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The Next day Thread Wed 1st April

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    The Next day Thread Wed 1st April

    Hey boozy, i didn't realise that you were irish also. There is so many of us around these parts of the world and I always tend to forget because for some reason there are no irish people in my little part of Oz. Although I hear that there is thousands of them in Perth but they don't live out my way.


      The Next day Thread Wed 1st April

      Oh gotta go for a swim at Freshie for me (Freshwater Beach)
      Mr Cakes wants to go back & live around Manly/Harbord...if only we had a spare couple a mil$$ to buy a house there...


        The Next day Thread Wed 1st April

        Busy in here today.... finished with work... feeling like crap. WTF is up with this weather? Since when does it hit 30+ in April. I am so over our fire place.... so much so it is getting pulled out! We have a three story A frame house and when the wind blows from the wrong dircetion it fills the hous with smoke and soot. I remember one day about 5 years ago.... had a colikcy baby screaming his head off... a house full of smoke so all the doors were open... my elder child running around screaming outside (she'd run out the open doors just after her bath in 5 degree temperatures with no clothes on) with a roooster chasing her and my Dad on the phone crying casue Mum had been scheduled again..... wine anyone? LOL! I can laugh about it now.

        You guys are all right about uni costs.... costs me $1500 bucks per semester and that's part time. We are in the lucky position of claiming it as a business expense (staff training) there has to be some bonuses to running your own business.

        Hey BH I had my sister's kids for a week over the last holidays.... 4 kids 7 and under (somedays five when I had my girlfriends boy as well) and other days 6 when the step daughter was over too - goodluck to you I say. And what's wrong with the life guard show - very educational I reckon - kids need to know how dangerous the surf can be!

        I am yabbering.....

        Obstacles are those frightful things we see when we take our eyes of our goals - Henry Ford

        Will power, determination and friends can turn this :teeter: into this :wings:

