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Pan -icked has 60 Days AF

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    Pan -icked has 60 Days AF

    Well, here I am at 60 Days AF. Who knew I could do that? There have been a few times during the last couple of months when I felt like a nice glass of wine, but I didn't give in.

    After I got to 30 days, which I thought would be when I would allow myself a drink I realised that it just wasn't that important, so I just kept on going day after day and now here I am at day 60. And Day 51 of no smokes.

    And a new name as well - panicked has become Pan -icked. Pan minus the icked because I am simply not panicked anymore.

    I am now going to allow myself a drink if I feel like one. I am at the stage where I really don't care whether I have a drink or not, so I'm going to give it a go should the occasion arise. That occasion may be this weekend when I go to visit some friends who own a bar.

    If I discover I simply can not drink without going overboard, then I will be back to AF straight away. I have faith in myself but it is still in unchartered waters.
    Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
    AF May 23 09 to July 09
    AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.

    Pan -icked has 60 Days AF

    Wow Pan I'm so happy to read this.
    Enjoy your time with your friends.
    Big big smoochies for you lovely lady!


      Pan -icked has 60 Days AF

      60 days is fantastic, Pan! Be proud.

      No smoochies from me, though. ...


        Pan -icked has 60 Days AF

        outstanding job on both the AL and the ciggies! what would you say has helped you the most?
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Pan -icked has 60 Days AF

          Pan, you are one strong you know, I have "watched" you from the start, and the change in your attitude has been dramatic.
          It gives us all hope to watch a success story like yours.
          Well done and I hope that you can continue on the path you choose. x
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            Pan -icked has 60 Days AF

            Congrats Pan. Im with you all the way. Were doing it girl!
            To Infinity And Beyond!!


              Pan -icked has 60 Days AF

              A BIG congratulations to you on 60 day's! (and great going on the fags too) You have acheived something very special, and shown yourself something very special too. Self respect!
              Great going, and above all..............Feel the Power!..........G.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Pan -icked has 60 Days AF

                Fabulous ...
                Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
                Author Unknown :h

                AF - Sept 4, 2012
                10 days - Sept 13, 2012
                2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
                Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
                AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
                Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!



                  Pan -icked has 60 Days AF

                  Pan My friend....I AM SOOOOVERY HAPPY FOR YOU !!!!!! You deserve all the joy that a sober life has to give...I WISH YOU THAT .........AND MANY, MANY MORE WONDERFUL THINGS !!!!!
                  sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                    Pan -icked has 60 Days AF

                    Most Excellent Pan ~ . . .

                    Wonderful, excellent, great stuff, You Go Girl . . .

                    Have a great time with your friends.


                      Pan -icked has 60 Days AF

                      Determinator;586101 wrote: outstanding job on both the AL and the ciggies! what would you say has helped you the most?
                      Thanks D. I didn't take any meds or supps if that is what you are asking. My willpower and the fact that I made a promise to myself, noted down here on MWO kept me going.
                      Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                      AF May 23 09 to July 09
                      AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                        Pan -icked has 60 Days AF

                        Thankyou to all for your kind words.

                        A big thanks especially to my Next Day and Army friends for keeping me company during the early days when I needed all the help I could get.

                        Oney, the smokes are still calling, but I know once I have one of those little buggers, that will be the end.
                        Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                        AF May 23 09 to July 09
                        AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                          Pan -icked has 60 Days AF

                          WOOOWOOHOOOO, Panicked,
                          GREAAAAT job!
                          Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                            Pan -icked has 60 Days AF

                            Congrats! Pan. Keep it going!!
                            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                              Pan -icked has 60 Days AF

                              Wow, Pan, What a huuuuuuuge accomplishment! Congratulations! Isn't it amazing how different life seems when we are sober! And at the same time as giving up cigs... Whew, you are a hell of a woman! Best of luck!
                              "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008

