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Just out of detox again

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    Just out of detox again

    Hi All

    I have just come out of emergency detox again, now on day 3 of sobriety. any support would be most helpful thanks


    Just out of detox again

    Welcome back, Whitestar

    Good to see you back here, Whitestar!
    So sorry about the emergency detox. I bet you can provide many of us who have recently "slipped" a lot of insight and advice. I'm on my 3rd day of abs, too!
    Lets do this together. Visit often... I'm in chat a lot, if you want to talk more. I assume you have already restarted some supps and other parts of the program. Keep it up. 3 days is great... getting that stuff out of our systems...
    Much love to you,:l


      Just out of detox again

      hi whitestar:
      hope you are feeling better. one day at a time is all we can do. just keep posting. it's great that we can chat with each other.
      i have a question for becca in ohio. i noticed in one of your postings that you stopped taking the topa. may i ask you why?


        Just out of detox again

        Hi Whitestar I'm pretty new here,

        I am just starting the MWO program, I haven't recieved everything I need to get up and running with it. But I would like to offer any support I can.

        All of us here share the burdon of addiction and I am sure you've come to right place for support.:l

        Congratulations on your sobriety :wd: :good: :yay:

        :h :h :h :h


          Just out of detox again

          Thanks too you all, detox is pretty horrible.for me it involved severe DT,s throwing up green puke(exorsist style!) and s##ting for england, athough on the up side it only lasted about 24 hrs. The hospital gave me valium and anti nausea which helped alot. I just hope my will power holds out this time. I also had vitamin drips, but the still cant give me campral (topa not avaliable in UK) until my liver function improves, however my liver is not in too bad shape so hopefully they may in a few months time.If anyone wants any more info just post. Thanks too you all



            Just out of detox again

            i don't understand why topa is not available. i live in the usa and i ordered it from magellanrx in the uk and it was shipped to me. how long do you have to wait to see if your liver has improved?


              Just out of detox again

              Hi Gateway

              I am on income support (state benefit) £57 per week, thats the reason, as for my liver recovery we will have too wait and see, i have an appointment with my consoltant in October which seems like a lifetime away still one has to keep trying


                Just out of detox again


                Could you give me the website, will try too borrow the money



                  Just out of detox again

                  Hello Whitestar,

                  I just wanted to throw out there that you can order it from :


                  Also in the UK.......

                  :h :h :h :h


                    Just out of detox again

                    Welcome home Whitestar! Sorry to hear you've been suffering so. Take this opportunity to start anew. Stay close....we care about you! I'm starting fresh 2....again. Try to jump into chat today if you have time! Take care! Gina:l


                      Just out of detox again

                      Hi Whitestar,

                      Welcome! Glad detox is behind you. You can only feel better and better each day, right? I wish you health, peace and love. We are all here for the same reason. Some at different places than others, but basically all the same. Take good care of yourself.




                        Just out of detox again

                        Hi Deanie

                        Thanks for the welcome but have been on and off this site scince Feb, nice too meet you, and :welcome: too you



                          Just out of detox again

                          Hi Whitestar...:welcome: back! I've been thru de-tox,... before going into re-hab. It's no fun. I've also detoxed @ home... when I probably shouldn't have... . I'm glad you're feeling better! Hope to catch ya in chat...:l , Judie
                          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                            Just out of detox again

                            the website is hope this works. you can always get it from canada too.
                            keep posting.


                              Just out of detox again

                              THX too you all


                              Still having a bad time, argument with15 year old hubby a bit distant but still cool, old hippy love you all, sorry too be so sad, just one off those days:l thanks again


