Sorry this is kind of a long one.
I have noticed some people saying they have been feeling irritable and anxious. I too have been noticing this. I am on week 4 of topa. Taking the supps, exercising, (maybe not as much as I should...

Yesterday as I was driving home from work I was thinking about why i have been irritable - and something dawned on me - could it be possible that someone might MISS the cravings??? You know that 'high' that you feel (that brings on the cravings - the excitability/high feeling that accompanies the cravings - I dont know how many other people can relate - this is what I used to have when i had cravings) - this is what I find has been tamed with the topa. Is it possible the topa has calmed this down and this is partially why i am moody because i miss this high/euphoric feeling?? is this normal to miss this at first? Maybe its something I just have to learn to live without? Does anyone have advice?:eeks:
I must sound like a crazy person - I am really not - despite what I must sound like here - the topa really is working great for the cravings - I am just wondering if i will continue to do great and if I will get used to these new feelings and if others can relate especially....RJ???...can anyone help!?
Love all