And then . . . . . BAM, the Shiett Hits the Fan or is it the Snow Hits the Screens. A bleeping *~%$@& ~ freak snow storm and I can't even see outside because the gusting winds have blown the snow and covered all of the windows. Plus, Mr. Wonderful SnowPlowMan blockes the driveway with all that Winter Wonderland Fluffy White Stuff. Hubby left before the storm so he made it out of the driveway.
Gotta think positive so went outside to play with my Dayna girl (doggie). I almost wanna go and make a big fat SnowMan but it will melt tomorrow or the next day so never mind . . .
Oops sorry I just felt like writing, hope you don't mind it's kinda isolated here.
Oh yes, and thank goodness I brought the mini greenhouse w/ plants back in the house last night.