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Is somebody spying on you?

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    Is somebody spying on you?


    Is somebody spying on you?

    I'm a card carrying member ! Ha! Just make sure that your cover Avatar is something that won't connect you to your past.......( I worked at NSA for quite a few years. Ha! IAD )
    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
    Dr. Seuss


      Is somebody spying on you?

      Who's head is that in the picture? One of the spies?


        Is somebody spying on you?

        It's a fake head....Boss man, it's all apart of the deception ! ha! IAD.
        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
        Dr. Seuss


          Is somebody spying on you?

          I don't see how subscribers would protect your identity ?? It just adds services and access to more threads and a chat room. I was worried for a long while about people recognizing who I was... I have given tons of private details and I am on National TV so I probably should not be so open and free with my private info...BUT THAT'S JUST ME !!!! The world can accept me or's their choice.
          If you are worried then be careful about the details you post. Don't give names or locations and I don't think anyone could recognize you..This is a world wide site with a GAZILLION ALKIES on would anyone know it's you ???
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            Is somebody spying on you?

            P.S....IAD...GO TO YOUR ROOM ....NOW !!!!!!.....LOL
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              Is somebody spying on you?

              Ok Evie.........IAD
              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
              Dr. Seuss


                Is somebody spying on you?

                I am spying on you!


                  Is somebody spying on you?

                  well, it isn't so much about the general situation of some of this stuff being public. But, as an example, my wife walked up behind me last night when i was playing poker online, and she asked what the window was behind the game (this forum). I said it was a place people go to share their struggles with alcohol, and that it helps to hear people's stories that way I will stay focused on my goal, but that I didn't want to show her right now, as it is a personal goal and endeavor I am working on in staying AF.

                  Nevertheless, a simple google search could lead her here is curious, where she could likely spot me with the coincidence of whatever seemingly vague details I would give. She is not always nice to me, mind you.

                  And as many of us do, I have stories of secretive shenanigans that in the past week I've shared with the supposition of anonymity. Yet, she could come here with her investigative cap on and dig up all kinds of stuff I wouldn't be ready to tell her, if ever.



                    Is somebody spying on you?

                    My hubby has come into the room when I'm on chat, he has even asked some questions to others, for instance other people from Ireland. I also go on another forum he knows about. What I am afraid of, is my 14 year old son seeing this forum. So basically, when he comes to stay I don't get on MWO unless he's occupied w/a movie I don't like, like SAW whatever number, etc.


                      Is somebody spying on you?

                      My messages will self-destruct in a few hours... beep beep beep beep....


                        Is somebody spying on you?

                        Sage........have you accepted the mission ? Ha! IAD
                        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                        Dr. Seuss


                          Is somebody spying on you?

                          I can imagine it now..

                          "So, you've been drinking EVERY SINGLE day? My F@!#%*N God! No wonder you've been acting all bipolar and psychotic and manic depressive and schizophrenic, irratic, irrational, emotional!!! A Freakin' pint a day? Right under my nose? What the hell is wrong with you???? That's it! This is definitely over! I didn't realize the extent of this. I am disgusted by you. Iam leaving asap. Start saving your money honey! SLAM!!!"

                          It would only justify her verbal abuse and conviction that I am bonkers, even though I know I'm not. She's being sweet and loving, proud of me that I am AF. But one false move, and she could be my worst enemy, with all the ammo right here to try and squash me... anxiety. Ack!

                          beep beep beep beep beep....


                            Is somebody spying on you?

                            Hey sage,
                            I am going thru a divorce and my spouse treatened to take the kids because of my past also......When he walked out the door, he had our computer in hand. My 14 year old son also uses the computer and begged him to leave it but I have a suspision that my son also knew how important this site is to me because he realizes that instead of drinking one after another all evening I am on this site.

                            I changed my user not usually use an avatar anymore and don't mention the names of anyone anymore. I also deleted my prior posts until the moderater took them away. You just have to go into the post, edit and requires you leave one letter so I left d.

                            Walk carefully my friend.....sounds like you have some trust issues too. Good luck!
                            Finally Free


                              Is somebody spying on you?

                              If you pay to join subscribers, a person who is just perusing this website would have to have a paid subscription as well to read what is posted there. If you just post in the general areas anyone with a computer can access what you write.
                              vegan zombies want your grains

