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The Next day thread Monday 13th April

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    The Next day thread Monday 13th April

    Yikes! Just when I think I've got it all worked out - like who is sleeping now; who is waking up now; who is going to bed now ... you confound me by all being on line!!!

    Good to see you all. I had a totally civilised Easter - not a single egg, chocolate or otherwise, passed my lips. Nah. I'm not virtuous. Nobody gave me any.

    sob sob sob sob


      The Next day thread Monday 13th April

      Never mind Tawny, no-one gave me any either.....
      This is Insomniacs Anonymous thread today..
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        The Next day thread Monday 13th April

        I LOVE the whole time thing! And when I think I've got it down pat - daylight savings cuts in or goes off and confuses me all over again.


          The Next day thread Monday 13th April

          The only good thing about daylight saving is that dogs are allowed back on the beach during the day so you dont have to kill yourself getting there and off again by 9am. My mother said its no life for a dog in NZ! And that was from a woman who had her cat put down when she went on holidays!


            The Next day thread Monday 13th April

            ooooo it's been busy here again.
            Thanks for the encouragement guys.
            Have a gorgeous day!

