In a recent European survey, 17% of the adult population claimed they had suffered from depression in the last 6-months. So there may be good news for these millions of people, because over the last couple of years there has been an explosion of new anti-depressive drugs. One of the newest, safest and most effective in anti-anxiety and anti-depression is picamilone.
Picamilone is an effective vasodilator (it improves brain blood flow); in fact Russian experiments suggest that picamilone IS better than vinpocetine in this regard. We consider vinpocetine to be the current industry leader in regard to its vasodilation action, so for picamilone to be considered better is praise indeed. It appears that the synergism between niacin and GABA is very strong indeed. For whilst vasodilatation is occurring, more likely the result of the niacin, it is also displaying a mild tranquillising effect, which helps prevent the negative effects of emotional stress. This second trait is the likely affect of GABA, which appears to have a calming affect upon us.
What also makes picamilone unique is that whilst it counteracts stress and anxiety, it doesn't have a sedative action. In fact the opposite can be said, as it can have a mild stimulatory action. Therefore, picamilone may be the first anti-anxiety drug that literally doesn't cause drowsiness!
Russian studies have compared picamilone with other psycho-stimulant drugs including phenazepam, diazepam, vinpocetine, xanthinol nicotinate (Complamin) and papaverine. It was noted that the stimulant properties of picamilone were greater than that of these. Further benefits of picamilone over the 'classic' tranquilizing drugs are that it does not display any signs of inducing muscle relaxation, lethargy or drowsiness.
Picamilone has a number of positive benefits for the patient; it can reduce anxiety, lower stress and yet at the same time display a non-sleepy action. As such, many patients exclaim that they have a 'good feeling' whilst using the supplement.
The good news is that in over 10-years of use in the former Russian states, picamilone can be considered to be a very safe drug. It has not been shown to produce any allergenic, teratogenic, embryotoxic or carcinogenic effects.
The effects of picamilone are fast acting, often within an hour and the half-life usually ensures that these effects continue for a period of approximately 6-hours. Accordingly, dosages can be applied twice or three times daily, but late evening use should be avoided otherwise insomnia may ensue. Dosages for anti-anxiety effects are approximately 50mg 2 or 3 times daily. If a stimulatory property is also required dosages may have to be increased to more like 100mg 2 or 3 times daily.