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The Next Day Thread Saturday 18 April 09

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    The Next Day Thread Saturday 18 April 09

    Hello, good morning, good afternoon, good evening everyone,

    I have a computer hog of a husband. I hardly get a look in, so I haven't had a chance to get on and chat. I'd forgotten, after being on my own for 3 months, what having a husband in the same house was like.

    Well, let me tell you, it is definately not relaxing. I don't have any time for myself anymore, that's for sure.

    I need to go back and read over the last week to catch up, but that is not an option at present, so I thought I would just start tomorrows thread tonight (which is still today) to say I am still alive, while I do have a moment to myself.

    I got to 67 days AF and had 3 glasses of wine last Saturday - admittedly 150ml glasses. I also had 3 glasses tonight. Both times we went out for dinner. I must say, I really did enjoy them, but I easily stopped at three. Two wouldn't have been enough. So, I don't know what that says. I wanted the three, but knew I wouldn't drink more than that.

    Next day last Saturday, no ill effects the following day. That night, just felt the edge taken off. Tonight, needed the edge taken off after 24/7 with hubby for a week after so long apart.

    Angel, I hope you are going well with the AF days and the cigs. Betts, I hope you have written to tell us about your time in Dubai. Starts, hope you enjoyed your holiday at the sea better than last time. I can't remember what else was going on the last time I was logged in, so please forgive me if I've forgotten anything of major importance.

    Has Mame been in to visit lately?

    All well here in this part of Qld - bit of drizzle here and there, but generally the usual lovely weather. Drove through some floods last week and took some amazing photos.

    I will catch up with you all when I can get my life back to myself in a manner of fashion. Hope everyone has a lovely life in the meantime and keep well and safe.

    Love Pan
    Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
    AF May 23 09 to July 09
    AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.

    The Next Day Thread Saturday 18 April 09

    Hello everyone,

    Just a quick wave :Wavin': from the other side of the world.

    Pan-my HB is getting ready to retire in 3 weeks. So he will be here with me 24/7! :shocked: I must say, I do have mixed feelings about it.

    I hope everyone has a great day, afternoon, evening? LOL!
    AF since 7/26/2009

    "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

    "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


      The Next Day Thread Saturday 18 April 09

      Nice to see U guys . . .

      Hi Pan-, Hi Lilmea, I have an idea, what if you tell Hubby to go to the library to hookup on the Net . . .

      LilMea, if your hubby is anything like mine, you'll never see him. Once he retired he got so bored he was looking for things to do. Meanwhile we have loads to do around the yard and the house but . . . then we get a call . . . then another . . . then another. Word is out that hubby is retired and 'good grief' he can't say no to anyone. Nice to be so generous with your time but . . .

      On a brighter note, I get the commpuuuuter!

      Oh ya Pan- Excellent Job on the 65 Days and the Modding!



        The Next Day Thread Saturday 18 April 09

        Oh Yay Pan's back!! How exciting to see the threads started...great work Pan, it sounds like modding is working for you. That's so great...I realised last night that at the beginning of my AF time I'm really going by blind faith...what you & Boozy, Starts, Cy, Mr G & everyone else says about being AF, because sometimes I'd rather just have drink, but I'm totally trusting you guys when you say "it's better AF, stick it out" so it's really great to hear the success stories :l
        I have another challenge tnt, a friend (another true modder)is coming over for dinner, I've already said to her that she can bring some wine if she'd like a glass but I'm "doing a detox thing at the moment". Last night it was really helpful to have a plan, and I played it out in my head several times beforehand...everything went according to plan. So I'm gonna make a plan for tonight & stick to it.
        Hi Limea & Polar - it's so nice to have people drop in.

        Have a great day all


          The Next Day Thread Saturday 18 April 09

          Oh Ezz, good luck with the party!

          Betty - tell us about the gig.

          Hi Juno if you drop in again - you're doing great!


            The Next Day Thread Saturday 18 April 09

            Good morning all, and all to come, and welcome back Pan! It's great to see you again.
            Pan, all the best with the drinking in moderation stuff, and i think it was a wise move to go af for a good length of time (67 days..yay!) first, because you've had a chance to have a good look at yourself af, and a chance to see which path you want to go down, with a clearer head.
            Angel, trust me, af life is wild! I am free, no chains, and i really do believe i can do anything! Would you buy a used car from this man?! Stick at it, your brain/habit's/thinking doesn't re-wire itself overnight, it can take a few months, so find a way to enjoy the journey right now, and have patience my friend. I didn't think it was possible either, but now i see the other side, and it's feckin' huge, big, and wild!
            Take care everyone....................G.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              The Next Day Thread Saturday 18 April 09

              morning all. welcome back pan.

              still feeling strong on my AF plan this weekend. Party this morning. Bi-yearly garden waste collection this weekend also so we will be really busy getting all our trees cut back, we also have a lot of ivy here that needs to go.


                The Next Day Thread Saturday 18 April 09

                Hi guys!

                Pan, its great to see you back and doing well, good luck with your mod stuff.
                Angel, Mr G is spot on, AF life is great, I have changed for the better in many ways. I feel good about myself now (most of the time :-))

                Have a great evening everyone
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  The Next Day Thread Saturday 18 April 09

                  tea-time and I haven't even thought about AL. The party went well enough, I would never have managed it without the help of some extra mothers help. Tired kids now watching a wildlife program on tv and an early night for me.


                    The Next Day Thread Saturday 18 April 09

                    Congratulations Ezz!

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

