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The Next Day Thread Tuesday 31st March

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    The Next Day Thread Tuesday 31st March

    Not bloody likely, our Zen!!!
    Just shite little boring pubs down here, one would have to work in a mine to even THINK of drinking in them......unfortunately, tis a mining town :H
    *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


      The Next Day Thread Tuesday 31st March

      Coal mining -I live in a place full of coal miners and fishermen....besides tourism, thaT is largest part of economy...
      *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


        The Next Day Thread Tuesday 31st March

        Is that the same as Osama???A m clueless meself....good night Zenners, great to chat to you x
        *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


          The Next Day Thread Tuesday 31st March

          Good morning all. An absolutely glorious morning here. Blue skies, sunny, no wind. Going to be 29-30 degrees. Definately a head outdoors and enjoy day.

          I found out yesterday that next weeked is the end of Daylight Saving. Apparently Telstra stuffed up and thought it was last weeked and reset mobile clocks. A lot of people were late when they used their mobiles as alarms.

          Good on you for your intent on giving up the smokes this weekend Angel. What are you planning to have on hand to put in your mouth?

          Hope everyone has a great day.
          Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
          AF May 23 09 to July 09
          AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


            The Next Day Thread Tuesday 31st March

            Hey panicked - great to see you
            *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


              The Next Day Thread Tuesday 31st March

              Hey Kap, I was about to head off. How's it going with you today?
              Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
              AF May 23 09 to July 09
              AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                The Next Day Thread Tuesday 31st March

                Dam good thanks - am heading off now too for a couple of hours. Lets catch up on this thread a little later ay?? Bless you and kindness x
                *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                  The Next Day Thread Tuesday 31st March

                  No probs Kap. Enjoy your day.
                  Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                  AF May 23 09 to July 09
                  AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                    The Next Day Thread Tuesday 31st March

                    hey pan, I've got some gum for the nic cravings - I don't smoke much, only when I drink and then I binge smoke/drink...and when I eat chocolate I eat about 5 of those mini bars...I'm a true binger!!!
                    I gave up last year for 3 months and didn't use anything...just didn't have any in the house & white knuckled it through those first couple of weeks. Was no problem after about 2/3 weeks and then i didn't drink as much either..just followed on naturally. But I had 3 ciggies on a huge night out and that started it all right back up. So I won't be making that mistake again! I have to remind Mr Cakes as if he has them in the house I won't be able to do it.

                    kapo - I never knew there was coal mining in NZ (clueless also!!) It's amazing the things I learn on this site!!!


                      The Next Day Thread Tuesday 31st March

                      kaponium;583094 wrote: Not bloody likely, our Zen!!!
                      Just shite little boring pubs down here, one would have to work in a mine to even THINK of drinking in them......unfortunately, tis a mining town :H
                      It's funny Kapo - I think I know the sort of place you mean. I used to like drinking in those dodgy disgusting pubs - carpet stank, old mate at the bar who can't sit straight on the stool at 11am, me being the only female in there...I think it was 'coz I knew everyone else was gonna be as shitfaced as me - I was with 'my tribe' if you will. I'm soooooo glad to have a new tribe...ex-drinkers & moderators woohoo!


                        The Next Day Thread Tuesday 31st March

                        Angel, I gave up smoking for 4 1/2 years. I used to go to Singapore every few months for a few weeks at a time and slowly started up again while I was there. A lot of my friends there smoked, so I just slowly got back into the habit. At first a packet would last me 4 weeks, till eventually I was back to a packet or two a day and that went on for another 15 years.

                        I am still longing to buy a packet now. Giving up smoking has been a lot harder than stopping drinking. I know tho, once I have one cigarette, I would be hooked again.
                        Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                        AF May 23 09 to July 09
                        AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                          The Next Day Thread Tuesday 31st March

                          So long since I last checked in. I have been very busy and not always good with my goals. But I plan to make April AF completely. I have done it before so I know I can.

                          I love New Zealand, it is where I met my hubby. And I guess that I have probably drank in some of the worst bars over there. I never felt uncomfortable, always felt at home. I guess that back then I didn't have any sense of danger either. I was also stupid enough to hitch-hike in Australia with a friend just after the Millat murders. I have much more sense now.


                            The Next Day Thread Tuesday 31st March

                            ezzmae;583181 wrote: So long since I last checked in. I have been very busy and not always good with my goals. But I plan to make April AF completely. I have done it before so I know I can.

                            I love New Zealand, it is where I met my hubby. And I guess that I have probably drank in some of the worst bars over there. I never felt uncomfortable, always felt at home. I guess that back then I didn't have any sense of danger either. I was also stupid enough to hitch-hike in Australia with a friend just after the Millat murders. I have much more sense now.
                            Oh geez, Ezz...that's scary! Umm, the hitching thing...not AF April 'tho that is scary too. Is your hubby a Kiwi??
                            It's terrifying to think of the things I did when younger/dumber...I absolutely dread when my boys are going through it.


                              The Next Day Thread Tuesday 31st March

                              Pan -icked;583164 wrote: Angel, I gave up smoking for 4 1/2 years. I used to go to Singapore every few months for a few weeks at a time and slowly started up again while I was there. A lot of my friends there smoked, so I just slowly got back into the habit. At first a packet would last me 4 weeks, till eventually I was back to a packet or two a day and that went on for another 15 years.

                              I am still longing to buy a packet now. Giving up smoking has been a lot harder than stopping drinking. I know tho, once I have one cigarette, I would be hooked again.
                              Pan, I used to travel with work - China 3 or 4 times a year on my own. I loved it. But it was a bit of a free for all with the drinking/smoking at're anonymous over there so who cares if you smoke or drink. Lucky for me/hubby I'm not the type to play around as that would've been too easy also.


                                The Next Day Thread Tuesday 31st March

                                Hello all
                                Oh I have just come over all emotional - today is my year anniversary and I just posted about it. Now I just want to run away and hide. I hate putting myself out there like that but you have to say thanks dont ya.
                                Angel can you make me a cake to celebrate!!

