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Ch-ch-changes 4/5-4/11 Promises

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    Ch-ch-changes 4/5-4/11 Promises[/video]]YouTube - david bowie - changes

    Hey MWO members and lurkers,

    This thread was started 3/22/09 on the long term moderator board to talk about the changes we've seen since coming to MWO. As many long term modders never visit this board and many modders or those choosing the AF route never come over to the long term board figured I'd post this here as well to get better input from folks.

    Have created a different topic each week to get us thinking about things. Feel free to share anything however. The topics are just to give us a guideline for food for thought.
    Thoughts can be positive or negative changes.

    Week 1 was general changes we've seen
    Week 2 was friendships and how they've changed (for the good or bad)
    This week's title is: Promises


    "Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk.
    That will teach you to keep your mouth shut."
    ~Ernest Hemingway

    At my house one year the promise of the tooth fairy almost didn't happen because "somebody" had drank too much and overslept. My son was crying and luckily when I was looking for the dollar with him I miraculously found it underneath his pillow although he hadn't been able to find it.

    I will never forget how guilty and mad at myself that I was. It was definitely one of the steps toward taking the stairways here.
    "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

    ~Jack Welsh~:h

    God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:

    Ch-ch-changes 4/5-4/11 Promises

    Oh ya . . .

    I do the same thing every year and the kids and grandkids love it.

    (((Hugs back at ya)))


      Ch-ch-changes 4/5-4/11 Promises

      Promises while drinking are usually never fullfilled. My dad disappointed me repeatedly while I was growing up with empty promises he made while drinking and drugging. I pray that someday God will take away all that disappointment and make me whole.
      Toughen up!


        Ch-ch-changes 4/5-4/11 Promises

        Love that Hemmingway quote!:h

        Changes for me this week have been huge! Went from being sick, w/ a bad flu bug,... to feeling great! Beautiful spring weather, great kayakig w/my doggie! Yesterday we played peek-a-boo with a little river mink, along the rocks, from the kayak. Those little guys are so cute!:H

        I promise to listen to my "Inner child",... and my doggie... and let them play often.

        Lord knows, in the past, when I've had my priorities outa whack... I haven't.
        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


          Ch-ch-changes 4/5-4/11 Promises

          My last post here was a downer sorry. Its just that I am reviewing my life alot now and see how broken promises have been such a disappointment to me. My promise to myself is that I will finish out lent AL free- I'm on day 43 today!
          Toughen up!


            Ch-ch-changes 4/5-4/11 Promises

            Thank you for your earlier post which was so heartfelt.

            It's not easy when that cycle of addiction goes from generation to generation. My dad was an alcoholic too. Problem with him was that he was so selfish with his drinking that he never even took the time to make any promises to us! LOL!

            I wrote a blog about him and how I don't and won't follow in his footsteps. So, no more selfish drinking for me which takes time, love and energy from my family. And no following in your dad's broken promises to my kids!

            Thanks for sharing!
            Big special (( hugs))
            "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

            ~Jack Welsh~:h

            God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


              Ch-ch-changes 4/5-4/11 Promises

              Ooops! Have to admit the toothfairy has also forgotten to come to our house too - just said that she must have had a rush on that night! Bad mummy! Serious guilts.

              I generally try not to make promises because you can't predict what's going to happen - even sober. So many broken promises when I was young!

              Just very spontaneous now - Shall we go to the park now?! Oooh yeah!!
              MacDonalds anyone? Ooooh yeah!!

              That's my biggest change - was so ridged and trying to be in control. Never went to MacD, ever!! Cos it's crap - first time I took them was last April (eldest was 7). So many small things lead to a bigger bounty.

              Take care
              The mind is in its own place, and in itself
              Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.

              John Milton


                Ch-ch-changes 4/5-4/11 Promises


                Maybe the worst ones are things we've promised to do with our kids and then the next day we don't remember the conversation at all!

                Just like the quote says:

                "Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk.
                That will teach you to keep your mouth shut."
                ~Ernest Hemingway

                ...sometimes I've found myself obligated to do something that I NEVER would have agreed to do had I been buy a new game, go to an expensive kid's place, etc.

                Eve11 :-)
                "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                ~Jack Welsh~:h

                God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:

