I worried about that too...what would I do at night if I didn't drink? I used to come home every night, change clothes, feed the cats, open a bottle of wine and start drinking. When I was still smoking I would stand at the sliding glass doors (to blow out the smoke) with a glass of wine in one hand and a cigarette in the other - all night....all night until I made my way upstairs to bed. I would sometimes talk on the phone or other times just watch tv while I drank and smoked.
I did this every night. I worried when I quit smoking too...what would I do at night?
I did look forward to coming home and drinking wine. I would be dead tired at work but by the time I got home and opened the wine ...well, I started feeling better. I enjoyed myself so much that I would stay up too late and then feel awful in the morning (well, the bottle of wine played a part in that too). Then I'd go to work and do everything all over again.
I think that there is a good point here and I do understand what you mean about that euphoria before drinking ....just looking forward to that medication can make you feel relief.
I was worried that when I quit smoking and drinking I'd realize that there wasn't much to my life outside of work. Well, maybe there isn't. But for now I guess I can deal with that because I'm really tired of dealing with the aftermath of drinking.
I thought that maybe if I quit drinking I would feel better and maybe I would have time and interest to do something interesting with my free time.
So far...just working on the drinking. I've been doing pretty well though - thanks to the support here and all of you.
whew...that felt good to write too
