Many of you won't know me. I don't post very often. I'm one of the old, old timer's. I was just congragulating myself in June for my 1 year anniversary and now I'm about to fall to pieces. My 81 year old mother moved in with me about 6 weeks ago. Plus we've been in the process of selling our home and buying another! We close on the new place the 25th of this month. My mom has Parkinson's and heart disease and can't be left alone so I'm pretty much with her 24/7. I'm up 3 times a night because she can't get to the bathroom by herself. I'm so tired! Plus we've got doctor's appointments and physical therapy... not to mention packing! Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to have my mother here. If she didn't come here (she was in a nursing home in Texas) she would probably not be alive right now. I just did not realize I would totally be giving up MY WHOLE LIFE. But the bad thing is... I've started drinking again. I woke up this moring with my first hang over in more months than I can remember. I don't have time to go to the gym. I have NO time to listen to my CD's anymore. Forget having a full night's sleep. I can't even listen to the sleep learning CDs anymore because I sleep to soundly and I won't wake up when she calls me! I A WRECK. And I know this can't last. I mean I know this isn't going to be good for her in the long run. I'm looking into Adult Day Care , but that does not solve the night issue. But at least it might get me to the gym again. She hated the day care. But I'm going to have to treat her like a child. It's so hard when it's your mother though. A child you can boss around. Your mother bosses you around! Anyway, thanks for letting me vent. I'm going to try to cut back my drinking tonight. I could tell it was creeping up on me. It just felt so GOOD! The hangover, however, did NOT. And I do not want to transgress.
Thanks again for allowing the vent.