G & Ezz - what the hell is it with Irish pubs??!!! There's no boundaries in those places!! Whether I like it or not I'm sure my decision to purchase said apartment in Sydney was somewhat swayed by the fact that there was an Irish pub in stumbling distance...
G - Does your avocado tree get fruit?? My dream - a fruiting avocado tree...actually any & all fruit trees are pretty good. My neighbour has a grape vine & several citrus trees she shares with us...I got bitten by a wasp at the grape vine the other day - f***ing hurt.
Pan - where are you?? Thinking of you...
Eski - How you doing?? And Crystal & Rags & Froggie & everyone else who drops in...what happening??
Betts & Ezz - Day 4 here we come - I'm journalling. I'm also never going to use the word 'journal' as a verb again...