I am still in contact with the Lenairs from time to time.
Newbies - Some of us (some are not here very much anymore) have gone to Rhonda Lenair for the opportunity rid ourselves of alcohol addiction. Some experienced success, some did not. What she does is not limited to alcohol.
Anyway, I wanted to let you know that there is a telegathering class on Monday at 8 PM, EDT. Classes & Products; The Lenair Healing Center. An alternative treatment for alcoholism developed by a specialist in treating alcohol addiction and alcohol abuse.
Rhonda will speak about what she does, how the healing occurs and where the source comes from. Your energy and issues, by just being there and listening, becomes part of the class and part of the collective energy that she taps in to.
I am also interested in Abraham-Hicks and Collin Tipping, Wayne Dyer and I think Rhonda's work will fit in there as well. I'd love to tap the power to heal myself.
PS: part of my signature "Thoughts become..... is from TUT (Totally Unique Thoughts) which is also in the above realm of thinking.