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    :new:I plan to start my AF tonight...just started researching after taking a real look in the mirror. Not sure what to do...bored I guess witout my ex-buddy. Do I need to worry about dangerous side effects? I know there will be plenty of unpleasant feelings, but I should be able to start on my own at least, correct? FYI - 2 bottles of red wine a night is what will soon be leaving my body and mind...Suggestions? Danke...


    Hi Herky,
    Welcome and well done for making a start on your journey.
    I likened my own withdrawals to the flu, shakey, sweaty, achey, tired, irritable and fidgety, plus I was vomiting for a few days....
    I think we are all different and if you feel your withdrawals are becoming more than you can cope with or are frightening you, then you need to seek help.
    I made sure I drank water, kept warm and rested....
    Do you have anyone with you at all?
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



      Thanks for the note. No, I'm alone right now, which I'm quite thankful for as I would like to endure the 'flu' without notice over the holiday (4 day weekend)....thoughts?



        Well, 4 days will usually see you through the worst. And dont forget, you MAY NOT get bad withdrawals..just take care of yourself the best you can, some people watch films, some like to get out for a walk. I just needed to stay in bed. But whatever you do, just know it will end and you will be on your way to recovery...
        So arm yourself with lots of alcohol free drinks, water, lemon, herbal teas etc...some good healthy food. It will help you to eat to keep your blood sugar levels even.
        Also, stick around here for insipiration and care, you will get loads of support.
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



          Thanks for the advice. I'm a bit nervous about starting this, but I have to soon or my body will continue to decline.

          Interesting enough, what gave me the initiative to stop was becoming nicotine free since Jan 2! This makes me feel great!

          Ok...digging in for a couple of rough ones but I will keep this site up as there appears to be a lot of people in the same boat and helping each other make it through this mess.



            Oh Well done!!!! If you can beat the nicotine, you can beat this!!!!
            And as you go on, you will feel better and better.
            Alcohol was ruining my life to the point I wanted out. I never thought I would enjoy a sober life but there wasnt really an alternative.
            I can honestly say I am a different person without the booze in my I am happy. It really is worth it and yes we have been there and can help you through...
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



              Alcohol has been a very bad associate of mind and is taking its toll on my body...and I too want out. You have provided me with enough encouragement to get this thing going. Don't know you, but a world of thanks for getting me started.



                You are welcome,
                Keep posting and come and visit the other nutters on the army thread when you need a kick up the backside or a bit of gentle encouragement :-)
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



                  How are you doing today Herky?
                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



                    Not too bad....thanks for asking. I bit "shaky", but making progress. Day 2 underway!



                      Keep it up, you're doing great buddy!
                      Remember, lots of water, some food and fresh air will help too...
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



                        Hallo Herky,

                        Read through your stuffies, hope you are doing great! I have been sober for 5 days now, but I used to drink every second of third evening. I am really at a point where I dont want to live life like this. I hope you are fine and that you will stick this through! I sure will! Hope to see you around on site for a long sober time!!!



                          Funny thing is, I'm "nervously excited" to end this. Thing that is the worst is the boredom. Alcohol is great for killing boredom. Reading a lot more (especially in my witching hours - 5 to 10PM) and spending time on the web (and this site which appears to be a savior thus far). Good Luck Green Bean. And Startingover, you are a real inspiration. Guess I might watch the masters later today to stay entertained. Have a great Friday.



                            hi herky,welccom to mwo,great bunch here,2 bottles of red a night,starts was rt with all the symtoms,,i xplain it to be almost like a panic attack,the only thing is,panic attacks go away,i dont beleive its leaving the booze,its the learning afterwards,to live without it,there s an old saying ,theres 24 hours in a day,work in the day,your in,cause tomorrow never comes,i do wish you well gyco



                              Thanks Zenstyle. The support on this site is amazing. I have had hidden this problem for almost 10 years and it's not a topic I would bring up with friends or family even. However, everybody here is in a similar boat. My first reward is to detox as I haven't been sober for one night in years on end. I know WD will last for many, many days. But how long is a good guess before I can present myself as not being in a WD mess? Worried about upcoming meetings, etc.

