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Hello from Sunny Texas

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    Hello from Sunny Texas

    This is my first time on this site and I have found some wonderful information! I had a good friend that told me about one person on the site, leebray (I'm Through Drinking, PLEASE READ THIS), that had gone to the Rhonda Lenair Healing Center in Vermont.

    What a small world!! I went to her January 2001 for drinking and believe me, she was the ONLY one that could help me stop drinking. I had totally given up on myself at that time in my life. I had drank for 25 years, went through two treatment centers, medications, herbs, AA, church groups, several therapist and DWI's. My sister found an article on Rhonda Lenair in a magazine, called and talked, then scheduled an appointment. Certainly I was skeptical! I had tried everything. Why would this work?

    In three short sessions with Rhonda, not only did I not want to drink, the cravings were gone and when I thought about drinking, the thought would suddenly vanish! She was amazing! When I left, she gave me a list of herbs and tentures that would help my body heal. Today I feel wonderful and my life is back to gloriously normal. All my friends and family are back and, most of all, I do not regret having to wake up the next morning wondering what I did the night before.

    So, leebray, if you are out there, I would like to talk to you!!!

    Hello from Sunny Texas

    Hi Linda

    I lived in sunny Texas for almost 20 years. Hot Houston!! I didn't like it there, that's just where the money was at the time. I finally got out and back to Georgia.

    I've never talked with anyone that's been to see Rhonda, however there are several ones here that has made an appointment. I have an email address and have been talking to some that way. I'm hopeing they'll come back here and tell these people after they get cured. I've had over 1500 people view my thread and only a fraction that were open minded to it. The part that "it's too good to be true" is what's scary due to the cost. Anyway, I'm glad to see you on this site, maybe you can help some people.



      Hello from Sunny Texas

      Sorry, but is this for real? It just sounds so scripted......


        Hello from Sunny Texas

        Hey Annie ... can I sit next to you?


          Hello from Sunny Texas

          Things that make you go "hmmmmm"

          "hmmmmmmmmmmmmm" ditto what you guys said
          Trish In Omaha

          Shepard James 'Shep' Walker: I think it can best be said..."The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
          Sidda: Well, what about the road back? What's that paved with?
          Shepard James 'Shep' Walker
          : Humility.

          "Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood


            Hello from Sunny Texas

            That old deja vu feeling has come over me. Room for one more, guys?
            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              Hello from Sunny Texas

              Lol, I would like to say that many people on this site have been and continue to be helped by MWO and some other supplementary programs.

              By Leebray "I've never talked with anyone that's been to see Rhonda, however there are several ones here that has made an appointment. I have an email address and have been talking to some that way. I'm hopeing they'll come back here and tell these people after they get cured. I've had over 1500 people view my thread and only a fraction that were open minded to it. The part that "it's too good to be true" is what's scary due to the cost. Anyway, I'm glad to see you on this site, maybe you can help some people. "

              For the two that went to Rhonda and any others, I'm very glad that you were helped.

              And a question for Linda Hodges...if you were cured in 2001, why are you still discussing websites for recovery? I would have thought you would have moved on like many drinkers that no longer drink?

              This is a supportive group, but as drinkers, most of us are skeptics anyway, so Linda and Leebray, congrats on your individual recoveries.

              Perhaps you should start a website that is more like this to draw more of the Rhonda recovery stories.

              For any others that want to read a perhaps objective article on the "science", here's a link to the Boston Bizjournal...

              Here is a link to a 2001 audio interview for those interested. Scroll down to December 8, 2001 and give a listen if you like.

              This link is to a recent (2006) article written by Barry/Lenair Center featuring Linda Hodges...


                Hello from Sunny Texas

                Good job cv1. Thanks from all us MWOers!


                  Hello from Sunny Texas

                  Amazing Research CV

                  CV- Looked at all your research - seems we may be getting a little "infomercial" here on MWO? Anyway, thanks for the "heads-up" trish
                  Trish In Omaha

                  Shepard James 'Shep' Walker: I think it can best be said..."The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
                  Sidda: Well, what about the road back? What's that paved with?
                  Shepard James 'Shep' Walker
                  : Humility.

                  "Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood


                    Hello from Sunny Texas

                    Hello Leebray

                    Well, this is no script or solicitation! THIS IS FOR REAL~
                    Rhonda helped me when AA, meds, therapy and treatment centers couldn't. The cost is minimal when you think of what it cost to drink, time worrying what you have done, lost work hours, etc. It is not even a fourth of what treatment centers are costing today! You can even get on JetBlue for hardly anything to go to Vermont.

                    If you would like more info, I don't mind sharing.


                      Hello from Sunny Texas

                      For cv1, I have been cured for a while, but I like to share my success with people that are trying to get sober. I have spoke at some AA groups, churches, etc. I just like to give a helping hand when needed.


                        Hello from Sunny Texas

                        Have you had a lot people from AA groups etc - where you have spoken - taken your advice and gone to the treatment centre? have they followed up with you with regard to their experience?
                        Over 4 months AF :h

