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72hr NF Challenge

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    72hr NF Challenge

    Okay. I'm not even sure I'm ready for this yet. BUT, I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to quit smoking.

    We all know it takes 72 hours for the body to be freed of the physical dependence, so it is a perfect number to shoot for. 3 measly days right, or not so measly?

    I am upset that I am so buried in tobacco that I can't give myself 3 days of reprieve!

    So, I am here to try and start a riot of motivation for myself and others, and see if a few of us might emerge from the tobacco fields with a new vision.

    So, the challenge is to give it a mighty try for 3 days, and then continue NF free from there, or go ahead and smoke. I owe myself the experience of going those 3 at the very least.

    In case some of you might not know, I read a good article that talked about how smoking suppresses the appetite. Low and behold, it has a similar end-result on blood suger that alcohol does. It causes your body to release sugars stored in fat, rather than your trusty liver doing it's job. So, I think it would pay to keep supps like L-glut handy, as well as other sugar stabilizing herbage.

    So, are you in? Like I said, I'm not sure if I am ready quite yet, but I have 2 cigarettes left and don't want to get more!

    Let' rejuvenate! :l
    "With forward movement, you are bound to encounter turbulence." - I dono

    72hr NF Challenge

    Hi Rej,
    I gave up nic a couple of months ago but I am certainly with you in spirit! You can do this buddy!
    Yes, definitely keep up the lglut also surprisingly enough a big glass of ice cold water really helps the cravings.
    I am in!
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      72hr NF Challenge

      Hi Rej, I'm in with you. It's daytime Thursday for me, not sure where you are - 3 days takes me to daytime Sunday!!
      I'm not a chain smoker but i smoke when I drink and I smoke when i'm out. I find aromatherapy oils burning around the place such as rosemary and geranium help a lot, or if that too much, a dab of one of these on your sofa/pillow.
      Ok, let's do it :-) Ann


        72hr NF Challenge

        I suspect it will be particularly hard for me, mostly from the nature of my routine (habit). I smoke fairly frequently, but only about 1/3 of a cigarette each time.. So, it seems that I keep a constant dosage in my bloodstream. Fighting the impulse to simply go through the motions is going to be hard all by itself.
        "With forward movement, you are bound to encounter turbulence." - I dono


          72hr NF Challenge

          I only wish i was so convinced as you, Zen et al. I just finished my last cigarette and don't intend to go to the store. This attempt will usually only last a couple hours, though. We'll see.

          I'm surprised there aren't very many folks responding that smoke and want to quit. Maybe the site is just slow right now.
          "With forward movement, you are bound to encounter turbulence." - I dono


            72hr NF Challenge

            Tell yourself that its the way its going to be.
            Write down all the reasons you want to stop
            Deal with the cravings as and when they come up
            The lglut, water, walking will help as will remembering a craving only lasts 3 can do this, its not easy, but you will feel sooooooo good about yourself when you do
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              72hr NF Challenge

              3 min? Ok. Looks like I'm overhauling myself here.. Need to start exercising too. I'm likely the most sedentary person I know.

              I'll probably be on the chat later whining about the cigs chanting my name at the corner store.
              "With forward movement, you are bound to encounter turbulence." - I dono


                72hr NF Challenge

                Right, get your backside out for a good brisk walk..
                Have you had a look on the net to find out how long certain improvements take when you give up? That might keep you focussed..
                Oh and maybe a picture of a manky pair of lungs for good measure?
                Just sayin' :-)
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  72hr NF Challenge

                  Hi Rej, how are you holding up? I'm planning to go for a walk and eat dinner and scoff some chocolate this eve hoping I'll be ok.


                    72hr NF Challenge

                    Good for you Ann!
                    Chocolate will definitely keep those cravings at bay. At least it did for me!
                    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                      72hr NF Challenge

                      Well, I guess it's official. I'll call my beginning at 2pm Mountain time. I enlisted the one remaining patch I had from a feeble attempt last year. I guess that would be cheating (still nicotine)? Even so, I'll just add another day then! My goal for today is to NOT buy cigarettes and I'll be well on my way.

                      In about 2 hours I'll be chomping at the bit.

                      "With forward movement, you are bound to encounter turbulence." - I dono


                        72hr NF Challenge

                        The patch is good! I've used em and they work if you get them on BEFORE you start craving! Otherwise i just pull it off and smoke anyway, hopeless case that I am. Just try not to fall aspeep with it on cause then you get a patch hangover - really LOL.
                        You can reuse it by celotaping it back on in the morning.......OMG sounds so sad and funny at the same time.
                        SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY Rej! We can do it together.


                          72hr NF Challenge

                          My wife scoffed at my announcement that I was quitting, as she's heard it so many times before! That's all the more reason to smother my success in her face! Bwahahahahaha! Apparently she doesn't realize how determined I am in changing my ways across the spectrum.

                          I want a cigarette. 1 1000 2 1000 3 1000 4 1000....
                          "With forward movement, you are bound to encounter turbulence." - I dono


                            72hr NF Challenge

                            Hi Rej, Hope you did ok and didn't buy the pack. I went out walking and managed to avoid the shop for alcohol and ciggies so proud of that. :thanks:
                            Thanks for starting this thread, maybe we can get a few more takers tmrw too!


                              72hr NF Challenge


                              Check this out--I started it when I quit over 10 months ago! It has lots of support and information!
                              You need to think positive--you won't ever regret quitting!
                              NF since June 1, 2008
                              AF since September 28, 2008
                              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

