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The Next Day Thread Sat 28th March

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    The Next Day Thread Sat 28th March

    Good morning beautiful people.
    Another gorgeous day dawning here...the weather has been awesome this week, nt a cloud in the sky and the light is that really bright, crisp light.

    Pan, I'm sorry you have to go outback mate...i don't know what to suggest but I can sympathise. My brother is a highschool teacher and was offered a job outback (can't remember the name, it was passed Bourke tho...literally out the back o' Bourke) anyway, he could get his points right up by just doing 2 yrs at this school (then he could choose where he wanted to go) He was about 32 & single at the time & I encouraged him to go...well, it was a DISASTER...everyone assumed he was gay because he was 32 and didn't have 12 kids to 8 different mothers. There was nothing to do but drink and that's what everyone did, there was no movie theatre, no music, no sport...nothing but a pub. He used to drive for 10hrs back to Sydney on a Friday afternoon & then drive back on Sunday...just because he couldn't bare another weekend there. He quit it after about 18months.
    Anyway, hopefully your place is not that bad...but I do understand.
    When do you have to go?? At least you have a couple of months under your belt...

    Eski - how you feeling today?? I only did yoga & pilates last P word...will go today though.

    The Next Day Thread Sat 28th March

    Good morning Angel, and all to come. Cool here this morning, and looks like a nice sunny day. All the better for making love, and music.
    Pan, are you leaving your beloved beach to go bush?
    Have a super weekend everyone. Stay strong, and safe...................G.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      The Next Day Thread Sat 28th March

      Guitarista;581268 wrote: Good morning Angel, and all to come. Cool here this morning, and looks like a nice sunny day. All the better for making love, and music.
      Pan, are you leaving your beloved beach to go bush?
      Have a super weekend everyone. Stay strong, and safe...................G.
      Oh you are smooth my friend! LOL

      Where is everyone you guys have lives or something?? I'm going to fold a load of washing and then ice a couple of cakes (for a cake stall tomorrow)...don't hate me because of my fabulous life.


        The Next Day Thread Sat 28th March


        G, yes, I am leaving my beloved beach behind, but I'll be back every few months for a couple of weeks at a time, until Christmas then maybe I can wangle another 5 months - maybe, but doubtful.

        Angel, hubby is a high school teacher. I get what you are talking about, but he has been living in the stinking hole for over 20 years. Straight out of Uni, almost. And it has hmmm, five pubs I think. It's a town of pubs. I don't think it's as bad as Bourke, but I hate the place. Hubby would like to leave as well, but his job keeps him there.

        I think we are leaving MY home just after Anzac Day.
        Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
        AF May 23 09 to July 09
        AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


          The Next Day Thread Sat 28th March

          I'm doing doggie washing, but it keeps raining and then sunshine, so I'm back and forward to the clothes line. Need to go shopping soon. Then down to the beach for our walk. If it's raining, too bad. I only have a month left, so I'm not missing out on anything. Unfortunately, somewhere in all of that, I have to clean the house and sort out what is staying and what is going bush.
          Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
          AF May 23 09 to July 09
          AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


            The Next Day Thread Sat 28th March

            Hi Angel, Guitarista and Pan.

            Just logged on to say Hi, hope everyones enjoying their weekend.

            Angel enjoy your cake stall tomorrow
            G, keep making love and music
            Pan enjoy your walk on the beach


              The Next Day Thread Sat 28th March

              Can't you husband leave and work somewhere else? I thought teachers (especially male) were in demand? I disliked the small mining communities, but more because of everyone wanting to socialise together all the time.

              Arranging first trip down south of state next week, but everything is almost booked up already!

              Hope all have a good weekend. Daylight saving finishes - thank goodness, no longer have to get up in the dark!


                The Next Day Thread Sat 28th March

                Blondie, it's complicated, but it involves changing states, leaving a very senior role to be relocated anywhere in Qld and lose all points, which are massive, only to then be reassigned to junior status. Also he is an art teacher, which are not so very much in demand.
                Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                AF May 23 09 to July 09
                AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                  The Next Day Thread Sat 28th March

                  The starfish lives

                  The starfish lived. It was beached again today in the same spot, would you believe? It has to be the same one - I've never seen one so large and it had the same broken leg.
                  Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                  AF May 23 09 to July 09
                  AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                    The Next Day Thread Sat 28th March

                    Amen tot hat Blondie! I am SO OVER daylight savings!

                    I hope all is going okay today. I'm still catching up from yesterday and yes feeling better today Angel thanks for asking. Doing some homework (yee ha!) and just finished the groceries. Better go finish unpacking them. By then it'll be time for dinner! Hope your weekends are keeping you all busy!

                    Obstacles are those frightful things we see when we take our eyes of our goals - Henry Ford

                    Will power, determination and friends can turn this :teeter: into this :wings:


                      The Next Day Thread Sat 28th March

                      When does Daylight Saving end? I need to know when I'll be back in time with the rest of Aus.
                      Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                      AF May 23 09 to July 09
                      AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                        The Next Day Thread Sat 28th March

                        Ugh Pan, that doesn't sound like there is a lot of hope...a lower salary/more junior position in exchange for the lifestyle?? I'm sure there's a whole lot more to it and if there was a way you'd be all over it...
                        I'm not looking forward to daylight savings ending...I don't know when it ends over there. Tonight by the sounds??

                        And awesome on the starfish...they don't have a very big brain do they?? LOL


                          The Next Day Thread Sat 28th March

                          And don't forget the loss of Super. Only 8 years to go. ONLY?????!!!!!!!
                          Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                          AF May 23 09 to July 09
                          AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                            The Next Day Thread Sat 28th March

                            I actually voted for the Daylight Saving Party last weekend. I knew they didn't stand a chance, but I wish the old adage that Daylight Saving fades your curtains and the cows won't know what time of the day it is would go away from some of the residents of Qld.
                            Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                            AF May 23 09 to July 09
                            AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                              The Next Day Thread Sat 28th March

                              Oh that's right...I saw a bit of pauline hansen & that footy player with his mate Jacko on Rove...was seriously the funniest thing I'd seen for ages.

                              Oh, it was Cobar where my brother was...a mining town...ugh...

