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The Next Day Thread Wed 15th April

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    The Next Day Thread Wed 15th April

    Good morning all,
    Another beautiful morning here. Looks like Mr Cakes will be going to Sydney next week about a job..looks very promising so we could be back there within the next couple of months.
    Oh, and Tawny I don't really think an 'old hag' has an age, even though the description would suggest otherwise!...I've felt like a bit of an old hag myself (at under 40) at times...maybe boozehag would've been a better description but that ones taken!!! I didn't mean to be ageist at all...I was referring to myself. Oh geez, have I offended the axe wielding frog...?


    The Next Day Thread Wed 15th April

    Good morning Angel, and all to come!
    Grey and windy here, with a bit of drizzle about, after a couple of beautiful sun drenched day's. I hope we get some steady rain soon, but maybe not this week. Good luck with job prospects Angel. How are you going there on your journey. How you are doing Betty and Ezz, on your 30 days af adventure?
    Hope everyone else is doing well....................G.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      The Next Day Thread Wed 15th April

      Hiya Angel and all to come.
      Do you want to go back to Oz?
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        The Next Day Thread Wed 15th April

        Hi G & Starts...the journeys going very well - feeling great!
        Starts, yes it was always the plan to go back to OZ...we thought we'd do 2 yrs here and it's been 3 now. My family & our friends are all'll be hard though, we'll probably have to go back into our 2 bedroom apartment for a while, from a 3 b/room house with outside space for the kids...but there's a park & playground across the road, we'll just get creative!!
        I'm off to hit the gym, will check in lata.



          The Next Day Thread Wed 15th April

          Angelcakes;592373 wrote: Oh geez, have I offended the axe wielding frog...?

          :H Nah - takes a lot more to offend me.

          Morning all - blustery, windy and wild old morning in this neck of the woods. Hope we get some rain out of it. Looks like indoor jobbies today. Gack!


            The Next Day Thread Wed 15th April

            Good morning everyone,

            I haven't been on for a while. Hope everyone's keeping well.
            Lots and lots of rain here in Qld over the past week almost got flooded in, rain stopped just in time. Lovely sunny day today.

            Heading out to do some shopping, have a great day.


              The Next Day Thread Wed 15th April

              wow, raining in QLD & windy in VIC...whereas here in NZ it is an absolutely gorgeous day, sunny, very gentle breeze etc. and the birds are a twittering in the bush here. Oh thats another thing...our apartment in Sinny is on a main road...the windows are double glazed but it's still terribly noisy all night & very light also. There's an Irish pub down the road so you also get drunk poeple staggering home at 3am hurling least it won't be me staggering home.


                The Next Day Thread Wed 15th April

                Zenstyle;592439 wrote: Hiya Down Unders!

                "Old hag" is often used as a term of endearment so no need to get ones knickers in a knot our Angel! I'm sure your good friend, Miss Frog, understands the nuances of Brit Speak!
                Knickers untied...ahhh, much more comfy...


                  The Next Day Thread Wed 15th April

                  morning everyone.

                  On day 3 and doing well Mr G. The big test will be on Saturday, after my daughter birthday party when I will have to fight the urge to have a drink to help relax after the stress of the day. But I am determined not to drink at all and the fact that the party is not at home helps heaps.

                  I am so sore from yesterday pump, all upper body pain. Off to do step today, and I hope my sports injuries keep away.

                  Angel, I don't know whether that Irish pub you are talking about is in Sydney or Auckland but I am pretty sure that I have been drunk in it either way.

                  I envy you other staters you wind and rain. We had 1 day of rainy weather and all our trees are going to die soon if they don't get some rain. The hottest easter in WA in 107 years.


                    The Next Day Thread Wed 15th April

                    Zenstyle;592531 wrote: Nothing like that knotted up knicker feeling to put one in a state of discomfort... :H
                    Especially as I pulled the muscle in my right butt cheek practicing the dark art on Sat...really!


                      The Next Day Thread Wed 15th April


                      Angel, I don't know whether that Irish pub you are talking about is in Sydney or Auckland but I am pretty sure that I have been drunk in it either way.


                      How old is your daughter turning?? I'll be sending good positive vibes to you Sat arvo...jump on here if you need.


                        The Next Day Thread Wed 15th April

                        she 6, but a tiny little doll. She is hoping that by some miracle she will be able to suddenly grow into all the beautiful party dresses that she has hanging in her wardrobe when she turns 6. she is still wearing a size 4 but the dresses have been bought by family members as presents over the years.


                          The Next Day Thread Wed 15th April

                          Morning all.

                          Am in full day 3 / PMT Mode. Woo hoo!

                          Ezz-how many 6 year olds are you entertaining on Saturday, is there a 'theme'? I love thinking about parties and entertaining but don't do it much.

                          Am going to go back to bed for an hour, really freaky dreams last night, dogs, kids, old boyfriends, beaches, dead grandparents, no idea where any of it came from! Happy Tuesday, Bx
                          Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                            The Next Day Thread Wed 15th April

                            I've never been on this thread before. It's 9:00 pm here and I'm going to watch a little TV then head off to bed. You guys are just getting your day's started? Hope you all have a great day!

                            Sweaty, I have a really stupid question. What is PMT mode? You mentioned in the newbies' nest, too. I understood the knickers comment, but couldn't figure out PMT.

                            By the way, I like your dog! Is it a full size greyhound? It's hard to tell in the picture.

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              The Next Day Thread Wed 15th April

                              Hi AGAIN - That's better! I must have needed a bit more sleep because I've started my day again and feel much better.

                              Dill - PMT = Pre Menstrual Tension???! AM going to eat some carbs then have a walk/run session later as I have a feeling my teens are going to be aggravating when they get in. I suspect neither of them is getting much sleep, but can't really do much about it.

                              My dog is an Italian Greyhound - minature, he's about a foot high, maybe less.

                              Angel - we lived in an apartment when the kids were small, - they still say it was their favourite place they've lived in so far.

                              Off to get some lunch and do all the stuff I should have done this morning.....

                              Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:


