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Sick and Tired....

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    Sick and Tired....

    of being sick and tired. I am just so pissed at myself. I am sick of failing at this. It is like a bad joke. My life is a joke. Everryone thinks i am still AF, I cant even fess up to the truth. what pisses me off, when I tell people I dont drink they just laugh it off. Cori, you dont have a drinking problem, you just need to slow down. Well genious, if it was the frickin easy I wouldnt be typing out my anger at 6:30am

    I've done my AF time, I know that I cant mod because I have no self control. I drank 12 beers and a bottle of wine last night....I dont even drink wine, I had it in the cupboard for a dish I was going to make later this week. So back to my usuall paranoia...had to check my cell phone to see who I called, had to check emails to see what stupid crap I spewed while drunk.

    I have lost so much to alcohol. My husband, my job, my home my self respect. But yet I still keep going back. Am I an idiot? I might as well put my hand in a fire. I just want to scream.....why cant I get this?

    I really liked the allergy advice someone gave me. I am allergic to I eat them, Heck no, I would prefer to not have a swollen face. I am allergic to alcohol, do i drink it YES......what the fu*k.

    Sick and Tired....

    Cori, make a promise to yourself right now that you are no longer going to do this.
    Then deal with whatever comes along. I promise you it will be easier than this merry go round you are on at the moment.
    Thats exactly what I did, and it has worked for 9 months so far.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Sick and Tired....

      Hi Cori. I know exactly how you are feeling at the moment. I felt like that all day today. And yeterday and the day before anyway i think you get the point. Yep did check my cell phone as well this morning and what stupid music i was playing last night. But I have gone AF today and compared to what I felt like this morning to now emotionally I'm feeling ok.
      Join me on day 1 Cori hang in there you are not alone. :l


        Sick and Tired....

        Thanks guys...I have never been this mad. usually when I wake up i feel sad, remorseful hopless....not today, I am irrate. I need to get ready for work but i just cant even look myself in the mirror. I will sit in my office today acting like i have my perfect little life everyone thinks i am so happy. it makes me want to punch something. gosh....this is so not like me, i am a very mellow person, but i could just scream. what is wrong with me? seriously, am i mentally retarded?

        after I put 6 beers away before noon yesterday i got in my car and drove to the store....what normal person does that. jesus, i quit smoking after 12 years and do I drive to the store for cigarettes. no, why? because I quit. well, I supposedly quit drinking but i continue to purchase alcohol. i am livid, what do i do?


          Sick and Tired....

          You are NOT mentally retarded at all, this is what alcohol does to our brains.
          The only thing to do is quit, and stay quit until you are happy being quit, exactly the same as smoking.
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            Sick and Tired....

            Cori dust yourself of and dont be hard on yourself. Have a beautiful day at work and I will look foward to hearing from you. xx


              Sick and Tired....

              oh gosh, thank you guys so much. it is so nice to be able to come here and vent, share, give and receive advice. i just wish someone in my life would take me seriously about this. i told my dad a few months ago i had a drinking problem, man that was hard, but he just brushed it off. his little princess could NEVER have a problem. my friends just think i should "slow down" if i was snorting cocaine i doubt they would say to "slow down"

              come on people....just because it is legal doesnt mean it isnt lethal. i am so frustrated i dont know if i'll even be able to focus at work today.

              i would also like to apologize to the poster in chat yesterday....i realize you were just teasing me and i reacted inappropriatley and i am sorry.


                Sick and Tired....

                thanks one. i enjoyed the chat too.

                i think i am going to purchase the book today.


                  Sick and Tired....

                  Cori, our loved ones NEVER want to accept we have a problem. Thats why its so good to deal with it here. Everyone understands and we can deal with it together.
                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                    Sick and Tired....

                    i am off to the office, but i will probably be on here most the day. i really need to be around people who understand today because i dont feel like i understand. my frustration has subsided, now i just feel hopeless. it will be hard to put on my smile today, but i think i have 3 appointments this morning so i will have to march on


                      Sick and Tired....

                      :new:Hi Cori,

                      i know exactly how you feel, i feel EXACTLY the same way as you today. My friend rang me this morning to check why i had'nt called at 10am as we discussed last night. I had completely forgotton i had spoken to her. Like you, i have told my hubbie that i need to stop but he tells me that i am fine, i was drinking two bottles of wine a day. i am down now to one a day and i start every monday with no alcohol and again on tuesday, but by 3pm on Wednesday i am DYing for a drink...then Thursday morning i tell myself "sher it is nearly the weekend now ... start again on Monday. I dont know what to do...........


                        Sick and Tired....

                        HI lost...yes...that feeling of what conversations were had make make me feel like a fool....there is an awesome song out by the singer Pink she says

                        dont tell me we had that conversation, i wont remember, save your breath, cause whats the use.

                        that song is me through and through....i am safe, up high, nothing can touch me


                          Sick and Tired....

                          Cori;587356 wrote: oh gosh, thank you guys so much. it is so nice to be able to come here and vent, share, give and receive advice. i just wish someone in my life would take me seriously about this. i told my dad a few months ago i had a drinking problem, man that was hard, but he just brushed it off. his little princess could NEVER have a problem. my friends just think i should "slow down" if i was snorting cocaine i doubt they would say to "slow down"

                          come on people....just because it is legal doesnt mean it isnt lethal. i am so frustrated i dont know if i'll even be able to focus at work today.

                          i would also like to apologize to the poster in chat yesterday....i realize you were just teasing me and i reacted inappropriatley and i am sorry.
                          no problem Cori, I shouldnt be teasing peeps I dont really know. You were looking for some serious conversation and I was as much help as a finding a hole in your head! Im the one that should be sorry, and I am, if I can ever help you let me know.:h


                            Sick and Tired....

                            Hi Cori ... hope today isn't too tough .. Hang in there.
                            Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
                            Author Unknown :h

                            AF - Sept 4, 2012
                            10 days - Sept 13, 2012
                            2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
                            Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
                            AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
                            Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!



                              Sick and Tired....

                              Hey Cori. My husband and I drank heavily this weekend. One or the other of us seem to temp one another. I hate it, I'm covered by big bruises I got when I fell to the ground. Damn lucky I didn't break something. I'll be on here a lot too.:l

