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The Next Day Thread Tuesday 14th April

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    The Next Day Thread Tuesday 14th April

    you're right Boozy...I often remind myself it's a disease and like any disease if left untreated it will get worse. I so don't wanna be an old hag at the pub on my own or some such thing.


      The Next Day Thread Tuesday 14th April

      My fear is of being alone in my house drinking at an old age. I have seen the progression in my own family.

      I didn't finish body combat after doing pump, too hard, but I am counting calories for the next few days to make up for my lack of exercise and over-indulgance in food.


        The Next Day Thread Tuesday 14th April

        Hi all,

        Just a quick after Easter check in... how is everyone? Lot's of inspiring stuff going on in here today I see.
        It's good reading - makes me want to give myself a kick up the bum. Am actually doing okay. No AF days but some serious limits on myself I stuck to over easter. Lot's of going out which I find easier than staying home. It's easy to misbehave at home with no-one watching.... so Easter was good for me. Went out for an 11k ride this morning then walked along withthe kids on their own ride. We had fun it was good. I wish all those starting and continuing their AF journey's today nothing but the very best! More power to you I say!

        Obstacles are those frightful things we see when we take our eyes of our goals - Henry Ford

        Will power, determination and friends can turn this :teeter: into this :wings:


          The Next Day Thread Tuesday 14th April

          I found that when my kids were younger there were natural boundaries to my drinking so even if I went overboard every now and then there was no real damage other than a hangover. But as the kids got older and I got more freedom the opportunities for social drinking increased. It was all very gradual and I was oblivious to the path of self destruction I was on except always hating the hangovers. By the time I was 40 I knew I had a drinking problem but even then I wasn’t as bad as others around me who didn’t think they had a problem so I rationalized it that way for a while and carried on. Every time I overdid it I swore I would never drink again but as soon as I was recovered I got sucked in again believing I could handle it. Eventually I reached the point where it was blackout almost every time I drank and the time between binges was narrowing from once a week to twice a week to up to three times a week. I barely had time to recover before I was off again At this point I no longer had any control or semblance of control and the realization hit me like a ton of bricks. There was no more hiding behind other people’s drinking I had to accept that I was a drunk, a boozehag and it didn’t matter what anyone else was or did. Thankfully not long after this I found MWO and thanks to this program I have not advanced any further down that path of self destruction. Ten years ago when I was 36 I would not have believed it if someone had told me where I was heading as I had no understanding of the subtle but cumulative effect of alcohol on the brain. The reason I say this is that I see a lot of similarities between my earlier path and some of you guys and although I know that nobody learns from other people’s mistakes maybe this might give an insight into what can happen next. The really good news is that there is a way out and life is WAY WAY WAY better on the other side but dont wait as long as I did to enjoy your lives to the fullest.


            The Next Day Thread Tuesday 14th April

            Morning everybody - you all sound so healthy...I'm enjoying watching the scale lose about a pound per day as I became AF 5 days! Never knew liquid carbs did that much weight damage! Happy about my 5 lbs and I know that will slow eventually....then I'll have to get my lazy self in a gym! Have a great Tuesday! LT


              The Next Day Thread Tuesday 14th April

              Boozy thanks - that was the way I was going also. Blacking out often & creeping up to 3 times a week...I knew the disease (or whatever) was progressing & if I didn't get it under control now it would only be harder in the future. But I've always suspected, since I was 18, that going out without drinking was no fun - I knew right from the beginning it was going to be an issue but I managed to bury it for many many years.

              Hi Eski *wave* good to see you & welcome LT nice to see you here!! It's amazing what a great feeling watchign the scales go down is huh?? This lady came to do the before school check on my 4yr old last week...I asked if I could jump on her scales (I don't own any)and 'coz it was on carpet it showed 14kgs less than what it should...I felt instantly so happy even though I knew they were wrong (put them on the hard floor & got the real reading!!) For about 30 seconds I was back at my 21yr old weight!!LOL

              See ya tomorrow.


                The Next Day Thread Tuesday 14th April

                boozehag;592061 wrote: The really good news is that there is a way out and life is WAY WAY WAY better on the other side but dont wait as long as I did to enjoy your lives to the fullest.


                  The Next Day Thread Tuesday 14th April

                  Evening all!....Hope your day was magical!..................G.

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    The Next Day Thread Tuesday 14th April

                    Angelcakes;592046 wrote: I so don't wanna be an old hag at the pub on my own ....
                    Just curious ... what constitutes an "old hag"? Is it someone over 40? 50? 60?
                    Haven't been to a pub in the past three years but I'm getting the impression that I may be in the "old hag" category.


                      The Next Day Thread Tuesday 14th April

                      Tawny, You an old hag?....never!

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

