather scared of him at this point in time....he is acting really odd
        Finally Free


          Army Thread 27th March 2009

          He is bipolar according to my attorney (which, by the say, said I have a really good case.....AND I told him about my drinking) He is SO unpredicatable
          Finally Free


            Army Thread 27th March 2009

            He...meaning my stbx...not my attorney
            Finally Free


              Army Thread 27th March 2009

              My attorney is confindent that I and the kids will not be living out of a bag.....that makes me happy
              Finally Free


                Army Thread 27th March 2009

                zen...I cant.....need my wits.....I do NOT look forward to whatever he has to say tonight....It is amazing that someone I tried to hold onto for so long could make me so sick to my stomach now.....when the phone rings....I just want to ignore it cause I know it is him.....I have gone from love to hate in 60 secs
                Finally Free


                  Army Thread 27th March 2009

                  I held onto my kids dad....not my soul mate
                  Finally Free

