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    I started taking my suppliments yesterday but the baclofen has not arrived.

    I am incredibly irritable and somewhat sleepy? :durn:

    I stopped taking the calmes forte because I thought that could be part of the problem but I still feel this way. I haven't quit drinking so it can't be withdraw.

    Any thoughts?:nutso:

    Your time and insight is appreciated!

    :h :h :h :h


    RYL - I'm glad you posted this. I've been so irritable and crabby almost from the beginning - thank goodness I have an understanding hubby - I can hardly stand myself I don't know how he stands me; it's all I can do to hold it together at work sometimes. I wish CV1 was around somewhere. I bet she'd have some ideas on this. Does anyone else have any ideas to make this go away? I'm also moderating. Thanks!
    Trish In Omaha

    Shepard James 'Shep' Walker: I think it can best be said..."The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
    Sidda: Well, what about the road back? What's that paved with?
    Shepard James 'Shep' Walker
    : Humility.

    "Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood



      Irritable when starting

      Hi, there. I've posted most of CV's deleted messages in the Research section, but it's taking a bit longer than I expected. Most of them should be there now.

      Imagine and Trish: typically the supplements, when taken together, work quickly to improve energy--at least this is what is reported to us, but it may take a few days. Have you slowed down on your drinking at all? If so, you may be experiencing some "mini" withdrawal symptoms, which can include fatigue, irritability or depression. Your condition may also be connected to something completely unrelated, so I'd recommend continuing the program (eliminating or reducing the Calms Forte during the day, as you've done if it makes you sleepy.) But take it at night, as it will help with craving and anxiety.

      We've observed many people, immediately before initiating the program, find themselves in an interesting state of mind: even depressed at the thought of giving up drinking, although they understand intellectually that it's absolutely necessary if they are to get healthy. Others binge right beforehand; sort of a "one last time before I jump in." If you've read "Drinking, A Love Story", you may relate to author Caroline Knapp's description of our complex relationship with alcohol.

      Until your Baclofen arrives, I would recommend increasing your exercise a bit, as it will provide you with more energy and should improve your mood. Do some reading if you can to help inspire this positive change you're about to make (I'm currently reading "The Heart of Addiction" and find it very revealing in explaining drinking triggers.) If you can afford it, treat yourself to something special--perhaps to a soothing massage at a day spa. Spend time with a special friend who makes you laugh. Listen to some of your favorite music, something upbeat that makes you feel happy and joyful. Consider visiting a counselor if you're comfortable doing so, as you may be able to get to the heart of some of the emotional issues you might be dealing with.

      And spend lots of time on this board--you'll find tons of support here.

      If you haven't begun the hypnotherapy, do so and focus on the positive, happy, healthy person you are about to become as you succeed in overcoming your drinking problem.

      These are all techniques we've found helpful to others as they get started. I hope you will find them helpful, as well.

      Very best to you.

      Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!




        Hi guys. Are you feeling nervous and anxious as well as irritable? Gaba and extra niacin (b3) 500mg are excellent for helping to calm you down, as well as tryptophan/5-htp.

        Also, how is your diet since you're just starting? Do you notice more sugar and/or caffeine intake?

        Inositol is also good for helping to calm anxiety if that is the problem.

        Let me know if you've had other changes and if you have eaten anything solid along with taking the supplements. Even if some are supposed to bne taken on an empty stomach, eating within 5 or 10 minutes can help calm you, as well. Also, a good mix of a protein/complex carb snack every 2-3 hours can help too, if you are experiencing hypoglycemia..

        Let me know more and we can do more investigation.:thumbs:



          Thank you RJ and Cv1 for all the advice!

          I had to laugh Cv1 when you said to take tryptophan/5-htp :H isn't that what they say is in turkey. It's said that it is the cause of feeling sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner:H

          Anyway I am willing to try anything to stick with the suppliments and what has worked for so many others. I will take all the advice I can get and I'll keep you posted.

          :h :h :h :h




            CV1 - Thanks for your quick reply and glad to see you back here again! We rely on your research. My problem is mostly just being irritable - snapping at my husband and just general crabbiness (maybe it's him??? but I have to be nice at work) I seem to be craving more carbs than anything - have not been eating more sweets or taking in more caffeine than usual. I also feel somewhat depressed but that may be be cause I'm missing my favorite pass time - getting sloshed. I'm sure it's a mix of different things, but it sure would be nice if there were a supplement or something else that might help ease me through this. I know I'm not exercising as much as I should but it's so dang hot here lately. Looking forward to hearing your ideas.
            Trish In Omaha

            Shepard James 'Shep' Walker: I think it can best be said..."The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
            Sidda: Well, what about the road back? What's that paved with?
            Shepard James 'Shep' Walker
            : Humility.

            "Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood



              B3 and other modifications

              Just a quick note re: B3 (niacin) if you're following MWO. Please be cautious about adding additional B3, because you're already consuming 100 mg of niacin (500% of the RDA) in your morning powder drink and another 50 in the daily B-50 complex. You'll also be mixing them with a number of other supplements you may not have taken before. While it's water soluble, higher doses of B3 can cause flushing or gastro problems and there may also be some liver concerns (of particular importance to drinkers.)

              Both the powder and additional supplement in our program also contain inositol.

              Yes to GABA, which many members like to add to the program for its calming effect. We have a very good brand in our e-store.

              We've worked pretty diligently with MD's, nutritionists, herbalists and others to ensure the recommended blend of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and herbs are well balanced and tolerated, while providing effective results for withdrawal and craving. For more information, see the "Important Program Updates" on our main page at

              As always, I encourage members to research and, if necessary, tweak the program. But do keep in mind that more is not necessarily better, particularly as you get started.

              Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!



                lol, Trish and Ryl, I understand completely because I'm pretty much the same way.

                Simple carbs convert to sugar in your body, which is why sometimes, you just want mashed potatoes...big serotonin, and yes, turkey is full of tryptophan. The GABA, and another high end sup that I found is phenibut plus a p5p which is an activated b6 to help your body convert it properly really helps with that. Also, the l-glutamine (I buy in bulk and just put it under my tongue) helps with carb cravings too! I can be a real #$@# and just need to deep breathe and walk away sometimes... The b6 taken at 50 mg 2-4 times daily also helps, but you will start to remember your dreams and may go into vivid dreaming once that is back in full store in your system...Just remember that you have invisible hands helping you...even though that is hard in the worst moments.

                I also wanted to add, not to forget that you can use aromatic oils, in bottles, to help with many immediate issues as well. Geranium, Orange oil, jasmine and lavendar are the bottle, take a couple of deep breaths of the scent and you would be surprised how you feel. You can also put some drops of a particular oil that helps you inside of a cloth in your pillowcase and sleep well or put it in your bath where you can just shut the world away. Here is a very comprehensive link to major scents and their uses...Of course, I put you directly in lavendar, but just scroll around or search on the page and you can find one that suits you particularly.


                trishinnebraska wrote: CV1 - Thanks for your quick reply and glad to see you back here again! We rely on your research. My problem is mostly just being irritable - snapping at my husband and just general crabbiness (maybe it's him??? but I have to be nice at work) I seem to be craving more carbs than anything - have not been eating more sweets or taking in more caffeine than usual. I also feel somewhat depressed but that may be be cause I'm missing my favorite pass time - getting sloshed. I'm sure it's a mix of different things, but it sure would be nice if there were a supplement or something else that might help ease me through this. I know I'm not exercising as much as I should but it's so dang hot here lately. Looking forward to hearing your ideas.



                  I agree with RJ on all of her info...excellently put.

                  I should put together a MAX daily suggested for each stage of withdrawal, recovery and maintenance on each and post it in Research and remember, most programs only want you on the max for the first 2 weeks and then you go down to more normal levels. Certain vitamins, minerals and aminos can interract with each other in surprising ways which is why beginning on the lower dosages helps to determine what your deficiencies and needs can always, if something feels "out of whack", and doesn't resolve in 2-3 days, it is best to check with your personal gp to make sure there isn't something else going on too.

                  Roberta Jewell wrote: Just a quick note re: B3 (niacin) if you're following MWO. Please be cautious about adding additional B3, because you're already consuming 100 mg of niacin (500% of the RDA) in your morning powder drink and another 50 in the daily B-50 complex. You'll also be mixing them with a number of other supplements you may not have taken before. While it's water soluble, higher doses of B3 can cause flushing or gastro problems and there may also be some liver concerns (of particular importance to drinkers.)

                  Both the powder and additional supplement in our program also contain inositol.

                  Yes to GABA, which many members like to add to the program for its calming effect. We have a very good brand in our e-store and have also recently added a private label MWO 5-HTP. As CV said, it can be quite effective in curbing carb and alcohol craving. (We just received our shipment from the manufacturer and will be putting it online in the next day or so.)

                  We've worked pretty diligently with MD's, nutritionists, herbalists and others to ensure the recommended blend of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and herbs are well balanced and tolerated, while providing effective results for withdrawal and craving. For more information, see the "Important Program Updates" on our main page at

                  As always, I encourage members to research and, if necessary, tweak the program. But do keep in mind that more is not necessarily better, particularly as you get started.





                    Thank you so much for all of your advice. I see you've done extensive research, thank you so much for sharing!

                    RJ, thank you as well for noting where there's a possibility that something may be harmful.

                    I did hear about putting the l-glute under your tongue. I have been taking extra quantities (quite a bit extra) of the kudzu, l-glute and calmes forte as the evening wears on and my craving intensifies. I am wondering now if I am taking too much

                    I guess my question is, can you over dose on supps?

                    I suppose that is what got me to this point in the first place.....overindulgence:wow:

                    Your time and input are appreciated!

                    :h :h :h :h




                      I don't know what components or homeopathic agents are in calms forte so I can't speak to that exactly. The l-glut should be fine up to 5,000 mg daily. The active ingredient in the kudzu is the daidzen so you may not want to take all three together all of the time. I would try to single them out and give the first one 15-20 minutes, for example the l-glut for the cravings then wait a bit.. In my opinion, I'd separate them. Also, how much water are you drinking? Water is a great detox and and, in this instance, you may want to try to aim for 1/2 oz to 1 0z per pound of body weight per day initially to help your liver and kidney process everything a bit better.




                        CV1 - I have ordered the phenibut and the p5p. It sounds like those both could help. In addition, I came home from work a little early yesterday and was able to lay down for about 45 minutes and listen to the hypno CD and did actually go into a light sleep. Woke up feeling much more refreshed and husband was glad to find me less "crabby" when he got home from work - maybe we simply need more rest during this life style change - interesting thought...
                        Trish In Omaha

                        Shepard James 'Shep' Walker: I think it can best be said..."The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
                        Sidda: Well, what about the road back? What's that paved with?
                        Shepard James 'Shep' Walker
                        : Humility.

                        "Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood



                          Well, I really feel better today. I don't know if it was the extra kudzu, and l-glute last night or because I skipped my evening primrose dose to try and weed out the culprit. I will add it back in next week if things stay this way. Still waiting on the baclofen :sigh:

                          :h :h :h :h

