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HELP! Need to find a buddy and lose a dress size by Thursday.

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    HELP! Need to find a buddy and lose a dress size by Thursday.


    I have a formal event Thursday and I just tried on my dress. Ok, I've missed a couple of Pilates classes but I've been moderating quite well.

    Plan: I would like to try a three-day abstinence from my usual pattern of a couple glasses of wine each night to chill out before I have to deal with my family. Is there any other moderator/newbie/person who would like to join me for a three-day dry run? Pilates classes and semi-marathons are optional. Please let me know here or pm me.


    :heart: E

    P.S. I might be open to joining a bud for a longer "cleansing" abs in the near future.

    HELP! Need to find a buddy and lose a dress size by Thursday.

    Hi Ya Eustacia,

    Am happy to join you if you like, I have a an event on Thursday night too. Will be good motivation for me and if you'r interestd April is going to be round two for me. Round one didn't last as ong as it should have so will be trying again - Easter can sod off! Can obviously only join you on-line but we can be each other's motivational inspiration if you like. Let me know. You can PM if you like.

    Obstacles are those frightful things we see when we take our eyes of our goals - Henry Ford

    Will power, determination and friends can turn this :teeter: into this :wings:


      HELP! Need to find a buddy and lose a dress size by Thursday.

      Thanks, Eskimo!:l

      We're on! I am really happy to have a buddy in case my adolescent's unpredictable behavior sends me running in the direction of a glass of wine.

      Best of luck to you!

      :heart: E


        HELP! Need to find a buddy and lose a dress size by Thursday.

        My step adolescent's mother's unpredictable behaviour sends me in the same direction!!!!

        Have done a sit up session earlier... going to go nuts on the bike later. Did 13km in 30 minutes yesterday. Going to try and beat that today. Pump tomorrow, Supercircuit Wednesday! Let's go!

        Happy exercising!

        Obstacles are those frightful things we see when we take our eyes of our goals - Henry Ford

        Will power, determination and friends can turn this :teeter: into this :wings:


          HELP! Need to find a buddy and lose a dress size by Thursday.

          Would love to particiapte as well. Could use to jump start my diet as well. I do at a least a 5k walk everyday. Did one today. Actually today walked about 4miles today and ran .5 miles (got caught with 4 kids in a hail storm on the way home from the park)


            HELP! Need to find a buddy and lose a dress size by Thursday.

            Oh no cacky! Bet that you made run for it! Hope you escaped unscathed!

            Obstacles are those frightful things we see when we take our eyes of our goals - Henry Ford

            Will power, determination and friends can turn this :teeter: into this :wings:


              HELP! Need to find a buddy and lose a dress size by Thursday.

              Losing your dress by Thursday !?! Ohhhhhhh....dress size, never mind Ha! IAD.
              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
              Dr. Seuss


                HELP! Need to find a buddy and lose a dress size by Thursday.

                Eust - Water and walking .....
                All very best
                *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                  HELP! Need to find a buddy and lose a dress size by Thursday.

                  How'd you go today Eustacia? Did a pump class followed by 20 laps then was on my feet all day at kids sports day. Feeling buggered today!

                  Obstacles are those frightful things we see when we take our eyes of our goals - Henry Ford

                  Will power, determination and friends can turn this :teeter: into this :wings:


                    HELP! Need to find a buddy and lose a dress size by Thursday.

                    I'm in!!
                    We are going on holiday this weekend and just the thought of putting on my bikini is making me break outin hives!!!
                    Lots of water, yoga and I'm going to try my best to eat only raw food till Friday.
                    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                      HELP! Need to find a buddy and lose a dress size by Thursday.

                      Hi Eskimo, DeeBee, Cacky and all well-wishers,

                      I'm still hanging in and hope that you are, too. I nearly had a slip last night when I had a telephone encounter with a sister:nutso:, soon to be in town, who is almost too difficult to describe. I ended up (this is either gross or demented, take your pick) chomping uncooked strands of angel hair pasta instead of drowning her out with wine. So I guess that was a victory of sorts, although a weird one.

                      How is it going for you?

                      :heart: E

