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What can I drink in place of booze?

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    What can I drink in place of booze?

    of course coffee!!!
    espresso, iced, hot, with cinnamon, with cream....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yay for coffee!!!


      What can I drink in place of booze?

      I drink Soda with fresh lime... looks like vodka lime and soda so no-one hassles me at least! I try to count the non drinking as an opportunity to drink more water and less calories - extra bonuses!
      Very spicy virgin mary if I need something substantial. Tap water if I'm keeping it a completely $$ free day/night. My friend drinks red bull if she needs a kick, but it doesn't do anything for me and I think it tastes like cough medicine - ugh.


        What can I drink in place of booze?

        I always try for anything with a tang to it. Citrus drinks are good for that of course.

        I never drink water. Fish make love in it


          What can I drink in place of booze?

          If I'm trying to not have a glass of wine, a glass of pomegranate juice is enough of a splurge to make me feel better. And it is TREMENDOUSLY healthy. Wow! Two good points in its favor.

          I also really enjoy straight diet tonic water. I started drinking that to get me off of having the tonic WITH the vodka. Also, tonic all by itself really helps with the restless legs syndrome.

          And, if I'm really really trying to cleanse my system, dandelion tea is what I use... but that is only for when I'm feeling very strong and good and motivated.

          I really enjoyed reading about everyone's favorite AF drinks. Thanks!


            What can I drink in place of booze?

            Lime and soda is great on a summers day. Coca cola with extra, extra lemon pieces. Ginger beer best brand is bundeburg...sooo good and you do get a buzz! Bitter lemon with lemonade or soda. Ask for a fruit tingle minus the alcohol in a bar, looks pretty and tastes great! ENJOY!!!
            Sober since Jan 17th 09
            Smoke free since 20th Nov 08 :H


              What can I drink in place of booze?

              I find that when I am feeling a bit of a drink at that 5pm hour, a tall glass with diet 7-up and a little bit of cranberry juice REALLY helps me. Can't tell you why...but it does...maybe it will help you too?

              formerly known as bak310


                What can I drink in place of booze?

                Sorry, I was away from a computer all week! Thanks for all the responses.

                Cymru, unfortunately I love the taste of booze ? if someone could invent non-alcoholic vodka I?d happily drink it neat (from the bottle, naturally ? classy chick).

                Crusinthrulife ? that V8 with horseradish is an excellent idea ? that would really have a kick. Peacenik, your version sounds nuts, I have to try it!

                Those dealcoholised wines are great, I agree. Well? the reds are. I find the whites are a bit grape juicy. I'm slightly worried that one day I'll drink one though, and that little buzzer will go off in my head, meaning I'll want to get the real thing.

                And Wally22 ? I feel like I?ve got tea coming out of my ears. Love it, though! I have one which is real rose buds, which is great for novelty value.

                Thanks, all ? I?ve got my shopping list sorted now!


                  What can I drink in place of booze?

                  Me too, Club Soda with a twist of lime. Bubbley, refreshing. Love iced tea, coffee, hot tea - tons of ice water with lemon. That's bout it for me! All good.
                  "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                    What can I drink in place of booze?

                    This may sound odd and it wouldn't be for going out at all, but I used to love it when I was a kid because of the way it made my stomach burn. I'm only on day 5 AF, but last night I thought about trying it to see.
                    Vinegar. Apple cider has more of a kick. Distilled is clear though. I used to take actual shots of it. Having too much can make you feel sick to your stomach though & I don't know if it can hurt you. I always drank only one or two.


                      What can I drink in place of booze?

                      Im with you Lucy............during the witching hour I have cranberry-apple with 7 up. Hits my spot.
                      AF Since December 2006


                        What can I drink in place of booze?

                        Apple cider vinegar is really, really good for you, Swan. Not sure about huge amounts, but if you put a bit in water, or mixed with hot water and honey or something, it would definitely have benefits as well as that kick! Just got my first AA sponsor today and she's suggesting searching for that "kick" is not a good idea though. I guess she has a point.

