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Supplement Junky!

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    Supplement Junky!

    Hi Again:

    I haven't "tuned in" for a while. Since last posting I received the book, tapes and LOTS of supplements. I read the book and decided to do what the book suggests i.e. take supplements - in my case, kudzu, Vit-Min, Amino Complete, Milk Thistle, Super Evening Primrose and Calms Forte (I think this was referred to as the starter pack). Ends up being 19 pills a day! I also saw my doctor and asked if she would consider prescribing Topomax. After reading the book and possible side-effects, I told her I would prefer to be under a doctor's care rather than order via the internet. She refused to prescribe Topomax and said no doctor in her practice would do so. She referred me to a program for alcolholics ... just what I didn't want! Anyway, I am taking the supplements, listening to the tapes and it seems to be helping. Anyone else out there on all these supplements?
    Any advice? I am not really comfortable taking so many pills - but I really really want to rid myself of the cravings and don't know where else to turn.

    Supplement Junky!

    Hi Dandy,
    In my case, I find the lglutamine and kudzu help with the cravings. But in my early days, I took GABA and True Calm as well...
    I think we need to throw everything we can at this to start, and if its helping, then maybe go with it for a while longer?
    Good luck
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Supplement Junky!

      Thanks, Startingover! Yes, the supplements ARE helping .. so I'll stay with them for a while (my props).
      Guess I just needed affirmation.


        Supplement Junky!

        Hi Dandy,

        It is a bit daunting to take so many tablets every day, but truly I think it is worthwile.... you will reap the benefits.
        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


          Supplement Junky!

          I love my L-Glut.I also take many other suppliments that are healthful. A B-Complex, Milk Thistle, an Omega 3-6-9, Calcium, a Multi-Vit, and Melatonin for sleep.

          If it isn't broke, don't fix it
          Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


            Supplement Junky!

            Yep I agree take everything to start with. You will figure out what suits you best after a while and then you can pick and chose. I swear by the l-glut and the true calm and the vit b's but I dont bother with the rest now. But hit it with everything first to give you the best shot at sucess.


              Supplement Junky!

              I agree with everything in the thread. I too am working the program with just supplements - no topa. As long as I'm faithful to the supplements, they work. As soon as I miss a day or two I'm quite vulnerable.
              As you may have heard, removing products from the mix is trial and error (unfortunately). However, everything worthwhile takes time. Hang in there!

