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Army thread 10 March 09

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    Army thread 10 March 09


    Wodja get her Cy???? Cmon, wont tell I promise :-)
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Army thread 10 March 09

      I got her the 'British ice hockey's greatest goals and fights' dvd, a new mop and a loud speaker for the budgie. Shes gonna be sooooo excited!
      To Infinity And Beyond!!


        Army thread 10 March 09

        lol, I didnt. But now you mention it, tesco do bargin ones for a fiver
        To Infinity And Beyond!!


          Army thread 10 March 09

          ok, quick pic while she is not looking

          Attached files [img]/converted_files/866913=4878-attachment.jpg[/img]
          To Infinity And Beyond!!


            Army thread 10 March 09

            i hope she likes it
            To Infinity And Beyond!!


              Army thread 10 March 09

              cymru;589986 wrote: I got her the 'British ice hockey's greatest goals and fights' dvd, a new mop and a loud speaker for the budgie. Shes gonna be sooooo excited!
              Oooohh I wish Rich were as considerate as that...
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                Army thread 10 March 09

                LMAO Zenny!

                Right, I am now getting harangued to shift my lardy arse and get off the pc so we can get moving...
                Will be in touch when I reach other pc on the coast :H
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  Army thread 10 March 09

                  Have a peacefull journey starts.
                  Im off for a kip.
                  To Infinity And Beyond!!


                    Army thread 10 March 09

                    good morning all,nice to see AA is working cy,remember if you have downer days,it takes as long to rid your self of the torment as it took to cause,it,it will get easier with time,i will be 95 years old . ,and even then the thot to have a drink,will remain,been doing a lot of thought and research on why people relapse,this is a theory ive looked at,even bill with all his years of sobriety asked for a drink,at his time of death,like the other week with starts cravings,the brain has been trained,she or we have broke the training,the brain rebels,when we get put out of our comfort zone,how many times did i,or we turn to the best thing we new to do to relieve the awkwardness,a drink,in my case most of the bottle,remember how long when you were young,it took to get over the disaster it caused,when you get older,as ive learned,the fun , starts to be like torturing yourself,even when were sober,we go on, on and on,why it was such a problem,recently i met another person who was sober for 22 years,for all the training they had,they drank for 10 years,stopped for 22,i find this very interesting,what could compel a person to drink after stopping for that long,is it the thot of the pain it caused,dam it im rambling,hope everyone has a fun weekend ,turkey here on Sunday,sons birthday, later all gyco


                      Army thread 10 March 09

                      Good Day Army
                      The Job Fair had such a Huge turnout that I was turned away, as were thousands of others. I have a couple of things in the works, so hopefully, will get something soon. I am going into foreclosure AGAIN on Monday. I am going to the bank today to withdraw my retirement savings. Mostly phone calls, errands and an AA meeting or two today.
                      Emylee went to the concert last night without me. I am disappointed. Of course, she has asked me to do her a big favor today. Hmmm...
                      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                        Army thread 10 March 09

                        I have used sleeping pills in the past to cut back (obviously only temporary if I'm trying to AF completey right now)...these are my only hope for at least some sleep. Even when I was cutting back with the sleep pills, it was a light sleep with lots of dreams. Advice on sleep pills? I like your idea on a thread dealing with sleep issues.


                          Army thread 10 March 09

                          Good Friday Troopers...OH NO, that was last week......right ?
                          Happy Birthday Wishy ...hope CY treats you extra special...I'm sure he always does.
                          2 of the musketeers are on holiday this weekend ...ENJOY !!!
                          I had an interesting trip to the emergency room last night. my knee swelled up and I thought I had sprained it doing gardening...but NO..sprains of the knee don't cause your face and throat to swell up. I finally went and things got worse...glad I was at the hospital cause I was having trouble breathing. Turned out they think it was a black widow spider bite. They considered antivenin but they weren't sure so didn't give it. I'm on antibiotics and just sick all over...that will teach me to take a day off. Now I have several off to recover.
                          Have a great sober week end ALL !!!
                          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                            Army thread 10 March 09

                            OMG Evie, how frightening. I am glad that you will be ok.
                            Yes, it is Good Friday today. Sunday is Easter. I am going to the bank today to see if I can withdraw my IRA and save my home. I also have to call some places for assistance now that I totally out of money, they may help. Who knows? I just keep on trying.
                            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                              Army thread 10 March 09

                              Thanks Oney. Was great to all be together. We did miss Emylee though.
                              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                                Army thread 10 March 09

                                Wow Zenny
                                That is Amazing. If I ever get a job and some money, you can be my
                                "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)

