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The Next Day Thread Tues 7th April

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    The Next Day Thread Tues 7th April

    Morning all, hope evryones feeling better than me this morning. I think I'm getting what Mr Cakes had a week ago...he said he was achy all over, sore throat & had a pain in the kidney area - I put it down to manflu and told him to get over it...well I think I'm getting it. Are you're kidneys on the right side of the body?? Anyway, I'm not expecting a lot of sympathy in my household LOL!! And I never get sick (except for the self inflicted hangover)
    Anyway, really felt like wine last night but got over it & am so much happier for it this I just have to get through tonight...and tmrw night (Days 4 & 5 again...) I might be leaning on you guys...I hope that's OK.
    Have a great day all.

    The Next Day Thread Tues 7th April

    Goodmorning Angel and everyone to come,

    I've been away at a residential school for the degree I'm doing, for the past few days.
    Angel sorry to hear your not feeling well. Drink lots of water and get plenty of rest. You have a kidney on the left and right side of your body. Drinking plenty of fluids (non-alcoholic) will help with the pain your feeling there. Well done on not drinking any wine last night you can do it again tonight. Let us know how you going and of course you can lean on us, it's what we are here for.

    I'll check in again later.


      The Next Day Thread Tues 7th April

      Morning Angel and Crystal and all to come,

      Visitors are still here - we had a pleasant dinner last night - just took out the empties - (four Cascade beers and 2 bottles of red) - so I don't think that's too shabby for four people over five hours. They're all still asleep so after giving them some breakfast and then some lunch I shall bid them all farewell. Toodeloo!

      Have a good Tuesday, everyone.


        The Next Day Thread Tues 7th April

        crystal;587717 wrote: Goodmorning Angel and everyone to come,

        I've been away at a residential school for the degree I'm doing, for the past few days.
        Angel sorry to hear your not feeling well. Drink lots of water and get plenty of rest. You have a kidney on the left and right side of your body. Drinking plenty of fluids (non-alcoholic) will help with the pain your feeling there. Well done on not drinking any wine last night you can do it again tonight. Let us know how you going and of course you can lean on us, it's what we are here for.

        I'll check in again later.
        Aw, thanks for the advice & the will be AF for me. Drinking mobs of water.

        Tawny - that is very moderate drinking. Red wine is something I CAN do in moderation...a gorgeous Shiraz from SA...but not yet for me.


          The Next Day Thread Tues 7th April

          I love reading this thread at sunset... so interesting listening to all of you waking up. And by the way... an amazing sunset happening right now.... guess it is saying goodbye to me and rolling back over to your side.
          If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


            The Next Day Thread Tues 7th April

            Hi all. Angel, sorry to hear you are not feeling the best, but good to hear you got over your wine craving. Must have been all that talk of it yesterday.

            Hope you are all having a good afternoon. I haven't got much to say. Weather is all over the place, but I have still been to the beach. Apart from that, I've had a fairly lazy day.
            Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
            AF May 23 09 to July 09
            AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


              The Next Day Thread Tues 7th April

              Pan I think it was somewhat to do with all the talk yesterday.
              And I think the not feeling 100% is not all bad...I certainly don't feel like drinking!! So maybe this was put on me as a way to 'help' me through the next couple of days...maybe.

              P4T - I'm glad you like the's keeping me on the straight & narrow for now!



                The Next Day Thread Tues 7th April

                Hi Everyone how are you all? Now I know there is some ausies here!! Great I might need a helping hand at times especially this time. Wine oclock time. I have a bag of sweets I,m eating now. On 2 day for the 100th time. Oh well Got to start somewhere. Im in Queensland and the weather is wet wet wet!!! I would love to give a helping hand as well if anyone needs one.


                  The Next Day Thread Tues 7th April

                  Afternoon all,
                  Angel, hope you get over whatever it is you have. Bit early for 'flu isn't it? Which reminds me, I must organise a 'flu shot. Had my first one last year and seemed to work.
                  Tawny: Very subdued drinking. Were the reds Mitchelton Print Series (yum yum)?
                  That's the problem living in Australia... we produce such superb wines!!! And NZ whites are pretty damned good too. Maybe I should drink something from California. That'd stop me dead in my tracks.
                  Did a bit of gardening this morning. The place is devoid of the usual bird numbers, including the bower birds. I think it might be because of the diamond python that's taken up residence here. I have a note on the back door which says " Snake. Make noise" to remind me.


                    The Next Day Thread Tues 7th April

                    Hey Mia,
                    Yesterday I discovered King Island Creme Dessert.... which is even yummier than their honey yoghurt!!! Try one instead of the bag of lollies. Heaven!!!


                      The Next Day Thread Tues 7th April

                      Hi Rags, welcome to The Next Day Mia. Glad you found us.

                      Rags, I really do not think I would need a sign to remind me there was a snake...
                      Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                      AF May 23 09 to July 09
                      AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                        The Next Day Thread Tues 7th April

                        Sorry Angel, didn't notice you were online still.
                        Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                        AF May 23 09 to July 09
                        AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                          The Next Day Thread Tues 7th April

                          Hi All!

                          Angel, sorry you're not feeling the best, I hope it passes quickly. I too never got sick, but funnily enough, when I started shedding my "bad habits" I have had quite a few bouts of man flu and stuff. Look after yourself, maybe its just your bodies way of clearing stuff out...

                          Pan, Lazy days are lovely...enjoy!

                          Have a wonderful evening all....
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            The Next Day Thread Tues 7th April

                            Hey Starts, you're up a bit early aren't you?
                            Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                            AF May 23 09 to July 09
                            AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                              The Next Day Thread Tues 7th April

                              Yum I actually have eaten King Island Dessert. But yep I'm going shopping tomorrow and I will get some much better than lollies. Rags I have 2 diamond pythons at the moment on my verandah and one just ate my budgie. Oh I hate this time of afternoon on day 2. Might make myself a cup of tea.

