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The Next Day Thread Friday 3rd April

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    The Next Day Thread Friday 3rd April

    Morning all, Mr Cakes went to work this morning and had set the computer up so the 4yr old can play a game. So when I want to get on I don't know his password (it's relevant to him only of course)...and he doesn't turn his phone on until he gets to work so I can't ask him...I couldv'e thrown the f***ing computer out the window in frustration.
    And then I go down to the laundry and some f***ing thing has eaten my biggest bok choy (which I considered harvesting last night for dinner - I should've) it looks like an animal rather than a bug considering I sprayed them with garlic spray yesterday and the fact that whatever it was sat on the other veggies while he ate...UGH
    Anyway, it's just life I know & it's no biggy - thanks for letting me vent.

    Eski - how did you go last night?? How's everyone else??
    I'm off to the gym now...I'll be a nicer person when I get back!!!

    PS 'Scuse the fruity language...

    The Next Day Thread Friday 3rd April

    Morning Angel, and all to come.
    It wasn't me who ate your bok choy....mmm....garlic spray?....yum.....
    Happy friday!! No time for pump this morning, (damn) off to drive truck, and save universe. Have a great day everyone, and a super duper weekend!!...............G.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      The Next Day Thread Friday 3rd April

      These time frames are screwing me up majorly. It's only 4pm Thurs. here. Happy Fri. anyway. I'll see it in another 8 hours.
      Starting over again


        The Next Day Thread Friday 3rd April

        Mornin' Angel, Mr. G., last call and all to come,

        At just after it's still quite dark and I don't yet know what the day will bring but I'm sure it will be GOOD!


          The Next Day Thread Friday 3rd April

          I am not one to wish my life away but I will be happy when today is done. Its almost 4pm thursday by me.

          Happy friday to me,


          Oh and geezes what is eating the bok choy by the laundry which I assume is outside by you guys, our laundry here is inside the house.


            The Next Day Thread Friday 3rd April

            Sammys yes, I have to walk passed the veggie patch to get to the outside laundry. And it could be a bushrat or a possum or a hedgehog that's eating my bok choy...lil' f***er...maybe I should head to the f**k thread for more of that - 'nuff here.
            Mr G I HAVE to you really do Pump or are you pulling my leg??
            Anyway, I'm good now...sweated it out and it's all peaches again!!
            Today's gonna be tough...where is everyone??


              The Next Day Thread Friday 3rd April

              Hello all. Talking about creatures, last night I had to deal with a huge cane toad. Now, while I am scared of most ugly crawly things, these don't worry me except for them being poisonous to the dogs. I sprayed the damn thing with Dettol to kill it, but was running out, so had to pull the top off the spray bottle and dump the remainder on top of it's back. Wasn't enough to kill it, but enough to slow it right down. Not that they are very fast anyway, stupid creatures.

              Went out after the considerable rain stopped just recently to try and find the damn thing's body and it is nowhere to be seen. I know where it went - into my garden - but I can't find it. I just hope a dog doesn't come in frothing at the mouth because that will mean she has found it.

              Tonight I leave the spade by the door and EEUUUCCCHHH!!!! slam it down on any cane toad that happens to appear.

              Anyway, not sure what I'm doing today. It is bright and sunny now after the rain but the brakes on my car are supposed to be getting done so I may be stuck at home. Waiting on a call from my mechanic.

              Have a happy day everyone.
              Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
              AF May 23 09 to July 09
              AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                The Next Day Thread Friday 3rd April

                Sorry about your Bok Choy Angel.
                Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                AF May 23 09 to July 09
                AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                  The Next Day Thread Friday 3rd April

                  Yeah, thanks. Actually we hardly have to deal with ANY creatures over's amazing. Did you know they have no snakes in the wild?? It's incredible...I still can't walk through long grass with ease though...just doesn't feel right. And I've only seen 1 big spider here in 3 yrs...and I live right on the bush.


                    The Next Day Thread Friday 3rd April

                    No, I didn't know that. I have heard of the bird spider over there tho.

                    Plenty of snakes abound in both places I live, but here, I hardly ever get a spider (touch wood) and no flies either. Plenty of gheckos. Other place, abounding with spiders, flies, mice, yucky lizards...
                    Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                    AF May 23 09 to July 09
                    AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                      The Next Day Thread Friday 3rd April

                      Lol Zen... wish I'd had a video camera handy!

                      Hi All. Last night was good if not a bit on the tedious side. Thought the Young Engineer of the Year was pretty interesting. He was talking about a project he is working on in Dubai - what will be when completed the tallest building in the world.... about 1.2km high! Holy shit! That was quite amazing. Was a good girl... drove home. God I am so tired today though. Went to pump this morning... just had to go and pick up a sick little miss eskimo - second time this week - must be the end of term. Gotta go back in 90 minutes to pcik up Master Eskimo.... shouldv'e brough him home too.

                      The most run-ins we have with creatures here are bats. We have a colony living in our roof! I think they like the pitch of the house (A frame). Quite often we get one inside. I catch em in a tea-towel and let em go. Harmless little creatures really.

                      Hope everyone is well today. Angel have you checked for a WearRabbit? You must be so disappointed! Don't let it get you down too much though will you?

                      Obstacles are those frightful things we see when we take our eyes of our goals - Henry Ford

                      Will power, determination and friends can turn this :teeter: into this :wings:


                        The Next Day Thread Friday 3rd April

                        Pan -icked;585209 wrote: No, I didn't know that. I have heard of the bird spider over there tho.
                        Umm, bird spider...that doesn't sound good...going to google now..


                          The Next Day Thread Friday 3rd April

                          Oh that sounds dreadful...I can never sleep comfortably in a tall building. I like to think it's my 'down to earthness'!!! LOL


                            The Next Day Thread Friday 3rd April

                            God my 2 yr old is the cutest little thing...just stringing sentences together and his speech has that inflection where everything is wondrous & amazing....just adorable!


                              The Next Day Thread Friday 3rd April

                              Eskimo;585246 wrote: Thought the Young Engineer of the Year was pretty interesting. He was talking about a project he is working on in Dubai - what will be when completed the tallest building in the world.... about 1.2km high! Holy shit!
                              Hi Esk - and they'll probably put a tennis court on top!!!!

                              Re the critters - we get brown snakes (very dangerous) here and during all that wood splitting/stacking stuff I was pretty apprehensive. Lo and behold, the nastiest thing I unearthed was a seriously cute little mouse. I didn't even scream.

