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The Next day Thread Thurs16th April

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    The Next day Thread Thurs16th April

    Morning all,
    G & Ezz - what the hell is it with Irish pubs??!!! There's no boundaries in those places!! Whether I like it or not I'm sure my decision to purchase said apartment in Sydney was somewhat swayed by the fact that there was an Irish pub in stumbling distance...
    G - Does your avocado tree get fruit?? My dream - a fruiting avocado tree...actually any & all fruit trees are pretty good. My neighbour has a grape vine & several citrus trees she shares with us...I got bitten by a wasp at the grape vine the other day - f***ing hurt.
    Pan - where are you?? Thinking of you...
    Eski - How you doing?? And Crystal & Rags & Froggie & everyone else who drops in...what happening??
    Betts & Ezz - Day 4 here we come - I'm journalling. I'm also never going to use the word 'journal' as a verb again...

    The Next day Thread Thurs16th April

    Hey Angel!

    I'm up at 4am again, no idea why, lots on my mind I think, nothing huge, but things I should be doing and haven't so have made A LIST. Also have lady cramps so am having Chamomile and Spearmint Tea. AF time 'easier' this time around, no major cravings, but ask me again tonight after parent teacher meetings for the oldest Teen.....

    Wasp stings are the pits - were your kids around? You have to be brave in front of them lol!

    I managed another walk/run yesterday, am going to push a bit harder as I don'tseem to be too sore! Great for the mental health though!

    Hi to all to come.

    Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



      The Next day Thread Thurs16th April

      Geez I just saw your name & thought what the hell is Betts doing up?? LOL But it's nice to be able to 'talk' to someone when you can't sleep. I think I feel some lady pains coming on also...we'll see if I become unreasonably shitty today!!
      I agree that it's easier this time around (I only make it to day 5 or 6 usually)but I've made my mind up this time. Boozy said once 'you'll feel so relieved when you make the decision' and this time I feel relieved instead on nervous/scared.

      My kids were with me at the grape vine....there was a bit of 'aaah' and then 'abort mission abort mission' and much scrambling down the hill. LOL

      Good luck with the run...yay for endorphins!
      I'm off for a walk.



        The Next day Thread Thurs16th April

        Hey guys. We're off to melbourne zoo today and will stay the night in the city, just for the hell of it really. I'm pretty much guaranteed to be having a few beers over dinner and during the evening but planning to keep a lid on it. Should be fun.


          The Next day Thread Thurs16th April

          Good Morning Angel and everyone else,
          I've been lying low ( in bed actually) this week. Combined 'flu and URTI have really knocked me about, so not feeling too well at the moment. So no gardening or other activities. Mr Rags wants to get a last sail in this weekend before the trailer sailer spends winter in the farm paddock near our place. So if I don't get pneumonia or pleurisy I'll be my bouncy self again by next week though. (Cheerful bugger aren't I)
          Irish Pubs.... They have to be the tackiest "theme" that promoters have come up with in the last 30 years. Sorry Angel, but I just don't like them. Now, had you bought an apartment near the Lord Nelson at The Rocks, that'd be a different story!! Fanatstic beers made on the premises..... Quayle Ale, Nelson's Blood.... and I think the first pub in Sydney to have Coopers on tap.... but it's years and years since I've been there though.

          Proj, enjoy the zoo to-day. If you have a garden, buy a bag of zoo poo.


            The Next day Thread Thurs16th April

            Hey Projectile Vomit...I should've know you were an Aussie with a name like that!!! Enjoy the zoo, hope it's a nice day.

            Rags - I can't stand the Irish pubs either...even when I went there!!! And Mr Cakes used to work at an agency just around the corner from the Lord Nelson...2 min walk so guess were you would find us every Friday night from 5.30pm?? Or Thursday...or Wednesday...!That or that other really old pub there (can't remember the name but it was dark & dingy)
            I had a URTI last week also - was horrible. had antibiotics for the first time in years.

            I'm off for a coffee with Mr Cakes - Betty, yes I am incredibly impatient today & being unreasonable...the kids are driving me nuts...yay for day 4!!!



              The Next day Thread Thurs16th April

              Morning all.

              Well I grew out of Irish pubs when I gave up my backpacking days. There is one great Irish pub in Perth, full of real irish people and non of those plastic paddies that hang around in theme bars.

              Sorry to hear you are not feeling well Rags. But I am with you girls with the lady pains. Really peeved off that they get worse as I get older, not better.

              Day 4, and I still feel really positive. Off to body attack this morning. I have decided to work on the muscles in my upper body, I was always so afraid of bulking up, so I am going to brave it, lift heavier weights and pray that what they say about women not being able to bulk up is true. I want great arms, not to be Mrs Hulk.

