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72hr NF Challenge

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    72hr NF Challenge

    rejuvenator;593733 wrote: My wife scoffed at my announcement that I was quitting, as she's heard it so many times before! That's all the more reason to smother my success in her face! Bwahahahahaha! Apparently she doesn't realize how determined I am in changing my ways across the spectrum.

    I want a cigarette. 1 1000 2 1000 3 1000 4 1000....
    Oh trust me... I have tried a few times in the last two years.... It is only now that my life is 'peaceful' enough for me to give it a go again. They say it takes many tries for some until they get it.

    Me though... not nicotine free. Today is day 3 on Nicorette. I find that the fruit flavoured ones really keep the sweet tooth down.

    Lots of water, and lots of distractions! Eat well and get some exercise. There is loads of information as Starty said on the net to help keep you motivated.


      72hr NF Challenge

      Good on you for quitting!!
      I quit over 2 months ago and every morning I wake up grateful that I have.
      Use powdered L-Glut when the cravings get bad -- works a treat.
      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


        72hr NF Challenge

        How is everyone doing today?
        AFM, nicorette was my saviour for years, wonderful stuff!
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          72hr NF Challenge

          I'm doing good but it's the evening that my big challenge so we'll see how that goes. I'm planning a quiet one, which means basically not really going anywhere but anyway.....part of it. Ok, off to work. Rej? How's tricks?


            72hr NF Challenge

            Hi All:

            Well, I have some good news and not so good news. I had heard about the Allen Carr book that LVT25 mentions, "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking," so I went out yesterday afternoon and grabbed it. Being that work is slow right now, I began reading it at work and finished it by the time I went to bed. The author encourages the reader to smoke as usual until finished with the book; I didn't go so far as to discount my established intent, but I did have 1 cig.

            It is a very good book.

            As a result, I have changed my own plan a little. I am quitting for good, and Carr suggests that it will take 3 weeks to be entirely FREE, so that is my interim goal, even though I never want another cigarette EVER again. He says that after about 5 days it won't seem so much like a struggle anymore. The book does a great job at explaining that the major difficulty is getting over the fear and the brainwashing that smoking is doing something good, when all it represents are negatives as we all know. He casts in a light that the nicotine withdrawals as very minimal, that it is mostly "all in your head".

            Glad to hear you are doing well Ann. Looks like quitting on the weekend will be a little challenge, but then Carr suggests too that the best time to quit is when you feel like it isn't the right time, because when triggered the smoker thinks it isn't the right time, and when not triggered the smoker forgets how bad he/she really wanted to quit. In all reality, the right time is always NOW.

            I would recommend this book to anybody wanting to quit. I hope to one day say that it was all I needed to make the plunge into a smoke-free lifestyle!

            "With forward movement, you are bound to encounter turbulence." - I dono


              72hr NF Challenge

              Hey Rej, I was trying to think of the name of this book cause I've heard so much written about it, and it's results! I'm going to do my 'patching' this eve, but I'm going to be interested to see what you think of the book and if it works for you. On a good note, I was a 3 pack a day merchant for years until I took myself in hand and decided that I wanted to CUT DOWN. I thought I never wanted to be in the position where I couldn't have a ciggie if I wanted one, so I decided to cut way back and still smoke, just less. This worked and I never smoke during the day as I said. Just a night or when I'm out. I manage on less than a pack a week now. So there is hope for 'mod' on the smoking!!!!! Let's keep in touch on how we get on. Ann :thumbs::wavin::goodluck::bonkers:


                72hr NF Challenge


                Some of the points made by the author of that book may come as a surprise to you like they did me. I think you would appreciate some very well-presented ideas he tries to convey, even if it is only for consideration.

                To give you some hints though, he believes that using any kind of nicotine replacement therapy, or substitution with other things, only prolongs and actually makes the problem more difficult because it makes each cigarette seem more "precious"

                He also suggests that "cutting down" has that similar effect in that you spend more time in the withdrawal state, thereby treating that "special" cig as a meaningful reward, ultimately feeling generally miserable most of the time instead of being FREE.

                It makes sense to me also when he says that it is a DRUG ADDICTION, and the natural tendency is to want more. It is a slippery slope, and very rarely do people actually control it to the extent that it stays casual.. And as long as the mind has not fully rejected the weed (as he calls it), the urge will be ever present even when you do quit, no matter for how long, which explains why ex-smokers often start again.. Be careful!

