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From UKSean

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    From UKSean

    First of all let me say how sorry I am for not being on for awhile.
    Things have been a little rough this week but after some doubt of "doing the right thing" things have improved a little.
    I have been able to register at the job centre and after a few nights of sleeping "rough" I was able to get a small crisis loan that has enebaled me to aquire a hotel room for last night and tonight I have eaten a good meal showered,shaved changed cloths and actually feel clean again.
    Come Friday my tax return should be deposited onto my A.D.P. visa card and I will have some cash to see me through.
    I have managed to see a G.P. and he gave me some steroids and an inhaler for my C.O.P.D. he also gave me some anti biotics for a nasty little chest infection I picked up on the plane over here.
    I have done more walking around this past week than I have in many years;
    so here is a foot and leg's report
    Blisters starting to recede,
    Swelling in feet going down,
    calf muscles not screaming out in pain as loud,
    Thigh muscles, pain gone.
    I will never ever look down on a homeless man again, it is terrifying to spend the night out on the street, not knowing the intentions of the fella walking towards you.
    Brighton can get cold at night and doorways are very little shelter.
    I am off to gather more info and push on in the attempt to get on some sought of housing/accomidation list.
    Thank you to everybody for there support, prayers and wonderful best wish's.
    I will write again soon.
    Sean x
    It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice

    From UKSean

    Sean, my thoughts and prayers are with you, and im sure things will get better soon for you.
    To Infinity And Beyond!!


      From UKSean

      Sean, you have been in my dally prayers and I will continue to keep you there...
      stay safe and keep positive. The best is yet to come.
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


        From UKSean

        Great to hear from you Sean. I am glad that things are getting a bit better for you. You continue to be in my prayers as well.:l
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          From UKSean

          Look after yourself Sean and take it easy.


            From UKSean

            Hi Sean. Yep, sleeping rough is another world. Hopefully it's getting warmer by the day there, and putting a 'sunny' slant on things. Chin up...........G.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              From UKSean

              Sean it's good to hear from you. Sorry to hear you've had a bad time lately, i hope and pray that things sort themselves out for you soon.

              Thinking of you x x


                From UKSean

                Great to hear from you Sean, sorry you've been having a bad time of it - thinking and praying for you.
                Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                  From UKSean

                  saying prayers for you Sean.


                    From UKSean

                    Hey there Sean
                    Glad to made to old Blighty but sorry to hear things are slow in coming together for you. Its horrible that you have to sleep rough are there no hostels or anything you could stay in. Have you thought of buying a tent and sleeping bag and staying at a local camping ground or even renting a caravan in a caravan park short term. A google search brings up three camping grounds in the area - Three Ponds, Rushey Hill and southdown farm. I am sure if you go to the information centre you will get details. Hope things look up soon.


                      From UKSean

                      well done sean for picking up the peices and soldiering on! i hope your dawn comes soon

