I just love seeing the first signs of spring around here too!
Last week while on the river paddling, I saw Osprey, lots of wildflowers just strting to bloom, even saw a few butterflies already.
The highlight was playing peek-a-boo along the river bank with a mink, between the rocks. They're so cute & curious!
Had a friend of mine stop by again today, (the same one that was here yesterday w/ a big bottle of wine...who took a nap on our couch)
She's having problems @ home,...has been calling in sick to work all week, her Hubby's mad...
She showed up here @ 9:30 this AM w/another big bottle She left me a mssg on my phone last night @ work & wanted me to buy her a box of wine & leave it under her car, on my way home...(I pretended not to have herd the mssg, before I left town...I'm not going there...)
Her Hubby is a power tripper,... and has had recent surgery, so she's feeling overwhelmed w/him in the house all the time, and having him watching her all the time.
I've been trying to encourage her to check out MWO, I've loaned her RJ's book months ago...
I don't know what else I can do.
I don't want to try & lecture her, she's already getting grief @ home. But she's not being honest with herself.
I'd appreciate any input, I've also been on the recieving end of the "microscopic life", but "you can't "Bullshit a bullshitter,..."
I can feel her pain, but, I can't contribute, to the damage. I'm a modder. I feel like I'm being a hypocrite, on a certain level,...but then again, I'm honest with myself and I've found a way to live and maintain my lifestyle, in a healthy, happy way that doesn't impose on my loved ones, or my livlihood.
I'm just so frustrated. I try to get her to take a hike or walk along the river,..she says she's too tired. (That was right after she told me she was so tired of doing nothing...)