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Feeling anxious/edgy/irritable too

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    Feeling anxious/edgy/irritable too

    Hi all
    Sorry this is kind of a long one.
    I have noticed some people saying they have been feeling irritable and anxious. I too have been noticing this. I am on week 4 of topa. Taking the supps, exercising, (maybe not as much as I should...) - I am on 125 mg as of yesterday. I am moderating. I am finding my cravings greatly reduced, and when I do drink, i drink much less, easier to stop etc.
    Yesterday as I was driving home from work I was thinking about why i have been irritable - and something dawned on me - could it be possible that someone might MISS the cravings??? You know that 'high' that you feel (that brings on the cravings - the excitability/high feeling that accompanies the cravings - I dont know how many other people can relate - this is what I used to have when i had cravings) - this is what I find has been tamed with the topa. Is it possible the topa has calmed this down and this is partially why i am moody because i miss this high/euphoric feeling?? is this normal to miss this at first? Maybe its something I just have to learn to live without? Does anyone have advice?:eeks:
    I must sound like a crazy person - I am really not - despite what I must sound like here - the topa really is working great for the cravings - I am just wondering if i will continue to do great and if I will get used to these new feelings and if others can relate especially....RJ???...can anyone help!?
    Love all
    Over 4 months AF :h

    Feeling anxious/edgy/irritable too

    Hummmm, I just bet that moodiness side effect will go away before you figure out just what the cause is. I think. Gabby
    Gabby :flower:


      Feeling anxious/edgy/irritable too

      IF U ARE IN WEEK 4 of the topa shouldn't u be at 100 mg? not 125mg?
      shouldn't it go 25 -lst 50 -2nd/ 75-3rd/100-4th? maybe u jumped to quick? maybe that's why u are jumpy?
      not trying to sound like some doctor or anything - but just a suggestion.
      yep - i know the topa does work. rite about now - i would be in the sauce - but i don't have the desire to even look for the bottle. i love it.
      have a good evening.


        Feeling anxious/edgy/irritable too

        Now I gotta admit when I was having more side effects, feet prickles,
        troubel spelling (lol, couldnt resist) topa dopa, (still laughing), and JUMPY!
        I was at 150mg. I did dose a up a ltille faster (hehe, oh how I entertain myself) ok....serious now. I went back down to 125 and stayed for a while and then just lately went to 150 and am NOT having those side effects. So I still think wait it out. Maybe go back down to 100 or at least just hold out at 125 until those side effects stop or reduce before goin up again.
        This is just a suggestion of course. Truly I have no idea. ok bye now a kid is callin me. gabby
        Gabby :flower:


          Feeling anxious/edgy/irritable too

          Jen, Don't want to overinterpret here, and only you can answer this, but are you mistaking anxiety for euphoria? If you are already euphoric, why would you want to drink??? You know how you can mistake anxiety (knots in the stomach, fast heartbeat, blah, blah, blah) for love??? Are you really feeling euphoric or is it another feeling that you're missing?? Just a question. If I've overstepped, I'm sorry.

          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            Feeling anxious/edgy/irritable too

            I think I might have confused everyone

            Hmmmm I think my question might have confused everyone.
            What I was asking was this:
            I am finding that my cravings are definitely reduced but I am still crabby and I wonder - could I possibly be crabby because I am missing the "high/euphoric/hyper" feeling of the craving????? Is that crazy or what? Does anyone have any insight?
            Of course, this is a major change I am going through so it could be perfectly normal to be going through some anxiety and crabbiness with the changes right??......
            Love and hugs all....hope everyone is having a great day :h
            Over 4 months AF :h


              Feeling anxious/edgy/irritable too

              Hi Jen! You're perfectly normal for feeling "anxious". Drinking was a crutch for that edginess and now its gone. Our brain is trying to learn a new way of coping. Now, trying to replace that quick fix, not easy. I really don't have the huge cravings, but, my brain is acting so out of it! Having always had some form of "medication", and then pulling out the rug is leaving us to funtion on our true feelings without the veil. Guess it will take some time and learning good ways to relax. ( I am not on any supp's, just a vitamin, magnesium and vit e, sleepy tea at night and tyl pm) I'm in a VERY stressful time frame, but had even worse ones in the past and did ok, due to self medicating. Now its taking life on eyes wide open! it's a whole new life, but I want to see it with a clear head this time! Give it time, your system needs to time to recouperate. Hugs, cj


                Feeling anxious/edgy/irritable too

                Oh thats a good way to put it CJ! gabby
                (my GOD, talk about uptight and anxious. Im waiting to go the airport in a while and I could use a sedative of somekind....anykind.....AHHHHH!)
                Gabby :flower:


