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The Next day Thread Wed 1st April

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    The Next day Thread Wed 1st April

    Happy April Fools day everyone.
    Well, no fools here - Eski & Ezz ready?? Here we go - Day 1, I'm totally inspired by BH & I'm on the drinktracker.
    BH - I like the idea about making a business from my cakes but actually I'm a dressmaker & doing that from home (so if you know anyone that needs something made...I do weddings etc and anything really)
    Mr G - Do you really do pump or are you pulling my leg??
    Morning Pan - Enjoy the beach today mate.
    SB - I have considered studying long distance or whatever that's's just what Starters said, I need to be absolutely sure it;s what I wanna do. It'll cost about $30K.
    Hi Rags & Tawny & Blondie & Crystal & everyone else.


    The Next day Thread Wed 1st April

    Good for you Angel!! Bottle that inspiration for when the going gets tough...maybe print out boozys post?
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      The Next day Thread Wed 1st April

      Thanks Starts - good idea. I'm writing myself a 'to do' list also...

      Off to yoga now.


        The Next day Thread Wed 1st April

        Yes indeed, Angel - BOTTLE it! Good morning to you x
        *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


          The Next day Thread Wed 1st April

          Morning All!

          I actually kicked of yesterday with an AF day but I'm not counting it - it was kind like the "Ready... Set...." today is "GO!" I am feeling so damn tired today. Seriously considering 6months off the studies.... I am thinking that working, being a Mum, and post grad studies all at once might be a bit much - don't feel quite like I am coping as well as I did last semester and think that might be a recipie for diaster really. Didn't even have the energy for the gym this morning:-( .... that can't be good. Yesterday was a hell of a day though. Have an engineeriing dinner to attend tomorrow (how exciting!) have nominated myself as driver! No drinking for me! New month = new me!

          I am studying by distance by the way Angel - it takes a fair bit of self discapline and support from family - if you have that you are well on your way.

          Hope everyone is good today and has a good day. Eskimo is off to work.... yeah.

          Obstacles are those frightful things we see when we take our eyes of our goals - Henry Ford

          Will power, determination and friends can turn this :teeter: into this :wings:


            The Next day Thread Wed 1st April

            Hi Angel, Hey, I haven't been following this thread as thoroughly as I should. What's the $30,000 course??
            Hmmm a dressmaker eh? I am hopeless. Am going to Sri Lanka later this year and bought several metres of material to make simple wrap round skirt with folds at the end ( sort of sari like) . Need a pocket in it. Have commandered (sp) the help of a friend in Coffs Harbour to help make them when I go up in May to visit. She should be dried out by then. From last nights flooding I mean. (She doesn't drink.)
            Eskimo, that is a beautiful photo on your avatar.
            Up to Sydney again to-day at 11:30. I really am not helping keep global warming down in my part of the world! AND this week's New Scientist is predicting huge methane loss from melting Siberian ice sheets as permafrost becomes impermanent.


              The Next day Thread Wed 1st April

              Morning everyone.

              I have been AF for the last 2 days. I am looking forward to enjoying a long period AF during April and feeling great about myself again. Kids at school and am off to the gym for some fitball work and a step class. I know Pump is a bad word around here but my gym is giving it up for an alternative company to LesMills. Tried it recently and it is much harder. Looks like all our LesMills programmes are going and I will be working harder than ever at the gym.

              I also considered studying but was put off by the postgraduate fees here. They are as expensive as the actual degree and the fact that I would have had to pay for child care too meant that it was injustifiable for our household.


                The Next day Thread Wed 1st April

                Uni fees. Another Whitlam incentive that bit the dust!


                  The Next day Thread Wed 1st April

                  Hi Ezz and Rags,

                  We must have both been getting a head start Ezz! Here we go.... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I can't do dtep to save my life... I am so unco-ordinated! Did it once... NEVER AGAIN I tell you!

                  Glad you the pic Rags, I actually took that myself. Photography is a bit of a hobby of mine.... haven't had much time to play recently though. But Santa was very kind to me this year and brought me a digital SLR. Still getting my head round the myriad of complicated functions - but having fun working them all out.

                  Obstacles are those frightful things we see when we take our eyes of our goals - Henry Ford

                  Will power, determination and friends can turn this :teeter: into this :wings:


                    The Next day Thread Wed 1st April

                    Morning all, just a very quick check in as I haven't packed, and I leave in about an hour. Am not taking my laptop, so won't check in again until Monday. Hope you all go well with your planned AF time. Bxx
                    Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                      The Next day Thread Wed 1st April

                      Morning all

                      I enrolled for an online course, got all the materials and didn't do any of it (and it was literature, which I love(d)!) So I finished my degree at uni - much easier. Wouldn't cope if I was working/had kids, etc, so I admire those who can.

                      Rags, I'm jealous - I'd love to go to Sri Lanka (and India).


                        The Next day Thread Wed 1st April

                        Rags;583753 wrote: Hi Angel, Hey, I haven't been following this thread as thoroughly as I should. What's the $30,000 course??
                        Hmmm a dressmaker eh? I am hopeless. Am going to Sri Lanka later this year and bought several metres of material to make simple wrap round skirt with folds at the end ( sort of sari like) . Need a pocket in it. Have commandered (sp) the help of a friend in Coffs Harbour to help make them when I go up in May to visit. She should be dried out by then. From last nights flooding I mean. (She doesn't drink.)
                        Eskimo, that is a beautiful photo on your avatar.
                        Up to Sydney again to-day at 11:30. I really am not helping keep global warming down in my part of the world! AND this week's New Scientist is predicting huge methane loss from melting Siberian ice sheets as permafrost becomes impermanent.
                        Rags The $30K is how much it would cost for me to do a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Psychology at I have to be sure sure sure that it's what I want to do...and I'm not so sure right now. Anyway, I'm happy doing my thing at home..being creative is really what fulfils I find.
                        If I was in Sydney still I could make the skirts for you...I made a similar sounding thing for myself many years ago, still have the pattern lieing around somewhere.
                        Ezz - Are the new classes at the gym similar?? Like a weights class to replace the P class & stuff?? I'm still getting the courage to try Attack...there's a class tomorrow morning at 9.15am...


                          The Next day Thread Wed 1st April

                          Afternoon all,

                          Finished splitting in the current location and put all the wood under cover which enabled me to measure. Seems I split and stacked 9 cubic metres ... that's 1.5 year's worth. Woooo-hoooo!

                          I'm a legend in my own lunch time.

                          Tomorrow the clean up of bark and chips but for today, I'm pleasantly buggered. It's actually too hot to be outside now - ridiculous to be at 30C this time of year.

                          Blondie - spent some time in India (10,000 years ago) and loved, loved, loved it - so I too am jealous of Rags.


                            The Next day Thread Wed 1st April

                            Hey Tawny did you reline the pond??


                              The Next day Thread Wed 1st April

                              Afternoon all
                              Angel sounds like you are doing what you love but as per usual there isnt usually much money in it. $30k is a mad cost for a degree and then you might not even like it. You could try a few papers and see if you like it first before you commit with that kind of money.
                              What else is new peeps?