              We have a few different types of fruit trees, but I am really worried about my vines and my lemon tree. The vines are relatively young and the lemon is old, and both are straining under the dry hot conditions.


                The Next day Thread Thurs16th April

                Hey friends. I just had such a shock, I need to sit a minute and recoup! Hubs normally docile JRT (Jack Russell Terrier) grabbed my T'Belle's face IN HER MOUTH and shook her. Hubs was already asleep, but I rousted his but to hold my baby while I washed her face and looked at her wounds. I know they're not really bad, but I'm still getting over losing Will last month, and now this! T'belle is wrapped up in my lap now, and has quit shaking, but I haven't!!! Anyway, T and I will be going to bed soon, and Sadie will be exiled to the sleeping porch! (she's lucky that's all!)
                Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                  The Next day Thread Thurs16th April

                  ezzmae;593103 wrote: Morning all.

                  Day 4, and I still feel really positive. Off to body attack this morning. I have decided to work on the muscles in my upper body, I was always so afraid of bulking up, so I am going to brave it, lift heavier weights and pray that what they say about women not being able to bulk up is true. I want great arms, not to be Mrs Hulk.
                  You won't get bulky - just toned. Big weights on the chest means your boobs won't sag, biceps are particularly receptive to bigger weights as it's the smallest group & no matter how heavy you lift for the triceps it's hard to tone back there...oh and if you can lift any heavier than a 2.5kg (in each hand) for the shoulder track then you must be a man...
                  Here endeth the lecture...!!!


                    The Next day Thread Thurs16th April

                    I hope you are right. My biceps are pretty week, I want to be able to do triceps push-ups on my toes eventually. I also want to improve what I can lift above my head, and start squatting while raising the bar over my head. Just exercises I am going to do at home with my hubby. And be able to do 20 burpees in a row without feeling nausea.

                    I am feeling a little vulnerable right now, ringing around some moms to confirm the movie time on Saturday. Some people seem to have spilt personalities, one minute barking at me that they had already confirmed they were coming to the next minute trying to help me with another problem. These are not the most open friendliest group in the world, still haven't worked out the actual dynamics with them.


                      The Next day Thread Thurs16th April

                      Hey Ruby - nasty! Are they ok together usually? Maybe check the JR out healthwise - my friends dog turned nasty but it was ill. Hope you're over the shock.

                      Ezz - where are this group of Moms from? I got involved with the school PTA and really had to toughen up! Keep your chin up, there will one or two who are 'ok' lol!

                      Its my oldest Teen's parent teacher conference tonight which is stressing me. I just asked yesterday how he was doing, and they all emailed back to tell me he was distracted and could do better. Duh! My argument is though why on earth do they not tell us as parents when he's not handing in assignments? I'm not heavy handed re schoolwork, but know that if he can 'get away' with doing absolute minimum he will. One teacher is also complaining that he's using facebook etc. in class instead of doing research. They do everything on laptops and I've addressed the issue of what they can access, but the principal tells me there's nothing they can do. The situation is complicated by the fact that this school is actually run as a business, with the aim of making a profit for its owners. Doesn't sit well with me, but we have very little other option here.

                      Phew - rant over. But I won't be drinking!

                      Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                        The Next day Thread Thurs16th April

                        Betty, dealing with schools can be frustrating. When your son is at school the school should be responsible and limit access to certain websites, just like a lot of private companies do.

                        It is just one Mom in particular, every class has the domineering mom. This one is not the worst I have met but I am the only non-local at the school and that probably gives her a bit of leverage. I hate confrontation, I like the world to be nice and everyone to be nice to each other. Luckily I have a strong support base of real friends to keep me going.


                          The Next day Thread Thurs16th April

                          Would that be the Mercantile be any chance!
                          Sadly I too have a bad Irish pub history. Been in them all and barred from a few in my heyday.


                            The Next day Thread Thurs16th April

                            I refuse to go to my son's parent teacher meetings or even go anywhere near the school in case they tell me to take him out. I said to him last time will they tell me anything that I want to hear and he said no so I said well I am not going then. In fact we dont have the same surname so generally I can pretend I am not even related to him. This is my third time being through teenagehood so I am a broken woman and I just dont care about any that stuff anymore.
                            Denial is my middle name.....


                              The Next day Thread Thurs16th April

                              I can proudly say I have never been drunk in the Mercantile. I had a birthday there once, walked in and saw behind the bar someone I hoped to never see again once I left Ireland. Sent my friend to get the drinks, gathered all my friends and legged it on someplace else. Sometimes this world can be too small.

                              I'm guessing the Irish bar is Scruffy Murphys.

