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Does anyone believe in ghosts?

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    Does anyone believe in ghosts?

    I have no doubt that there is some sort of life after death- and I believe that when family members die= and we ask them for help- they give it to us- Sometimes we don''t see it - and sometimes we don't get the answers we want to hear, but they are with us guiding us through our trials and tribulations. I asked my deceased grandmom, Mom (an AL) and my Grandpa (also an AL) for their help and support and guidance- I think that they helped me find MWO, and I think that they have given me strength to battle my addiction
    Nana, mom and grampa- Thanks- I love you and think of you every day
    Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
    And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

    • Yesterday is History
      Today is a Mystery
      Tomorrow is a GIFT


      Does anyone believe in ghosts?

      Thanks for youre replies...they mean alot. Im back on the wagon again today after a good rest....What did i do right to deseve all youre kindness and understanding!!! B XXX


        Does anyone believe in ghosts?

        Hi Bella.
        I hope you feel better. You're a good lady and that's what we're here for.


          Does anyone believe in ghosts?

          I feel your pain Bella I was abused as a child and I had to go through all that Inner Child stuff. It was rough. I have a spirit here in my house and it is very comforting, so yes I do believe
          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


            Does anyone believe in ghosts?

            The house I was brought up in a house built in 1065, and though I felt a presence at times in certain parts of the house, I never saw anything. I do believe in spirits of sorts. Maybe things that happened in the past in certain places stay there in some shape or form.
            To Infinity And Beyond!!


              Does anyone believe in ghosts?

              Have to talk to Evie cuz my spirit has left and I find it very uncomfortable without it.
              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                Does anyone believe in ghosts?

                Hmmm . . . . Interesting . . . Question . . .

                Up until 2 years ago, I would have said NO a big fat NO!

                Then one night at approx. 4:44 am I awoke, went to the bathroom, washed and dried my hands, exited the bathroom to return to my bedroom and BAM no sound, no lights just the natural light of the moon peering through the windows.

                As usual upon exiting the bathroom, I looked to my right toward my livingroom and expected to see the same old nothingness and suddenly a dark grey silhouette of a man appeared in a suit and fedora hat. It rushed from the kitchen, past the hallway and out the front door (without opening it). I had to do a double take and pinch myself because I thought perhaps I was dreaming. I wasn't! We lived there 11 years and nothing like that had ever happened before that day or after that incident.

                That being said the house was built approx. 50 or 60 years ago; after an old schoolhouse had been torn down.

