My husband thought I had stopped drinking on Sunday, but hid it and drank while he wasn't watching. How he didn't figure it out is beyond me!
I took everyones advice and made a mad dash for the vitiman store so it wouldn't be painful and I could make it more than a few days. Boy did they every make such a huge difference!
The first night I didn't sleep good (as expected, not new to detox). I went to bed on time last night snuggled in feeling pretty good. I couldn't have been a sleep long.
I remember the dream was intense and fast, almost dizzy. I was drinking and I felt drunk (I mean I really felt drunk) and every scernio I could think of was flashing around me, getting fired, my boss finding out, my husband leaving. I was trying to wake up in my dream but I couldn't everyone else was happy. It felt like it went on forever.
When I did wake up I thought I was drunk in real awake world. I was so shaken that I just laid there and had to think so hard what day it was and did I drink last night..
Does this happen alot to people. I mean I've had bad dreams while drinking and when I've been AF for days and weeks, but this one was extremely intense that I've been distrubed all day.
Oh then afterwards I had mini scary dreams through the night.