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What do you love most about your best friend ???

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    What do you love most about your best friend ???

    I don't have a best "girlfriend" which sometimes makes me sad.
    BUT, I do have my husband, who sometimes treats me like crap, and doesn't appreciate me at ALL.
    He tries though. And he does't know he is being the uncaring buffoon that he is, most of the time.

    He tolerates all my many flaws, and forgives me.
    He loves unconditionally.

    I try to learn from him, the patience he has with the kids.
    Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


      What do you love most about your best friend ???

      My best friend is the most amazing woman I have ever met. If she were to walk past you she might remain unnoticed. But the admirable qualities she posesses are not visible. We, too have had babies together, been through betrayals and divorces, moves, financial problems, serious health issues, joys and sorrows, my addiction, ~ I suppose you would just say, we have been through "Life"... To me, a friend is someone who knows all there is to know about you, and loves you anyway. And she does! She conducts her life with grace and dignity, but is, by no means a stuffy snob. She is fun, honest, caring and ALWAYS there. Knowing she is there, adds a special security to my life, that would be incomplete without her. I love her dearly. :h
      "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


        What do you love most about your best friend ???

        Sometimes I wish I had a BEST GIRL FRIEND tooooo !!!
        As wonderful as Hubby is there are some girlie things that he just doesn't GET...BUT...he does LOVE to shop...can you believe it...he does !!!
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


          What do you love most about your best friend ???

          my best friend is my husband...he supports me 100% in whatever crazy endeavor i embark upon, he loves me unconditionally, he loves my daughter from another man as if she were his flesh and blood, he is funny, goofy, smart, eccentric, loving, naieve, sober, and sweeter thatn anyone else i have ever met.

          i have to say my sister is right up there with him. during our mom's dying process we became very close (i am 11 years older, so we weren't close growing up). going through that made us different people and more able to openly love and appreciate each other. seeing her love for our mom made me realize just how much i love my sister as well. plus she is a fabulous, creative, kook and i love her for that!


            What do you love most about your best friend ???

            I wish I had best girl friends too, but I don't think my wife would approve ! Ha!
            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
            Dr. Seuss


              What do you love most about your best friend ???

              i do have a best girl friend from childhood (since we were 7!) and we've gone through alot of crap together (she was molested by her step dad who took us camping alot as kids...yikes!), and many close friends now, but i feel the closest to my husband and sister and my mom (even though she isn't here).


                What do you love most about your best friend ???

                What best friend . . .

                I was going to say I have no best friend but after reading these posts I realized now that I am Way Wrong.

                I would say my dog Dayna for all the reasons noted in previous threads. (And I miss Lady, Mitzie, Sasha, Mitsha and Duckie).

                My husband was my best friend but he is rather opinionated these last few years. I still love him immensely though.

                Delta, thank you - Jesus (Footprints) . . .


                  What do you love most about your best friend ???

                  IAD....I think you DO NOT NEED a best would surely get you in a heep of trouble. Keep the other guy...LOL
                  Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                    What do you love most about your best friend ???

                    Best Friend....

                    The only "best friend" I have is actually someone I have never met.
                    We p.m. one another every day on MWO.
                    She is smart,funny and most of all she is the most caring, decent human being I have had the pleasure of knowing.
                    Like me she has her demons but she helps me and I try to reciprocate.
                    Over the past few month's she has lifted me to a better level of living.
                    She is my best friend.
                    Sean X...

                    It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice

