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Better than a Journal

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    Better than a Journal

    Since joining this site, I have began to understand more about myself than I ever have. A lot of that comes from writing down what we are feeling, and responding to each other in times of need. This has been so much more rewarding for me than keeping a regular journal, because this is like a journal that speaks back to me, that has gone through the same things as I have. No notebook has ever reassured me that I am not absolutely crazy. I have started to depend on this place, and this feeling of all of us working on ourselves together. It is so so cool!

    My best friend, a therapist, that I confided in about starting MWO, said she had serious doubts that I could do a program without some sort of support group. HELLO!!! This is by far the best support I could have asked for, and I don't have to be shamed about anything. I'm never made to feel like a bad person, or a weak person, even in moments of weakness. So, to all who read this, this has been a great week for me, because I found you all. Am happy to be here, and look forward to my clearer, healthier, happier future. :thanks:

    :h Krystal

    Better than a Journal

    You just hit the nail on the head Krystal....
    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


      Better than a Journal

      Boy oh boy did you EVER hit the nail on the head. I couldnt agree more mama. Thanks for pointin that out to us! Gabby
      Gabby :flower:

