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The Next day thread Friday 17th April

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    The Next day thread Friday 17th April

    "Advertising makes everything seem so much better than it actually is. And that's why it's such a perfect career for me. It's an industry based on giving people false expectations. Few people know how to do that as well as I do, because I've been applying those basic advertising principles to my life for years" Augusten Burroughs, Dry.
    So I finally got my hands on a copy of the above book and I know I'm gonna like this guy when I read that paragraph on the first page...I geddit. And it's funny because most of my friends are or have been in the ad industry
    Anyway, it's a gorgeous morning here. Day 5 on a tonight I've arranged to do a class at the gym with a friend & to dinner...we usually share a bottle of wine between 3 of us (my friend is a true modder - she probably goes for weeks without even thinking about al) and I never ever feel like having another glass when I get home, it's funny how some people have that effect...she's a good one. Anyway tonight my line will be 'actually I'm gonna stick to green tea tonight'.

    Mr G I have no idea about the avo tree...I'm a total novice, I'm constantly amazed that I haven't killed my veggies yet. But I do know they take about 7 yrs to fruit so it would be a real shame to lose it...


    The Next day thread Friday 17th April

    That book is fantastic Angel, I have read a couple of his and he is a great writer. I am sure you will enjoy that one.
    Great going on day 5! Doncha feel great????
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      The Next day thread Friday 17th April

      I do feel great Starts and thanks for recommending the book - you gave me the idea!! I also like the look of 'Running with Scissors' might read that next.


        The Next day thread Friday 17th April

        Oohh was it me??...Yep, I have read running with scissors too, another excellent one..
        How he did as well as he did with the cards he was dealt in life is pretty incredible..
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          The Next day thread Friday 17th April

          I know - I've only had a glimpse but it's good to remind myself how lucky I am.


            The Next day thread Friday 17th April

            Morning Angel, Starter's, and all to come!
            Terrific you're on day 5 Angel, good job! Did i read you say that you usually seem to go to day 5,6,7, then that's it? Are you going for 30 days here, or just feeling your way?...Either way, it sounds like a progression, and that's a positive move, and mind set. I watch my tree with great interest. I've been uncharacteristically busy, recently, but i'm gonna do my research, and have a closer look etc.
            Betty and Ezz, hope all is well. Weekend coming up Ezz, i recall you expressed some concern?..What's your back up plan?
            Have a magical day everyone, and stay safe, strong, and be well!...............G.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              The Next day thread Friday 17th April

              I'm going for 30days G...and then I'll see how I feel after that. You make a grand cheer leader!! Love it!
              Save the tree, save the tree...


                The Next day thread Friday 17th April

                Morning everyone

                Also on day 5 here. I think this weekend I will be fine. I am planning to go for a long slow run on Sunday, a challenge for me because I trained my body to only do short sprints during the last few years. My daughter's birthday this weekend and unless something goes very wrong with it I don't think I will be tempted to have a drink.

                Gym this morning, core strength and circuit training. Saturday is going to be my day off exercise this week. My reward for not drinking will be to eat bad sugary foods.

                Mr G, my old mature lemon tree almost died a few years ago, the next year we removed most of its fruit to give itself a better chance to recover and it did. I have a orange which took many years to fruit, a hybrid apple tree (not the best being a hybrid), a young nectarine that fruits, a vine that will hopefully fruit next year and 2 dud banana trees that I don't think will ever fruit.


                  The Next day thread Friday 17th April

                  Morning all.

                  Angel and Ezz you sound really positive, stick at it! I have a little bit of work today and tomorrow. This afternoon I'm being a teaching assistant for drama sessions at a pre-school, and all day tomorrow I'm supervising classrooms whilst teachers have parent meetings. Will be good to feel useful. Am fine as regards my AF time, no major cravings, but am itchy again same as last time.

                  I had a dream that I had a baby last night. It just slept all the time, has freaked me out a bit...

                  Have a good Friday

                  Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                    The Next day thread Friday 17th April

                    Morning all
                    Angel seeing as your friend is a moderate drinker you could tell her you are not drinking tonight and maybe the she wont bother either. That means you are not faced with the temptation of a bottle in front of you especially if you know from experience that you are particularly vulnerable around day 6. I know that after 6 days AF I would have been feeling invincible and the voices would tell me I didnt have a problem and in that type of situation where the AL is right in front of me I doubt I would have been able to resist. Also the other thing I noticed for me personally was that if I drank after excerise the AL would hit the spot straight away and I would have been off like a rocket as the endorphins are already through the roof from the exercise. You might want to bring a banana with you or something and stuff that in your gob when you come out of the gym and dont forget the l-glut. I am sure you will be fine but be on your guard!


                      The Next day thread Friday 17th April

                      Hey Betty
                      That must be the baby you promised me for my trip!


                        The Next day thread Friday 17th April

                        Oh don't, my Husband has just suggested we get a kitten. Maybe he's more freaked than me....
                        Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                          The Next day thread Friday 17th April

                          Like those doll babies...they just 'slept' all the time...

                          Boozy, my friend is such a moderate drinker that she'll either not have one or just order a glass. The 3rd friend isn't coming and there's no way she'd get a whole bottle so I feel OK. And good idea on the banana...a major trigger for me is when I'm hungry.


                            The Next day thread Friday 17th April

                            Hi All,

                            Been a bit busy lately with school holidays and all haven't been posting or even reading much. Hope everyone is doing okay. Well done on getting to day 6 Angel that's great! I can't say I am doing all that well with AF but am determined to start again. Kids are back at school next week so I am going to get back into my routine and start over. Fed up with myself! We have an 80's party to go to tomorrow, can't say I'm looking forward to it all that much. It's sponsered by XXXX who are providing all the beer so there will be lots of drunk people! Oh joy. Anways... next week is a new week! Can't wait to get back to the gym. Have been really missing it! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

                            Obstacles are those frightful things we see when we take our eyes of our goals - Henry Ford

                            Will power, determination and friends can turn this :teeter: into this :wings:


                              The Next day thread Friday 17th April

                              Evening all.
                              Well done on day 6 Angel. It really does get better with time.
                              Esk.. As if the booze isn't bad enough, an 80's party!! The music alone will be depressing enough!
                              To Infinity And Beyond!!

