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From UKSean....

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    From UKSean....

    I have all my ducks in a row and I am sitting here at the P.C. my hands are shaking.
    I just cant get up enough courage to book the flight.
    I could be about to make a huge mistake, or the best move I have ever made.
    I need my MWO mates to post some good views.
    I cant explain why but I need to hear from you all.
    I have lived here in the US almost 31 years and although I am looking forward to coming home I am still petrified.
    I just need your opinions.
    Love to all

    It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice

    From UKSean....

    well it did occur to me last night that its not a great time with the recession in full bloom over here at the moment..Might be harder to get social h0using and the social welfare is crap in england as well.


      From UKSean....

      Have you enough to set yourself up in a flat over there Sean? You might be better off giving it another shot there, aint no jobs in england so far as im aware.
      Whatever you do , good luck and I weill help you if I can.


        From UKSean....

        you will never know until you try .. give it your best sean.. good luck..
        stay strong and keep thinking positive ..
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          From UKSean....

          Sean, have you done any job market research for where you want to go over there? It is a big move and as Limers said; there doesn't seem to be much for work and the welfare system is crap.

          Even here, where I am from, the job market is pitiful at the moment.

          Do you have family there you can stay with?

          I know your situation right now is bad but, this is a risky move without a solid plan in place.... you know?

          Anyway, all the best to you. I know you will figure it all out and will do what you deem best.


            From UKSean....

            Sean....don't know you very well but I do know that I have been in a rather difficult situation for the last few years and I tend to analyze everything to was killing me.....decided to hand it all to God and go with my feelings.....not my head. Finally feeling at peace, and know that whatever happens to me was what was going to happen anyway.....just had to stop worrying.

            I know this isnt much help but at least now I am at peace....hope you find yours!
            Finally Free


              From UKSean....

              Change is hard. The place you are trying to return to will not be the same as when you left. Memories have a way of painting watercolors in our minds. Soft edges and somewhat blurry. Do you have a plan for when you walk off that airplane? Is that what you mean by having your ducks in a row? I am no longer the youthful risk taker that I was in my 20's where everything was an adventure and exciting. How about you? Or you can take a chance, believe that this is what you should do and make it happen. No one can decide for you. I feel like you should go, eventually. Can you wait a little while longer until you feel more confident?


                From UKSean....

                Hello Sean....First of all you need to fiqure out how your going to maintain yourself. Have you checked out the work market their. If your unable to work, what kind of benifits are you entitled to. Everyone has this romanticized version on how you want life to be.....but when it comes down to business, well we have to deal with reality. Think: " Will my quality of life be better their than it is here ? " That's the cold hard facts . Sean, you know I shoot from the hip, not pulling any punches, friend. ( Because their nothing more messerable than making a decision and then a couple months down the road saying to yourself..." Oh crap, I screwed up ! " ) Take care, hope it comes to you soon ( Your decision. ) IAD
                ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                Dr. Seuss


                  From UKSean....

                  I can only tell you what I would do if I had a big decision and changes such as yours to make: I would make two lists (1) Reasons why I should go (2) Reasons why I should stay. I know that when I anticipate change with dread and fear I only block myself from moving forward. For me change is growth and it gives me the freedom to become myself and the challenges to enable me to achieve my potential. I think it is important to say not allow your past to paralyze ur abiliity to take responsibility for yourself. Good luck to you and I know that u will write ur own story by whatever decision that u take.


                    From UKSean....

                    hi shaun,big move,i dont no of any country not feeling the pinch,i wish you well gyco