                If you read it, you might just find yourself quitting all together!! It is a filthy pointless habit!! Beware.. If you dare read that book, you might just change your mind!! *hint hint*

                Keep it up! I'm a non-smoker already! YIPPEE!!!

                "With forward movement, you are bound to encounter turbulence." - I dono


                  72hr NF Challenge

                  She saw that I spent $15 on this book. I'm sure she's eyeing me to make sure that it is REPLACING the cigarette expense, rather than ADDING to it..

                  She's the type who won't say squat until she sees REAL improvement by her opinion. I'll give it a couple days and she'll probably be showering me with support and affection.

                  It's kind of odd how getting rid of the drink and smoke can reignite a romance when you're with someone who's become so absolutely bitter about it. My smoking bothers her more than my drinking.

                  Maybe for once in our relationship I'll get to say, "Honey, please don't take this personal, but I kinda feel like you've been smothering me lately.." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.. Phew, calm down Rej... okay...
                  "With forward movement, you are bound to encounter turbulence." - I dono


                    72hr NF Challenge

                    LMAO Rej!!!
                    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                      72hr NF Challenge

                      I thought it appropriate to add this YouTube link LVT posted in her thread from before. It is a 3 minute segment of Allen Carr describing some of the principles of his approach.

            [/video]]YouTube - Quit Smoking Advice

                      OH!! And this one!! LOL

            [/video]]YouTube - Smoking On The Balcony
                      "With forward movement, you are bound to encounter turbulence." - I dono


                        72hr NF Challenge

                        Way to go, Rej! I saw that book at Christmas time while shopping. What I wanted was the one written by him but about alcohol. I might just skip down to the mall and see if they still have the smoking one.

                        I am on day 4 smoke free; and I am finding it pretty easy this time around. I am not chewing the shit out of a zillion Nicorettes like in my past attempts. I want this so bad. I had to run out this morning and didn't even think about buying a pack. Until I passed a Liquor store and then the thought of BOTH hit me hard. But made it home nonetheless. I need to find that willpower again.

                        Now only if my little one would eat her Easter chocolate so I don't have to. Need to get some l-glut as well. Apparently it helps with sugar cravings. Ahhhh.... another battle.

                        Keep on going! You are sounding great!


                          72hr NF Challenge

                          Great going AFM! Gosh... dreaming of a Day 4 over here... Don't worry about the will power, just remind yourself that it does NOTHING for you!

                          As I was reading the one about smoking, it reminded me of how my quitting alcohol felt a couple weeks ago. I felt like the method he presented could've easily applied to both. I had the attitude that I was going to quit no matter what, felt the immaculate moment of freedom after Day 2, and didn't really look back (with the exception of a slip here and there). But, my point is that alcohol doesn't occupy my mind because I am ABSOLUTELY ELATED that I don't feel the need to have some just to feel okay. I wouldn't give the feeling away only to be stuck in the abyss once again.

                          So, I think Carr has me convinced that, even though I haven't thought of the smoking as so detrimental as I did the alcohol, if I keep the attitude that the mere acknowledgement of being free of the nasty shit will fill my soul with liberation and peace, there is no competition, no thinking twice about leaving the tobacco behind.

                          Damn.. I know it's hard. I've been wanting one about every 10min... But, I keep telling myself it is the nicotine talking, not ME. I want to kiss my wife and not have to apologize for smelling like a rotten tobacco cesspool.

                          An interesting point he makes in the book, among many others, is how ludicrous the addiction is in that women who are particularly concerned about their hygiene and appearance seem to pay no mind to the fact that the tobacco causes them to reak of bad breath, with stained teeth, etc.

                          How ironic that we do it even though it is so disgusting!! I simply MUST STOP THIS...
                          "With forward movement, you are bound to encounter turbulence." - I dono


                            72hr NF Challenge

                            Not good. I just bummed a cigarette. Shit!

                            "With forward movement, you are bound to encounter turbulence." - I dono


                              72hr NF Challenge

                              Hey Rej, yesterday was my 5 month anniversary of being smoke free. I smoked for 34 years and if I can quit so can you. I used the patch as I didn't think I could do it on my own and it helped a lot!!! Go for it! It is so great to NOT smoke!!!


                                72hr NF Challenge

                                Attached files [img]/converted_files/874206=4887-attachment.gif[/img] [img]/converted_files/874206=4897-attachment.jpg[/img]
                                "With forward movement, you are bound to encounter turbulence." - I dono