                  Feeling anxious/edgy/irritable too

                  Hi all,

                  I too am much more irritable and cranky. I don't have the cravings per se for wine, it's more of missing something that over the years had become a daily habit. A time for me, a wind down from the stresses of my life. In the evening now I must find things to occupy those hours of past drinking. It's wierd, some nights I am just fine and other nights I want to numb myself. I am doing mods. Day 35. I am defintely able to stop after 2-3 glasses of wine. I am not waking with hangovers or shame. AF at least five days a week. I too noticed the short temperedness. I am finding that to be completely sober and dealing with life is challenging. I feel like I am raw nerves at times. I am stripped of my crutch and am forced to be present naked and raw. I am sure it will be easier as time passes, but there are times (even with the CD's and supps) that I want to drink wine and escape. I can only hope that this irritabilty doesn't last forever. Maybe more intense exercise? Any suggestions or comments are greatly appreciated.



                  p.s. As I reread my post I realized something...the changes I (all of us) have made are huge. Looking back 35 days and knowing I was drinking a full bottle of wine every night, seven days a week and now I am AF at least five days and when I drink it is like a normal person. I think we should pat ourselves on the back at the positive changes we have made. I am not going to be so hard on myself about being cranky and missing the wine when I am stressing. Maybe if I just accept the fact that life is stressful some times and this too shall pass that will be enough. Lastly, my body is probably in some sort of shock at the major reduction of alcohol consumption. Thanks you guys for being here. I guess I needed to work this all out and I do feel better getting it out.


                    Feeling anxious/edgy/irritable too


                    Jen, you are missing something. I know, with myself, I just want to have some flippin' fun! The last time I laughed outrageously was at the bar - it probably wouldn't even be fun now. I have been sitting here all morning crying about my meaningless life. I have no desire to drink, but I just want to have some fun. Every day, hubby stops for a couple of drinks, tells me who's doing what, talks about his day (I have nothing to talk about - lots of times I go the whole day without having a conversation about anything) and watch a movie that I usually fall asleep in. On the weekends, I just kill time so I don't get bored and drink. His entire form or entertainment is going to the bar, so I go to the bar, or I do nothing. Nothing is more appealing, but this morning it sucks!

                    Just feeling sorry for myself. :upset:



                      Feeling anxious/edgy/irritable too

                      Barb I totally hear you

                      Hmmm, I wonder if that is common because I have been feeling that way too and your comment only made me realize it now!! - that my life is meaningless - I have felt such despair over the last few weeks - I go to work and I look toward each evening and think "well, what will i do tonight?" and its like, well, the same old thing...whats the it that alcohol gave us something to look forward to and now that we are not getting drunk we dont have anything to look forward to, in our minds??? This is so scary...I hope this gets better...
                      I am so glad I have you guys
                      Love and hugs
                      Over 4 months AF :h


                        Feeling anxious/edgy/irritable too

                        It's a matter of replacing the behavoir with something else. But, how much knitting and movie watching can I do!!

                        The funny thing is - I don't want to drink. I don't want to feel like crap; I don't want to fall asleep (really, pass out) at 7:00 PM and wake up in the morning unmotivated to face life because I am in pain. However, I sure am unmotivated at this moment!

                        Those of us who are stuck in hum-drum little jobs to pay the bills try to get through each day without going nuts. I work out of my house, so I have to keep myself motivated or I won't work - then I don't get paid. Even tho I can "fudge" things around, I don't feel right about it.

                        Thanks for listening - I wish we all lived close enuf so that we could entertain each other.



                          Feeling anxious/edgy/irritable too

                          Jen and Barb,
                          I've been in that same rut. I quit my job in June, so I could stay home with the kids (one has severe food allergies, so daycare became impossible) My stress level is no where near as high as it was when I was working, but I feel like I don't have a life anymore. I still want to drink in the evenings, because it gave the mundane reality of my life a little kick in the pants. I do miss it too, and I feel like I've become a different person. Always obsessing about if I will slip tonight, or if it will be ok to only have one or two, and pray that doesn't turn into 7 or 9... Last night I even dreamed about this site. I feel like I've turned into an obsessive compulsive personality. Hope it gets better, and not something that I'm constantly thinking about.

                          Hope everyone starts feeling better soon!~


                            Feeling anxious/edgy/irritable too

                            do you have a good friend. I am great friends with gateway. We went to our usual bar about two weeks ago. She ordered water I had ice tea. You could have knocked the bartenders over with a feather. They could not believe we were not drinking. We still have a blast even with out the alcohol. Try something you really like doing with a friend and see if that lifts your spirits.


                              Feeling anxious/edgy/irritable too


                              I am going to wait a couple of weeks and try to go to the bar and drink club soda (I drink that a lot at night now-without the scotch). I spend most of the time on weekends with hubby - I do go out with my friends for lunch, we go to Weight Watcher meetings, but not much of anything else. They (and I) have families, so running around at night isn't an option. I don't care much to go out at night either - usually can't stay awake - sober or drunk. I get up early and like to break into my day early.

                              This weekend, I have a knitting bee on Saturday afternoon. I've made a decision to start making plans on Saturday by looking on the internet to see what's going on in town. Hubby is welcome to come - or not.

                              I feel better than I did this morning. I'm very tired and burned out with work. I know my life is worthwhile and I'm here for a reason. Sometimes it just gets mundane.

                              Again, that does happen, sober or drunk.


